Last time:

Gawain, after receiving the timetable, and going through it with Harry; lead him (and in turn me) to the dorm that we will be living in for the next five years of Harrys life! Wow, hope that some of the people in the room are nice to him maybe Kendrick will be in the dorm...

To get to the Dorm room, Gawain led Harry and I back the way we came and through the group common room. Again Harry paused to marvel at the freedom with which the students managed their own time and was shocked by the absence of the typical student, rushing frantically to finish their assignment the day before classes started!!! How was it that in the whole group, not one student had procrastinated to the point that their work was a rushed piece of mess?? Instead of taking one of the other entrances on the left side of the common room, Gawain lead us to the single door on the right side of the common room. As we crossed the room Gawain explained that the dorm rooms were all on the right side of the tower and only single student rooms were on the left. Once you had been at the school longer and became more advanced in your studies, students could apply to the staff to get their own room for practical reasons, for example a student studying rituals would have to conduct certain rituals at specific times which could be disruptive to other students if they were in a shared room.

By the time all this had been explained we were standing at the foot of a stone staircase; looking up the staircase, it seemed as if it went on forever!!! Gawain started walking up the staircase and his brief look back at Harry communicated that it was going to be a long walk. After about 3 minutes of plodding up stairs, Harry realised that they had not passed a single door in the walls on either side of the staircase and started to wonder exactly how long the walk was going to be!!! However Gawain stopped and reached out, he located the stone 3 bricks away from the candle on the wall and 2 bricks above it. Gawain ran his wand tip horizontally along the stone and a door appeared. Gawain explained that only the students in the dorm and his own wand would open the door to the dorm and that this was a safety feature added in case students from other groups managed to find their way into the group's private area, Gawain also mentioned that all other students who were staying in the dorm would be inside, as required, in order for them to meet the newest addition to the group. After this explanation Gawain gestured to Harry that he should open the door and enter his new home and meet the people who he would come to rely on for support.

Green... it seemed like the whole room was green, a lush, verdant green! I walked into the room beside Harry and my first impression was GREEN!!! Upon closer inspection i realised that no, the room was not painted a shockingly green colour but instead every exposed surface had been covered by lush, vibrant greenery. There was ivy growing up the walls and on the posts of all the beds, instead of a carpet on the floor there was a layer of the worlds softest grass coating the ground!!!

Situated around the jungle-like room there were ten queen size beds, nine of the beds had a person sitting on it, waiting to meet Harry; Kendrick, Michelle and Imogene were all sitting on their respective beds. At Issabellan academy the dorms were not gender specific as the staff members did not feel like it was their job to baby-sit their students and that if the student was powerful enough to be invited into the academy, they should be responsible enough to manage themselves appropriately in all situations, after all, if the school didn't acknowledge friendships, why would they expect other relationships to arise??? However the males were on one side of the room and the females on the other, Harry's bed is the one on the far right of the male side of the room. The decoration of the dorm was then explained as Harry and I looked around to see the other students he would be rooming with; the student on the bed directly to the left of Harry's was a tall, slender male with the most brilliant green eyes, almost like Harry's; but where Harry's eyes were the abrupt green colour of the killing curse, this boys eyes were a deeper green, almost exactly the same shade as the lush greenery layering the room. The green eyed boy was obviously an earth elemental specialising in botanic growth, he introduced himself as Mickhael and explained that he was indeed an elemental fae*; the next bed over was occupied by a very petite boy, he was around the same height as Harry and had a delicate bone structure, the boy looked stunning, however he could not be described as handsome, if asked for a word describing how he looked one would have to answer 'beautiful', the petite boy introduced himself as Kale, a submissive dark veela who had yet to find his mate. The last bed on the male side of the room belonged to Francis, a tall, powerful, incredibly muscular dominant high elf. Francis was easily the tallest in the room, standing at around 6ft 5!! He didn't look incredibly tall, just large, however somehow his massive size seemed to fit in perfectly in the room. Moving across to the females side of the room, Harry saw Imogine and Michelle, along with three other girls; Claire, Francesca and Alex. Claire is a submissive light veela (like Fleur); Francesca, like Mackhael is an elemental fae, however her vibrant blue eyes reveal that her element is water, and her tall, powerful stature reveales, that unlike Mackael, Francesca is dominant. Finally Alex, a human madge took the bed directly opposite Harrys; Alex is dressed in baggy jeans and has short, cropped hair – she is clearly a tomboy.

