Right. I know Gandalf didn't have a childhood because he's an Istari...but before you dismiss the idea, I just thought it would be interesting and rather amusing if this WAS possible. This is a cross with Harry Potter. Gandalf IS Harry Potter. Basically after the second war of the ring is over Gandalf thinks he needs a holiday so he goes back to his home in Hogsmeade, but because of reasons unknown he has to leave some of his sprit in middle earth so when his holiday is over he can return. Therefore he leaves a child version of himself in Rivendell (Harry Potter) and the people of middle earth begin to learn about Gandalf's childhood and wizard culture. Something all the peoples have been interested in but never had to guts to ask the wizard about it. I didn't put this in the actual story because I wasn't quite sure how to write it so people would understand. This is my first fan fiction you see and I don't want to confuse anyone. So...Gandalf or harry as he is called in this is about 14. He's just finished the tri-wizard tournament and he's taken by older Gandalf in the summer before his 5th year at Hogwarts. So enjoy...well try to. Don't be mean...remember it's my first go...don't want me to be put off writing for life lol.

Chapter One – The council regroups

The wizard smiled at the elves and hobbit before him. Pippin leapt at the old man for one last hug before he boarded the boat.

"There there Pippin, I will be back before you know it." The little one grinned broadly in return.

"Look after me wont you Elrond?" The elder elf smiled gently and waved a fond farewell before his dear friend was so far into the distance, even his elvish eyes could not make him out.

It had not been long after Gandalf had left, hardly even 20 hours before the council of Elrond had once again come together. Elrond stood.

"I understand you are all interested to see Gandalf as a child as I myself am, but you must understand that this child will know nothing of the wars, or perhaps even middle earth. All I am informed of, is that he is aware that he is coming to a city of elves named Rivendell. Also he said that it was hard to know where exactly he would arrive. As soon as he left, his other self would have simply metalized into the area. He has to find Rivendell first, the boy could be anywhere."

The others nodded in understanding. "Then should we not try to find him, if he does not know middle earth then surely he would not know the direction of Rivendell."

"I agree with King Aragon, if the boy could be anywhere then perhaps he is far from Rivendell and without direction." The discussion had suddenly grown loud and Elrond raised his hand as a notion to quiet the leaders.

"No, you misunderstand me. He will certainly come to an elvish land. He will be using some sort of Wizarding transportation." Realisation dawned on the council and many nodded knowledgably.

"Do you know when this child prodigy will bless us with his appearance?" Gloin asked curiously.

"I'm sorry to say, I do not." There was silence for a moment. The wind pushed a small cluster of leaves across the ground the council surrounded and at last someone spoke.

"So it could be ages?" Pippin asked gazing hopefully at Gandalf's place at the council as if he would suddenly appear from thin air. Pippin, Merry and Sam although not part of the council of Elrond, had somehow managed to squeeze themselves in. How the elf lord did not know, but their nosy attitude caused some amusement to the other members of course.

"Depends how hobbits define 'ages', but since I doubt it will happen any time immediately, I suggest we go our separate ways until we hear otherwise." There were murmurs of agreement as slowly the leaders departed and went their separate ways to explore Rivendell whilst they lingered.

"Red hair, really tall and clever." Merry shook his head.

"No, I think brown, maybe long black hair like Aragon's." Sam concurred.

"But defiantly clever, Gandalf's always been clever." Legolas and Gimli had heard the conversation the hobbits where having only mere meters from where they too where sat and smiled at each other knowingly.

"So what do you think?" Gimli asked him.

Legolas frowned thoughtfully. "I honestly have no idea. It is strange we have known him for this long and yet, I know nothing of Gandalf as a child, or even as a younger man." Gimli sat beside the elf on the ground watching the small stream forcing its way between the trees of Rivendell.

"True, I recall the wizard as an old man even when I was only a child as does my father! I have before wondered how old our Istari friend is." There was silence for a second.

"My father too spoke of Gandalf when he was a young elf, then too he was said to have been an elderly man. The wizard must be at least 4000 years, nay, much longer than that even." Gimli's eyes widened and Legolas smiled at the awe on his friends face.

"What of this Hogsmeade? I have never heard of such a place, nor even the country, Scotland, even in books of history and documents dating back to Durin."

"Perhaps it is not in middle earth, did Gandalf not say Hogsmeade was a wizard's village?" It was at that point an elven messenger came running with speed towards the pair, beaming triumphantly as he spotted them.

"My Lords, Elrond requests all members of the council to order. It seems our young wizard has been found at last." The two stood quickly and ignoring all etiquette and calm, ran all the way back to the council, large smiles shone clearly on their faces.