I wake up I wake up
Way before the alarm goes off Bang the alarm and groan
Brush my teeth Brush my teeth
Rubber duck PJ's come off! Pinstripe PJ's come off.
I ride to work on Sasha I drive to work in the car
Check my hair Check my hair.
And you're there And you're there
And I wish you weren't And I'm so damned glad you are
Because now you're going to rant at me Cuz now I can rant at you
And I have to pretend And I've got an excuse
That I'm not staring at you To stare at you
God, it's hard Why is it so hard?
To not reach out and grab you To reach out and grab you
I know you'd say no I know you'd say yes
But I still wish- But there's still a chance-
That one day That one day
I'll just kiss you, just once I'll just kiss you, just once.
And you'll kiss back And you won't kiss back
And it'll be perfect And it'll be ruined
There's a small chance you'll accept There's only small chance you'll reject
So why won't I do it? So why won't I do it?
This can't go on This can't go on
Me sneaking glances at you Me sneaking glances at you
Taking in strong arms, a broad chest Taking in puppy dog eyes, a slim stomach
Forget Elliot Screw Jordan
Forget Kim Screw everyone else
There's only one person I want... There's only one person I need...