Between these Shades of Grey


"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And when you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you."
~ Nietzche


Chapter 1: Too much Energy


Where to begin?

I guess the start would be a best place.

In the beginning of time there was light side and the dark side. Both wishing to dominate the other. You're probably thinking 'yeah heard this one before' but you really haven't. You see this 'fight' between them actually caused the whole existence of the universe. You know the whole big bang theory? Yep those two caused it and it's also reasons why there are shades of grey between the two. Interesting huh?

Personally I don't give a crap, cause after that had came the energy or chakra or magic or whatever you wanna call it. It created life to go into existing, intertwining with evolution and I don't wanna want to go through the whole thing. Now as you all know varieties is all a part of that stuff so I'm going to point something out to you.

The energy that was created from the fight between light and dark was HUGE. Yeah it created the universe but the energy left over from it was large MASSES. What was astonishing about it was these large traces of energy could exist into one being. What we would call energy wielding you guys would say 'supernatural'. We're both right.

What light and dark done had done had caused an endless war. You know those shades of greys? Well mix them into evolution and supernatural…and there you go.


Well…that was the beginning.


You know what? Screw it!

If you want the Dummy's Guide 101 then here it is: there are demons, shape shifters, spirits, gods, magic wielders, angels…mostly fighters of good and fighters of evil. I can't really name them all but believe me check under the bed or in that cupboard once in a while.

So if there's that then why don't you ever see it on the streets? Well both sides found it beneficial not tell non-supernatural's if the war was fought in secret. They would be able to conduct their work without having mass hysteria. You mortals panic easily and panic does not help when you're trying to identify the enemy. Don't think there's not a third side, because there is.

The neutral.

This side usually tries to blend into human society and may even benefit from it for survival. Free will, you can say, was the main object of the neutrals. As long as no-one had taken it from them they really couldn't care less about the war. Sometimes they helped others times they sat back and watched the fireworks. Being neutral gave you the power to do whatever you want and not follow a course.

Being in this world for so long, I have seen countless of trials between good and evil. I have seen one winning then losing the next second. I have seen countless of losses that even I had lost everything because of this damn war.

I am Sasuke. Born into the world where light and dark are at constant war.

This war had taken away my clan.

The clan of Uchiha's.

The only clan of Daywalkers.

That's right. I'm a Vampire…not your typical variety though.

Daywalkers' are the only type vampire that can withstand the light of sun (hence the name) and anything holy or garlic. Personally I don't eat it. The rest of the weaknesses are still present but takes a little longer or a bigger impact. Hey we're tougher than normal vampires but we still can be taken down. The biggest differences between us and the regulars ones is that when we needed blood we take what we needed than guzzle it down till poor the sap of a human was nothing more than a dry husk. It was because of these traits that we were more suited for the light side. We were a lighter shade of grey.

The drawback?

Because we were the ONLY vampires on the good side we were easily targeted. Hence why I'm the last.

The memory of it…it's still painful even after 3 years, but it will never be forgotten. It was during that time I had met another unique being with whisker markings. A shape shifter, or to be more specific, a werewolf I was willing to lose any time.

He had been recently disowned by his pack. The greatest shame any werewolf would have installed upon them, enough for them to commit suicide to relieve the pain. Pack life was deeper than anything called loyalty or love could be and to be chucked out…was such a great loss of life. The most disgusting thing about it what he had done to be disowned was the mere fact he had been born.

He never told me what was in his heritage that his pack would throw him out for. I had only witnessed him transformed twice in my life. Instead of the usual grey, bronze, silver, white or black fur you'd get with any werewolf his was…an auburn colour with sharp ginger highlights. What made it weird was whenever he was angry another tail would appear. As his anger would grow so would the amount of tails and his strength and speed. I have seen him action while angry and I'm glad to say I was never on the receiving end of his blows. This could be the reason why they chucked him out. But like I said before, he never told me and I never pressed the matter. His anger was clear enough he didn't want to talk about it.

Did I mention that the werewolf were sensitive to the pack life?


It was because of that, that I never could get rid of him. He had so much loyalty towards me that I was grateful to have someone I could consider a friend after what happen to my clan. We had both lost our families.

My friend's name is Naruto Uzumaki, the greatest friend I could ever have.

Now you probably be thinking 'Wait, aren't vampires and werewolf's enemies?'.

Yep they are. Why hell do you think I was trying to get rid of him in the first place?

When we met we were tipsy AND depressed from what had happen in our lives. I don't know why but fate made us friends from that point on…even if I did try to get rid of him. You see he also happens to be a bit of a creative idiot. Creative cause he could create these interesting plans (or pranks as he likes to do) and an Idiot because his creativity usual would back fire on him.



That is another unique friend.


A usually cool, calm and collected redhead guy that can quickly flick to a hot tempered lethal mad man under Naruto's pranks.

"Hahahaha! If you can catch me Panda-Chan" Naruto shouted through the hallway.


'Panda-Chan' was given that name because of the black markings around his eyes due to the lack of sleep he gets. Personally I think he wears make up. Like I previously mention, Gaara is unique friend too. He has the ability to manipulate the earth at his will, currently he likes to use it in a sand form as he has more control over it. It was something I have never met while living or have heard. Bending the earth at your will was something the ancient ones could do but Gaara was in his twenties and human…well mostly.







"Nah-nah nah-nah naaaaaaaaah-nah!" Naruto sang.


