NOTE: Sorry I haven't updated in a LOOONG time, I had loads of homework and stuff. Also I write and sit back and think about it for days, and put more into it later or correct it. Yah I take my time on my writing this story. Im also experimenting with using new words, so if you see something wrong tell me.

And to the person who reviewed not liking the cursing, this chapter doesnt have much cursing. So it seems okay to ME, but if you think it's gay then tell me, and I'll edit it.

Okay regarding Olimar, Olimar is a complex character and he was a challenge to do, and I had fun. He's also my fav. :3 I dont know why but I always thought Pit would easilly get along with Olimar because they're quite alike in a complex way. Also I decided to do at least 2 chapters on each character, because it takes sooo long to even get to the point of the story. so yah, next chapter will also be about Olimar.

Captain Olimar, very intelligent I'll tell you that. He seems to know allot and is highly bold, and is kinda playful. Pit is strangely Olimar's best friend, despite Pit being a idiot. They go almost everywhere together like fags. It's weird. I read Olimar's journal one time, he was taking notes us strange beings and crap. And even did sketches of me and the other smashers, it was interesting I'll tell you that. Though if Bowser ever read that, Bowser would turn into a raging lunatic and go on a rage looking for Olimar. There are times where Olimar seems to feel all...high and mighty of himself, just a little tiny bit, in my opinion. Because of this, DeDeDe doesn't like him very much and often calls him a "pompous chump." Sometimes Bowser corrects DeDeDe by refering him to "Pompous Asshole."

Olimar has also proudly told us several times that he has a wife and kids. Sadly, Peach was around one of those times and she 'awwwed' and hugged him all day along with some other females. All the girls were around him the whole time that day, except for Samus.

We haven't seen his family yet, but from what I know about the Smashers, it will be a disaster that day.

Also the douche keeps bitching to me, always asking me when I'll bring his family over to visit. I always have to tell him ' Whenever I have time.'

Pit grabbed some of the grass with his foot subconsciously out of boredom.

"Tomorrow, I'll be visiting my wife and children. There's no doubt it will be a wonderful evening." Olimar mentions. A red Pikmin sat beside him.

"Oh yeah? That's great."

"Not just great. It's wonderful. " Olimar added as he adjusted his pants.

"Ah." Pit smiled.

"I was thinking of taking a couple of friends with me so my family will know who I communicate with. " Olimar stated, looking Pit squarely in the eyes. Pit took the hint.

"Alright I'll go," Pit says, then looked up at Olimar. The light reflected off Olimar's helmet, blinding Pit a little by just trying to look at him. Pit shaded his eyes with his hand from the flare."who else is coming?"

"Link, Samus, Mario...Yoshi ...and I think Sonic." Olimar answered thoughtfully.

"Haha. Alright," Pit said cheerfully,"So I get to meet your come you're not bringing any Smash kids?"

Pit wanted to see what Olimar would say.

"Well, I thought about that. But then I thought, they wouldn't know the difference. They would think you're a kid."

Pit felt stunned. How did he know that?

"What makes you think I'm older?" he found himself asking. Olimar cleared his throat before he spoke.

"Well, before I came here. I wanted to know what I was getting myself into, so I requested that I get information on everything. If I had gone ignorant, I would have been pummeled for sure. So MasterHand gave me the files and I studied them."

"Oh..." Pit tilted his head," tell me how MasterHand came to you.."

"Well," Olimar began,"it all started when MasterHand was pounding furiously on my door..."


"Olimar dear! Can you answer that? I'm doing laundry!"

"I'm busy sweetie!"


Olimar stifled a groan and lifted himself off his comfy chair. He trudged his way to the door, that was erupting in loud bashing noises. Olimar unlocked the door and cracked the door open enough for Olimar to see who he was looking at.

It was a giant floating white hand...and it startled Olimar for a moment.

"Yes? Can I help you?"

"You Captain Olimar right?" the hand asked gruffly. Olimar scanned the hand up and down thoughtfully, almost rudely.

"Why yes. Who are you?"

"My name is MasterHand, I came here on behalf of the SuperSmashBrother Corporation. Actually, I'm the Vice President of the SuperSmashBrothers to be more correct." MasterHand says sternly. Olimar's eyes narrowed, he didn't want no insurance. He sure as heck was now feeling agitated.

"I'm sorry, I already have insurance-"Olimar began to close the door when the hand's finger blocked the doorway.