After everyone had introduced themselves Harry sat down and began to talk to them, there wasn't much time until dinner so he didn't really get to know anyone particularly well but did learn that the first class after the new intake was that night after dinner. Everyone except for Harry and Kendrick were attending compulsory studies, however Kendrick was to take Harry down to the entrance hall where Harry would receive all the equipment he needs for the studies he has chosen and for compulsory studies.

Sooner than I assume Harry would like, Francesca, upon checking her watch announces that the group only has five minutes to make it to dinner. Dinner every night is in the group common room which magically transforms itself into a dining hall at 6:30, all students not in the room by 6:35 would not be served dinner and would have to wait until breakfast to eat their next meal!!! Something none of the starving, growing students wanted to suffer. I was glad I wasn't corporeal when in the next instance all ten of the students were thundering towards where I stood at the door! They swiftly ran right through me and headed down the staircase, however instead of sounding like a herd of elephants thundering down the stairs, it was oddly quiet given that ten teenagers were charging towards food!! They all slowed right down at the door as they didn't want the older students to know that they lost track of time; Harry was the only one slightly out of breath from the run down the stairs! The group gathered themselves together and entered the common room slash dining room, I was astounded by the remarkable change in the room and judging from the expression on Harry's face, so was he; where the sofas, TV, X-box and study desks had been before there was a single large round table surrounded by students of all ages. However unlike at Hogwarts each students meal was closely monitored and selected for them by one of the schools many nutritionists. As soon as each student sat down their specific meal appeared on the table in front of them! I was very impressed, the house elves must really be on the ball to be able to know which student sat where and send their meal up that quickly! The differences in the meals was quite obvious, the larger, dominant students had far larger meals than the smaller submissive students, and the meals were obviously catered to magical creatures, one of the older students, obviously a werewolf devoured a rare steak, sitting next to a fae who hungrily munched away on an incredibly healthy salad!!!

Dinner was incredibly different to how it was at Hogwarts, instead of the students just sitting with their select group of friends the whole group was far more social, with the older students and younger students chatting and helping each other. The circle table meant that practically anyone at the table could talk to whoever they wanted to. Chuckling to myself I look at Harry's bewildered expression as he sees how the older students are helping the younger ones, and the group mentality which just isn't present in any of the houses at Hogwarts. During the course of dinner, Harry had another chat with Corey, Gawain, Kendrick, Imogene and also met 5 other students in the group, all from different intakes!! Granted I could see the odd student who just wasn't interested in helping others, or really being part of the group at all, but compared to the many smiling faces at the table, those surly students were definitely the minority.

Sooner than we realised the clock turned 7:20 and everyone got up to start getting ready for their evening class, with some of the older students going to do private study. Kendrick walked towards Harry and the pair of them stood up and headed down to the entrance hall.

The pair seemed to have to shortage of things to talk about on the way down to the entrance hall, from Kendricks pet goanna he has at home, to Harry's old goofy glasses and why he chose those weird frames...

My first Poll:

Clearly the story can't really include all of the people in the dorm, however i wanted to introduce them all and then give you a choice. Who should Harry be friendliest with???

Kendrick – Harry's tutor

Michelle – Kendricks tutor

Imogene Creevey

Mickhael – earth elemental fae

Kale – submissive dark veela (unmated)

Francis – Dominant High Elf (male)

Claire – submissive light veela (unmated)

Francesca – dominant elemental water fae (unmated)

Alex(andra) – tomboy – human Madge