A/N - Well I made this story for Fallenangel-vamp because they requested it . So I hope that you like it!

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT own Lucky Star or Kannazuki no Miko!


Skit no Miko?

"Oh, Konata, I can hang out with you after school today," Kagami said to her small friend, entering the classroom after the final school bell had rung for the day. Konata closed her school bag and picked it up, walking over to Kagami.

"Ok, I was going to ask you something later anyway," Konata said. Kagami looked at the girl.

"Huh? What were you going to ask me?" Kagami asked. Konata smirked,

"I'll tell you later."

Kagami just stared at Konata for a few moments before shrugging her shoulders and following her out of the school.

"Where's Tsukasa?" Konata asked as the two girls began to walk to Gamers.

"She has cooking club today."


The two girls continued to walk on in silence, something that was rare between the two, as they always had something to talk about.

"So what are you going to be buying today?" Kagami asked Konata as they approached Gamers.

"A DVD," Konata said.


"Kannazuki no Miko," Konata replied smirking.

"Hmm, that sounds sort of familiar…" Kagami trailed off, trying to recall the anime.

"Well it is a pretty popular anime for its genre," Konata informed, walking down the DVD isle. Spotting what she was looking for, Konata picked up the DVD and headed towards the counter, Kagami right behind her.

"What's it about?" Kagami asked.

"Oh you'll see."


Konata placed the new DVD into her DVD player, grabbing the control as she sat on her bed next to Kagami, who closed her book to watch the screen. The screen flickered on as Konata clicked the power button on the remote. The DVD went to the main menu, Konata clicked play. The opening sequence began to play; Kagami and Konata watched the screen. Not far into the anime when Himeko was caught by Chikane Kagami turned to Konata.

"Is this a yuri?" she asked warily.

"You betcha," Konata replied smirking.

"I'm not into this stuff so can we not watch it?"

"Oh and why may that be Kagamin?" Konata asked smirking. Kagami blushed, and looked away from Konata,

"W-Well t-that's because…umm" Kagami shyly trailed off.

"Because?" Konata mimicked.

"S-Shut up! I'll watch it!" Kagami screamed at Konata looking back at the screen. Konata smiled at Kagami's reaction then turned back to look at the screen.


"Happy birthday," Chikane said to Himeko before connecting their lips together. Konata withdrew her gaze from the screen and looked at Kagami, who was blushing furiously, and had brought a hand to her own lips. She turned her head towards Konata and let out a small shriek when she saw that the small girl was looking at her smiling.

"Fufu, your face is so red Kagamin. Why did you shriek anyway?" Konata asked. This just made Kagami blush even deeper and turn her head away. Konata laughed then turned back to the screen picking up the controller.

"Ok well since we don't have enough time to watch all of them, I'll just skip to the two most important parts," she said going back to the main menu and going to scene selection.

"The most important parts?" Kagami voiced. Konata nodded. She clicked episode eight and skipped to a scene where Chikane forced Himeko to the ground. Konata again smirked at Kagami's reaction, whose face was now as red as a tomato.

"I told you it was an important scene," Konata teased, skipping the scene once it finished. Kagami remained silent. Konata again went to scene selection and went to episode 12 – the final episode. A sword was stabbed through Chikane, blood trickling down and off of Himeko's sword. Kagami let out a small shriek. Konata bit her lip, trying her hardest to not burst out laughing. A few minutes later when the Chikane confessed her love to Himeko, Himeko too confessing and kissing Chikane. They let the scene finish.

"So, Kagamin, what did you think?" Konata asked, pausing the DVD. Kagami embarrassedly looked at Konata, again saying nothing.

"I was going to ask you earlier, but will you do this scene with me?" Konata asked. Kagami choked on a gasp sending her into a small coughing fit. Konata quickly patted her friend on the back, checking to see I she was ok. Kagami took a deep breath trying to get her thoughts back on track.

"Well?" Konata asked again.

"U-Uh…" Kagami stuttered out more red staining her cheeks. They locked gazes momentarily and Konata caught on to Kagami's thoughts. Her cheeks in turn went ever so slightly coloured.

"It's not like that or anything!" she exclaimed, waving her arms. Kagami shyly nodded her head. An awkward silence fell over the room.

"Why do you want to do this?" Kagami asked after she had regained her voice.

"Well there's this anime convention coming up and there's a skit competition," Konata explained.


"You don't have to if you don't want to…" Konata trailed off. Kagami looked at the down heartened otaku. Kagami couldn't help but feel guilty; it looked like she really wanted to do it.

"What happens if you win?" Kagami asked. Konata visibly lightened up seeing a faint glimmer of hope.

"The winner gets a grand prize of $10,000!" Konata exclaimed happily. Kagami stared at Konata in disbelief, her yes wide open.

"T-Ten t-t-thousand!?" she exclaimed. Konata nodded.

"So are you going to help me? We'll split it 50/50," Konata said. Kagami blinked several times before slowly nodding her head.



A/N – Well there's part 1 done! I'll try and get part 2 and 3 up ASAP, but I still need to update some of my other stories! . Anyways leave me a review or head over to the forums!