Sick little Shinigami

Summary: Death Gods can get sick too you know?

Omg first Death Note fic. I fell in love with the manga and read all in… 3 days so I had been a little… twisted… but I recovered!

Disclaimer: I own a little plastic Ryuuku that's dangling from my keychain… Love it! Worship it! It's so cute!


The somewhat dark hallway is slightly illuminated when lightning flashed. Within a second it goes back to darkness, all who sleep continue undisturbed. A single individual hovers through the corridor, watching itself float by in the mirror before slowly moving along. Water drips from the wet form, the rain drowned him mercilessly. Most of the moist was already gone, but he was still cold, shivering slightly.

It is silent in the house, except of course for the familiar sounds of snoring coming from the master bedroom, the head of the family snoring peacefully.

Effortlessly sliding through the door he sniffs the air, the scent of his favorite human thick in the air. The scent makes his stomach turn for a moment, rather painful and annoying. The God had been feeling like this for days, each day his torment becoming worse. He absently floats along the desk, rubbing a few scattered papers with meaningless information. He ruffles them, scattering the pages through the room. The Shinigami knew he would be scolded for this tomorrow, but his gut told him he didn't care.

Ryuuku inhaled deeply through his nostrils, groaning again. He was strangely tired and his whole body felt heavy, his stomach kept grumbling and turning and his head was throbbing. Especially his eyes hurt, when he would roll them or when he would keep them still.

But why would he be the only one tormented like this?

The God turned slowly, hovering over the bed of his human. Said boy was out cold. Ryuuku raised a hand and poked the sleeping form, but to no avail.







"Give me some attention…"


"I can do this all night Raito…"



"I told you we're out of apples. I'm not getting you one now be quiet."

"I don't want a apple…"

"Good because I'm… what?"

Slowly those brown eyes opened, hazy and tired. Raito slowly turns around bringing one of his hands from under the sheets to rub an eye. The Shinigami seemed to wait patiently for him to fully wake, or at least a little more. But he seemed different, the God seemed to lack his usual strangeness.

"It kinda hurts…"

"Can't we do this tomorrow?"

"It really does, for days now…"

The boy however turns his back to the God again, trying his best to block out the noise but not the sleep. Not that he didn't care about the Shinigami, he really did. Like one who loves his pet. But there were times he would care and times he would not. And around four in the morning, he did not.


The Death God, as powerful and experienced as he was could be such a little kid sometimes, his whines and cries sharp enough to break glass.


This time it sounded… sad… The human tried other thoughts, again trying to ignore the heartbreaking sobs from the large male floating above his bed.

"Raito, you can do anything so please stop the pain…"

The fact Ryuuku was begging him for attention not only touched him, it actually made him feel sorry for the guy. The Death God was, in his eyes, a strong man. And to have dropped to the point where he would try to crawl in his bed was just… wait what?

"Ryuuku… what are you doing?"

"It's nice and warm here…"

"You are not sleeping here."

"Raito, you're my human you can do everything… you're the best human in the world please make it stop hurting…"

How was it that Ryuuku was sounding this miserable? Was he really sick? Could a human catch it too and was it a fatal disease? The large body was cold against his own, and something was stabbing him. For some reason he didn't really dislike the Shinigami in his bed, the fact he could bite his head off or stab him with pointy objects that were his clothing, that was what worried him.

One more try.

"Ryuuku I'd rather not…"

"Look you either move over or sod off."

The human was pushed over, Ryuuku occupying the centre of the bed. The God snorted a little when Raito struggled against his hold, large arms, a lot stronger then they looked kept him in place. The strength of the large creature somewhat worried the human, the fact he was now promoted to teddy bear was just insulting.

Needless to say the Shinigami fell asleep quite easily and fast, his powerful grip still tight keeping his 'teddy bear' in place. Raito groaned a little, tired and somewhat confused. This was not how he hoped to spend his Friday night, a sick Death God in his bed treating him like a cuddly toy. For one last time he cursed the Shinigami, waiting a few more moments before sleep finally but slowly grasped the better of him. He would deal with this in the morning.

Slowly and sore Raito woke a mere hour later on the floor…