"Hey, don't you fucking shut that door in my face. I'm trying to offer you something better than that shit job you currently have. You could be famous Olimar, your name could be known through out all the galaxies. Through out all the other dimensions out there, and any other world out there that's breathing air. I offer you an unbelievable great pay, a good place for you and your family to stay, fame, and some great adventure. Take it or leave it asshole." MasterHand growls.

Olimar gave MasterHand a blank stare, taking in the information.

"I'm sorry, I've been getting allot of insurance salesmen at my door lately. Please come in." Olimar apologized sympathetically. MasterHand floated in quietly. Olimar directed him to a brown couch, where he sat comfortably.

"Whoa!" a little boy trotted out in awe,"no way, it's MasterHand! Cool! What's he doing here papa?"

"Son I-"

"I was asking your old man if he wanted to be apart of the super smash brothers." MasterHand interrupted rudely. Olimar glared at MasterHand, fully aware of what he's doing.

"Cool! Papa, you should go! If you do, I'd be the coolest kid in the school!" the boy shouted overjoyed, and continued his little parade," Captain Olimar. Commander of Pikmin. Slayed many monsters and risked his life, now in Brawl. Kicking people's butt!" The boy ran into his father's arms.

Olimar was shocked, he had no idea why his son was acting this way. Why he was so happy... but he felt happy that his boy was proud of him. He had a thoughtful look, gazing down at his son, Olimar Jr. He was actually considering it...

"So.. tell me more...about this smash brothers.."

"You've never really heard of us?"

Olimar shook his head.

"Boy, do you need allot to learn..."

"Im a fast learner."


"Touching..." Pit chuckled,"that's it?"

"No." Olimar replied, petting a fat purple pikmin. The purple Pikmin cooed in pleasure."After he explained everything, he asked me if I wanted to join."



"So what will it be?"


"Are you going to join?"

Olimar looked down at his son, who's gazing up at him with pleading eyes. He sighed. He hated disappointing his son.

"Sure, but in one condition."


"I want to have documents of each player's life history, fighting styles and fighting techniques. The dangers of what I will face too. Anything that I need to know."

"Hmmm...that's quite a condition...but I see no harm in it. Condition granted." MasterHand nodded himself.

"Great. I'll hope to get those documents soon!"

"You'll get it now,"MasterHand snapped his fingers and a pile of papers magically appeared in his palm,"here."

He handed the papers to Olimar.



"Oh." Pit only says.

"Well, since I'm going with you. You have to come with me on my next HomeDay then." Pit playfully glares.

"Deal." Olimar shook Pit's hand and did a special buddy handshake.

"Hey faggots!"Pit and Olimar whirled around to see a floating MasterHand," We're gonna go today okay? Tomorrow isn't a good day for me since I have to go to an emergency meeting which will probably last about 3 to 5 fucking hours. I bought you guys some McDonald's just in case you were hungry. Olimar get your things and the people you want to take over there so we could go already. I'll be waiting in my room. Don't take too fucking long or else you guys will piss me off."

With that MasterHand slid the glass door open and disappeared into the castle.

Olimar turned to Pit. " Do you know where the other smashers are?"

"I know where Link and Yoshi are. I'll go get them, I'll meet you at MasterHand's room."

Pit waved to Olimar and sprinted off. Olimar sighed as he walked into the castle, his Pikmin following as always humming to themselves.

"Oh, here comes Olimar." Roy commented from the living room. Olimar entered the living room to find Roy resting his feet on a small table. Sonic laid lazily on the couch across from Roy. Sonic eyed Olimar lazily, cheek on palm.

"What were you doing, Olimar? Feeding your pikmin again?" Roy asked, looking up at Olimar.

"No, talking with Pit." Olimar replied.

Roy said nothing but returned his gaze to the T.V. set.

"Sonic have you decided on that trip we talked about?"

"Un...yeah." Sonic said.

"So are you going?"

"Yeah, got nothing else better to do."

"Do you mind going today?"

Sonic cocked a brow.

"He changed your schedule didn't he?" Sonic questioned with annoyance in his voice.

"He did. Not much of a big deal to me." Olimar answered casually.

"Okay, I'll go," Sonic leapt off the couch and began cleaning a ear out with a pinkie, Olimar wanted to throw up,"who else is coming?"

"You'll see."

Sonic sighed as he followed Olimar and waved his goodbye to Roy.

"Seeya Red.."

"Do you happen to know where Samus and Mario could possibly be?" Olimar inquired as he climbed up the stairs.