How we became friends? Well ironically Naruto became friends with him first when he found out his family abandoned him at a young age. Even despite his siblings protest to stop the family doing so. It was something Naruto and Gaara shared in common except Naruto was an only child. Their uniqueness was what drove them out. Gaara happens to be a good sparring partner and someone that can keep your darkest secret to his grave. We understood each other personality wise. He was the newest addition to our group and Naruto couldn't stop bugging him.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TWO DOING?" screamed a female voice.


That female voice belongs to another friend of mine. The only immortal human happens to be a woman that seems to have constant PMS. The only female in our group; Tenten. A human that could make deadly weapons out of anything including the things you'd think that were harmless, like a pen for instance. Needless to say she was a weapons expert.

"T-t-t-tenten c-c-chan. P-put the baseball b-b-bat down" Naruto stuttered.

"P-please" Gaara stiffly added nervously.

"Why the hell did you wake me up" Tentern deadly hissed at them.

Tenten may have been a girl but she was really one of the guys. If any of us spared she'd either joins in or commentates it for a laugh. She was a tomboy. Despite being an immortal she was extremely sensitive if you ever ask her age.

"It was his fault!" Naruto instantly said.

"Me? You're the one who put itching cream in my shaving gel!" Gaara snarled.

"You ate my ramen!" Naruto barked.

"Did not" Gaara said.

"Did too" Naruto said.

"I DON'T CARE!" Tenten roared.

How we became friends? She saw me feeding and decided to skin my ass. If I wasn't a Daywalker I wouldn't be here right now. Well, maybe alive but missing a chunk of my body, I wasn't kidding that she could make weapons out of ANYTHING.

"If I hear one more noise out of you two I will personally rip the bones out of your fingers and do my own ac-u-punc-ture!" Tenten said with venom before added sweetly "Good night boys"

Needless to say she had everyone's respect and Naruto and Gaara's balls. The only other guy who wasn't afraid of Tenten – besides me – was Neji; her boyfriend.

"Tenten…what's going on around here?" Neji asked sleepily.

"Go back to sleep babe" Tenten said.

Hyuuga Neji had come from a clan that could literally see everything all at once. Interesting huh? His clan were always sort after for their eyes. Recently they had to split apart as a demon lord tried to gain their power and secrets. That would be hard anyway since they could see you coming miles away.

"Whipped" Naruto muttered.





He was also an expert fighter that could shut off your nerve points with his skilled fingers. In other words: you don't piss this guy off if you still want to walk.

"Want to say that again? Bitch?" Neji said with a bored tone.


"Hmm, let me think…no." Neji said.

"Neji, release him." a soft voice said from the shadows.

They all turned to see Sasuke formed out of the dark shade of the hallway. He walked up to them with an amusement in his eyes. Naruto was against the wall, eyes flashing dangerously as a fine line of fur began to sprout. Neji looked towards the vampire while his body faced the werewolf, well aware that the lycan couldn't get up from his place.

"I could paralyse his mouth." Neji suggested.

"Tempting, but if you're having fun with Tenten who's going to warn us for danger? And I don't think Tenten would like to be celibate." Sasuke said with a dry smirk. "Naruto's howl is pretty powerful when need be."

Neji grumbled before kneeled on the floor to release Naruto who was smirking in triumph as his fur receded and his eyes returned to its normal sapphire hue. Neji's pale eyes narrowed before he released the nerves.

"Whipped" Naruto whispered.

Neji's reaction was immediate, moving into a powerful punch however Naruto was faster. Neji was thrown up into with an uppercut from Naruto. He landed onto his feet staggering back into Tenten who caught him. He was dazed from the blow as Naruto stood calmly brushing off the dirt before giving Neji a smug look.

"Believe it." Naruto laughed.

"Eh Naruto." Gaara sighed before he went off to his room.

Naruto turned at Sasuke grinning before a baseball bat was flung at his head by one angry Tenten. She held the dazed Neji to her side while her throwing arm was still outstretched.

"He maybe whipped Naruto, but at least what he's getting is one kickass package un-like you who will always get his ass kicked by me." Tenten barked, placing her stretched arm onto her boyfriend.

With that she dragged Neji into their room before slamming the door behind. Naruto rubbed his sore head before turning his head back to his best friend who was stifling his laughter. He calmed before trained his face back to emotionless smirk.

"Energetic Dobe?" Sasuke asked.

"Sheer boredom. We've been in the house for two weeks now and I haven't even had some fun." Naruto said "The love bunnies in there…" he points to room Tenten and Neji retreated to "…keep me up all night and Gaara is too much of a book worm to even want to play a game of cards. I haven't drunk a single drop of alcohol. I haven't gone hunting. I haven't gone clubbing. I haven't even had one decent lay and Teme don't say you haven't felt the need too. You vamps are worse."

He was right about that but I had kept myself busy to not think about it. Taking some pig's blood with tomato soup kept me going but it wouldn't last that long. Even I haven't had a decent lay too. The cravings were starting to make me loose focus at some points of the day. It was time to feed.

"Let's go. I've seen a club we can go to, where we can hunt for a good lay and I can get a meal on the side." Sasuke said.

"And I can hunt for a deer afterwards. I like it" Naruto cheered. "Lead the way Teme."

What I didn't realise that it was going to be one of those night's that will stick by me forever.

Disclaimer: Me not own Naruto!

I decided to take a wee brake from Forest Child as this story had been bugging me more. So I hope you guys like. Please leave a review. The more I get the faster the chapters I write out.