Ok. I am so sorry that I haven't updated in, like, forever! But school will be out in 3 weeks (yay!) and I will have the whole summer to update like crazy and start new stories, and get back to the old .Daize. So, please forgive me, and hold on until 3 weeks are up. If I can, I'll start writing the night school is out and post it the next morning! I know I've said "I promise" in the past and didn't come through with it, but you have to believe me. I do promise this time. ABC will be back up, and I'll try with East Northumberland Classical Academy, and Hate That I Love You, too. Thanks. And remember, just hold on.
Also, I don't know if any of you know of the website called Musicshake (www dot musicshake dot com), but it's awesome. It's a site that lets you create your own music and get MP3 downloads of the song, too. It's really awesome. I'm a user on the website (Nintendo_wii94), so check me out. Some of the song titles might not be catchy (like Party in the Sea) but that's okay. If you do sign up, PM me your username and I'll check out and comment on your songs.
June 9th is only 2 weeks and 6 days away…