'How did we get into this situation?' Naruto thought as the Raven pushed him back onto the dark blue silk sheets that were cold against his back, but he wasn't quite able to feel the coolness of them when his comrade was above him, his tongue exploring the caverns of Naruto's mouth.
Sasuke perched himself over the younger boy; passion showing blindly in the blackened eyes that usually showed as much emotion as a pieces of coal. Those eyes that were as dark, but as light, as the starry night with pale skin that resembled the blindingly white moon were also asking permission from the blonde underneath him, there noses almost touching. Naruto burrowed his fingers into Raven hair, not caring how or when they had gotten into this he just didn't care anymore, pulling Sasuke down(it really wasn't fair that the Raven was using his obvious height difference as an advantage.) And when their lips touched heat coursed through the both of them hitting them in places they had never felt before; at least not for males much less each other.
The Raven began to rub Naruto's nipples through his black shirt making the blonde moan into his mouth. Sasuke smirked into their kisses trailing his lips down Naruto's neck; he loved how he could make the blonde shiver with such simple touches. When he fingered the edges of the blondes shirt slowly creeping upward onto a smooth tan stomach and how that didn't elicit any sound but make the boy tingle.
Naruto arched upward pushing more firmly against the older boy whom now he wanted more from. Much much more…things he had only ever asked Iruka about once; who was like his father therefore inclined to teach him what sex was, especially when the young boy about two years ago when he was at such an innocent age walked in on Iruka and his male lover; Kakashi. What was his father supposed to do but tell him that when two people love each other very much…and well I'm sure you know the rest….And he loved Sasuke though those feelings had just been reviled to him…and Sasuke seemed to want the same thing, so didn't that mean that they properly loved each other?
No, Naruto wasn't sure about love, for he had never really felt it, or been given love by anyone other then Iruka. But this was different then that kind of love, and it confused the blonde boy …but he wasn't about to pass such a moment up by stopping Sasuke and asking mushy stupid questions, not a chance.
But what was this exactly…Naruto wasn't sure…but all that he was really worried about how far they would go or how far he wanted them to go. Or what troubled Naruto's mind the most what in the world was going through Sasuke's head at this moment as he ripped the charcoal shirt from over Naruto's head and trailed kisses down the tan flesh that tasted so like…well Naruto.
Weren't they to young anyway to be getting this level of physical with another person, wasn't this just too soon? I mean they had been mortal enemy's, kind of friends, and barley comrades and now here they were making out on Sasuke's bed…in Sasuke's apartment…alone. Anyway wasn't it said that relationships that began with the most fire got rained on just a few short weeks after all of that passion and tragically broke up? Or, wait, was it the other way around?
Think about it though Naruto had barley turned thirteen and Sasuke was almost fourteen, wasn't this just moving way too fast? Well, it was for Naruto, but he was to far away to understand that his brain was screaming 'This is wrong! This is wrong! This is SO wrong!' Though Kyuubi sure wasn't saying anything, or doing anything, but still why couldn't he stop himself or telling Sasuke to quit it?
Naruto knew why, he wanted this. He would give up ramen for this! (WAIT! The world has just come to an end! Oh well Sasuke tasted better anyways.) :)
By now every article of clothing from the waste up had been discarded into a crumpled heap onto the floor. And as Sasuke distracted Naruto with his long eyelashes that lavished the younger boy's face, neck, and now bare chest with butterfly kisses as his hands unbuttoned the first button of his pants and slipped in.
While he played with Naruto just to hear the blonde boy moan his name, each time a little louder then the last, he thought about how much he needed Naruto. How much he had always, always, needed him…loved him, wanted him, hated him, was jealous of him, wanted to kill him, dreamed of making love with him, pained him, thought of him; and Sasuke never had known nor did he know now why.
When they had met, first met, what was it that Sasuke had thought of him? Was his first thought of him hateful or loving; was it then that he had shown his first signs of being gay? He didn't know, Sasuke had chosen to repress all memories from before that.
They had been friends, best friends even, they both sucked at showing it but they really held the other up. Perfect opposites that fit together in some impossible, unreasonable, way…like Naruto the boy who had felt the most devastation in the town, he was the loneliest person in this area besides Gaara who had just gone back to the village hidden in the sand after the chuning exams, and yet Naruto was the happiest person, on the outside at least, that anyone would ever meet.
So why couldn't Sasuke be like that? He had lost everything and so much bad had happened to him but so what? If he had been born with nobody, nobody to loose, what would he feel then? What unimaginable pain would consume him day after day, week after week, year after year with nobody? Not even anyone to remember…what then?
He pealed Naruto's pants from his skinny legs that held an amazing amount of strength; the blonde boy lifted his hips to help him. When Sasuke appraised Narutos body his insides churned with pleasure for the fact the no one else had seen him like this. And no one else ever would…hopefully…
Riding himself of his own pants and Sasuke took him.