"Awwwww, well lookey here. I think our cute little Sakura-chan has a wittle crush on Sasuke-kuunn," mocked Tenten.

"Aw, come one Tenten. Not you too!" sighed Sakura as she consistently banged her head on the table.

Sakura stood up and cleaned her tray as she left her group of bantering friends.

She left them to argue about her love life as she grabbed her laptop.

Opening the piece of paper, Sakura saw that the Uchiha's sn was ….



Sakura's eyes widened in belief.

There was no FREAKING way that his sn was I.am.a.queer.man.whore.

WTF. This was sooo not right.

But then again…

Sakura pranced around the room as she thought to herself, " YAY! I was right all along! He's a man hoooooooooooooooooooooooe."

(A/N. You really think that his sn is I.am.a.queer.man.hoe? -- AHAHAHA. I couldn't resist)


Sakura looked at the piece of paper…hmmm. Interesting sn?!

The pinkette took out her XPS Dell and quickly logged in.







DogHowlz (Kiba)

DestinyRulesAll (Neji)

YouthfulYouth (Lee)

Cloudwatcher (Shikamaru)

Sakura bit her lip as she moved her cursor to the box that said, 'Add contact.'

Anxiously, Sakura quickly typed in Sharingan and pressed enter.

100RamenFlavors: SAKURA-CHAAAANN. Youre on finally!

BlondePrincess: Hey forehead. Did u add sexy man yet?

Sakura rolled her eyes at her blonde friend and quickly typed.

Saku: Yes Ino-pig. Hey Naruto!

Sharingan has accepted your request.

Sakura sat there nervously, wondering if he would talk first.


Sakura looked at the new chat box that opened up. Excitedly, she typed back to Sasuke.

Sharingan: Hey

Saku: hey Sasuke

Sharingan: u like me don't u?

Saku: …..wtf…why would i? that wasn't random….at all. dripping sarcasm

Sharingan: just look at me. I'm handsome, smart, everything u can ask for in a guy.

Saku: …. chokes on her spit

Behind the screen, Sasuke merely smirked at the computer.

Sharingan: haha.

Saku: ANYWAYS. How were ur classes?

Sharingan: Hn.


Sharingan: Hn.

Saku: you're just purposely trying to get me mad aren't u.

Sharingan: Hn.

Saku: ARRRGGHH. You are insufferable.

Sharingan: Hn.

Saku: THAT'S IT.

Would you like to block Sharingan?

Sakura quickly pressed yes and humphed to herself quietly. She looked at her other group chat and began to talk to her other friends.

100RamenFlavors: Sakura-chan! Are you talking to teme?

Saku: No Naruto. I blocked him. --

Weaponz: EH? Why?

Saku: beCUZ he's being a jerk…I'll unblock him later.

Lilies: but Sakura, I thought you liked him.

Saku: ………..

BlondePrincess: :OO you DO like him ;

Saku: --

100RamenFlavors: Saku-chan, u sure love those deadpams, don't u? :

Saku: …..u idiot. It's deadpans. Like this. . or -.- or -- or -- duh.

BlondePrincess: wow …..even I knew that…..

Sakura shook her head as a she reluctantly thought to herself about that Sharingan.

Weeelll, it was sort of mean to block him. But but but…he did ask if I liked him. I mean, what kind of guy asks u that after a only a couple days of knowing u? Oh whatever..

Sakura dragged her mouse across the screen and unblocked our precious Sasuke-kun.

Sharingan is unblocked.

Sharingan: finally. Ty.

Saku: np

Sharingan: and what inspired u to do such an oh so generous thing?

Saku: … I thought it was kind of mean to block u…..

Sharingan: hah…well I g2g. bb

Saku: bb

Sharingan has signed out

Sakura looked questioningly at the screen. Why would he leave? He didn't like her?! Was that it? WAIT. We will not fangirl. Stop it Sakura. Even though he is a total paragon….cough thos PSAT classes were actually helping we shall NOT fangirl him.

BlondePrincess: FOREHEAD. Where r yeeeeew

Sakura quickly typed back.

Saku: here here.

Weaponz: oooooOOOoooOOOoo u were talking to Shaarriingaaaaan weren't u? ;

Saku: sighs. Ten-CHAN, as a matter of fact..yes. but we all kno if DestinyRulesAll was online, u wouldn't be talking to us.

Weaponz has signed out.

BlondePrincess: someone is in luurrvvee

Saku: AND YOU. If Cloudwatcher was here, u wouldn't be talking to me pig.

BlondePrincess: …..

BlondePrincess has signed out.

Sakura smiled to herself as she signed out. Her friends were soooo easy to tease.

100RamenFlavors: Hinata-chan! Everyone left but us :

100RamenFlavors: Hinata?

100RamenFlavors: eh? Hina-chan?

100RamenFlavors: HINATA-CHAN


100RamenFlavors: ANSWER MEEEEEE

Little did we know, poor Hinata-chan has collapsed. Hmmm. She seems red as a tomato….

Well, we all know what happened there.


Author's notes.

Tehe. Yes, I'm alive. It's summer, so more time for updates…unless I get stuck at the tv……..watching law & order and charmed.

The BEST shows eveerrr. Hehe

So uneventful-ish. Kind of. Sorriez my friends

Kyouko will be nxt to update.


Till nxt chappie.
