I don't own Twilight, I don't own Apple (although I do own an iPod) and I don't own Ice Ice Baby... except I have the song on my iPod but that's about it.

Oh, and I don't own the movie Stranger Than Fiction, but that's where I got my idea for the title!

Weirder Than Fiction

Chapter One

Bella's POV

As much as I hated it when Edward spent money on me, I loved my new iPod!

My CD player had broken, a natural consequence of my clumsiness, and Edward surprised me with something better than a CD player. An iPod!

Of course, Alice demanded him to buy a pink one.

I can just picture Edward in line at the store with a pink iPod. Ha ha.

He got me one of the older ones, the iPod nano Second Generation, 'cause the new iPod nano Video is ugly.

I've already loaded several songs in my iPod, and Edward isn't sure that 4 gigabytes is enough, but I assured him he didn't need to buy me another one.

I loved listening to music all day long. When he wasn't with me, anyway.

I'd even uploaded the CD he made for me, and I listened to his lullaby when he went off hunting.

I had this very weird habit of making every song relate to my life somehow. Even if it was just one line in the lyrics.

Well, today, I needed some upbeat music to listen to while I cleaned the house. When "Ice Ice Baby" came on, my fingers snapped along with the beat and I could just picture it:

Karaoke Night At The Cullen Household.

Emmett singing "Ice Ice Baby"

He'd jut and bobble his head to the tune.

The picture in my mind was so vivid, I had to put the mop down and laugh. I have no idea how long I was laughing for, but I was still giggling when I heard Edward's voice.

"Bella? Are you ok?"

I was sprawled across the floor, clutching my stomach, iPod out of my case and only one earbud in. And I was still laughing.

Laughing so hard I could barely breathe, much less talk. So I just handed him an earbud and let him listen to my new favorite song.

He still looked at me curiously with a hint of concern. I was laughing so hard, he probably thought I was gonna like die or something.

"Can't you just picture Emmett singing that and dancing?" I imitated my mind's version of Emmett's head bobbing.

Pretty soon, Edward was laughing along with me.

We stopped eventually when Charlie came home to find us on the floor, giggling like kindergarten girls.


Edward decided not to let me have any ice cream for a week.

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That's my iPod that I described above! I got it last year for my birthday! Thanks mom!

lol. I was actually rereading New Moon and listening to my iPod on shuffle when Ice Ice Baby by Vanilla Ice came on and I could so picture Emmett head bobbing. So I had to wrie this. I was already considering doing little short and funny stories for Twilight. So here it is.