"I think Mario's in his room," Sonic answered thoughtfully,"let me check..."

Sonic disappeared suddenly.

Olimar looked around, his Pikmin copying their master's movements.

"Sonic?..Whe-..."He trailed off upon realizing where Sonic had gone.

Minutes passed and Olimar glances at his watch.

Sonic appeared in the middle of the five Pikmin.

"EEEEEEE! EE! EE! EE!" The Pikmin squeeled scurrying away in fright.

"Hehehe Whoops! Sorry!" Sonic laughed nervously at their cute reactions. Olimar shook his head. How many times has this happened? Many times that's for sure. heh. But it always left him warm-hearted for his fellow Pikmin. Olimar blew his whistle for his Pikmin to come back. They all came back squealing as usual, but a red Pikmin tripped and fell.

Sonic and Olimar only observed this before Olimar decided to help him up.

Olimar trudged over to him, gestured his hand to the fallen Pikmin.

The Pikmin looked up at him. A blank curious face as always.

And he slapped his hand away with his little hand and slowly arose to his feet.

""Olimar looked to a bewildered hedgehog and looked back to the Pikmin.

"Are they supposed to do that?" Sonic asked curiously.

"No, no they're not. This is the third time that this has happened, to this pikmin in particular." Olimar pondered. He couldn't believe this was happening, for he deathly feared for a mutiny. It was one of his nightmares in fact! That was the first thing that came into his mind. Maybe they were working too hard and are starting to feel agitated by Olimar. Yes, maybe that's it. More free time for his Pikmin will do. Or perhaps it was deeper than that? Nonetheless, Olimar had to do something. The spaceman knelt down and relaxed his hand on the Pikmin's shoulder tenderly. " I don't know what's going on in there, but I will try and help you. In the meantime I'll give you a simple name"

The red Pikmin only stared.


The Pikmin's eyes glimmered at the name. Olimar chuckles when he noticed this.

"We better get going." Olimar said more to himself than Sonic and slowly stood up.

"Mario's coming, I told him we'd be here." Sonic said.

"There you guys are!" Mario sighed as he appeared by Sonic's side. "Why are we going today? I thought it was tomorrow?"

"MasterHand changed the schedule again." Sonic answered.

"He does that too me all the time. Mama mia!"

"Wait for me at MasterHand's room, I'll go get Samus." Olimar instructed.

Sonic and Mario nodded silently at Olimar as they part their ways.


A spaceman entered the gym daringly, for he was surrounded by a bunch of villains.

"What are you doing here Olimar?" Gannondorf questioned. He was eyeing Olimar suspiciously. Gannondorf wore a tank-top, and in one of his Gerudo cultured pants. At Gannondorf's words Bowser dropped the heavy weight on the concrete and sat up panting.

"Do you happen to know where Samus might be?" Olimar asks quite politely.

"Who wants to know?" Bowser almost growled.

"I do, she told me she'd go to HomeDay with me."

Bowser looked to Gannon who shrugged.

"She's in her room from what I know," Bowser says and lets out a frustrated growl,"she was tired, and she was pissing me off. She seemed to be stressed or something, I don't know. Women are complicated."

Olimar walked out and trudged past five doors before he faced Samus' door.

Olimar coughed.

He softly knocks on the door awaiting for a response.

"Yeah...who is it?..."

"It's Olimar, may I come in?"

"Sure, whatever."

Olimar walked in and softly closed the door.

"What the hell do you want, Olimar?" Samus asks coldly. Olimar scanned the room for Samus. His eyes widened and he quickly looked away blushing madly. She was laying in her bed with pants and ...a bra.

"Uh...uh...uh-do you mind putting a shirt on?"

"Bothers you that much? Snake doesn't mind it..."

Olimar jerked his head back in surprise. A ruffling of clothes was heard.

"Heheh, kidding...okay what did you want to talk to me about? And you could look now, I have a shirt on."

Olimar sighed and turned to Samus. Im so relieved that Samus put her shirt back on! I've never encountered a female like her! Very complex and hard to figure out, I hope my intellect is enough to interpret her.

"My HomeDay is today, do you want to come anyways?"

"Aw, today?" Samus moans in a irritated manner,"Why today of all days? God!"

Olimar petted Rebel who cooed in return.

"Alriiight...I'll go..."

"Okay, lets go."

Olimar was now starting to wonder if it was actually a good idea to take Samus now...