Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Hey, everyone!

I'm trying out new settings here, I've never actually done angst like this before. So I'm quite interested in what you think!


The crashing sound of hard wood colliding with fragile glass rings in her ears, and she watches as the vase explodes in a million shining fragments, the flowers it contained landing on the ground with a soft thud.

Breathing heavily, she hastily looks around for more, more objects to destroy, just to have a sound, a sound of something breaking.

She grabs the nearest chair and throws it out the window, the satisfying crash making her grab another chair to do it again. There are still plenty of windows.

But not enough.

Shaking, she looks around for more. More to destroy.

The expensive room is full of furniture, full of priceless china, full of fancy fabrics. She wants it all to break.

She rips the curtains from the ceiling and smashes the china against the wall, every cup, one by one, breaking. She grabs the golden poker by the fireplace and hacks into the fluffy pillows on the sofa, the decadent four-poster bed, the paintings of Yevon priests on the wall.

The breaking, shattering, ripping, destroying everything that comes into her line of vision, it gives her relief.

Because the violent sounds of breaking glass and smashing wood drown out her angry sobs, and they make the sound of her heart shattering seem less intense.

She frantically searches for more, the battleground around her only angering her more.

Her green eyes locate the gift, sparkling at her mockingly from the windowsill, and she reaches for it immediately. The little crystal rose, perfectly shaped. He made it for her.

It represented his heart, and it would be hers forever.

She doesn't think about it. She wants to see the rose, his heart, shatter. Like he shattered hers.

She throws it against the wall with a force only pure anger can give someone. With great pleasure she watches it race towards the wall, she watches it collide with the wall with a powerful ring.

It breaks.

It breaks so easily.

It took him so long to make. Hours, days, maybe even weeks.

And it breaks within a second.

She stares, her chest heaving, hot tears running down her cheeks, at the broken shards of what used to be the beautiful little rose. Paralysed.

The sudden silence is what makes her realise what she's done.

She looks up. Her vision is blurry, but she can see the mess she made, all the things she broke.

They mean nothing.

She looks back at the shattered rose.

It meant everything.

And it shattered just like that. Like it meant nothing.

She bites her lip and tightens her hands into fists. Her nails pierce her skin, but she doesn't notice. She doesn't care.

'I hate you!', she screams, at the rose, at the room, at everything, with such an intensity that the very ground seems to shake.

Because he left, just like that.

Like it meant nothing.

Please leave a review! Pretty please?