Hi, TAUT13 here. This is my first fanfic ever so please cut me some slack please. Thank you.


"Tell me a bedtime story, Momma!" a little two year old girl with long black hair and fierce blue eyes asked her mom.

One story, then straight to bed," the little girl's mother said. "Once upon a time, there lived five friends," started the mom, "they lived in a place called Jump City. They were called the Teen Titans,"

And after that story the little girl asked for a Teen Titans story every night. The mother always had stories to tell. The little girl always fell asleep right after the Titans saved the day. One night after the story, the mother kissed her good night and went to her room were her husband was in bed already.

"What story did you tell her tonight?" Richard Grayson, the former Robin, asked his lovely wife.

"The one were we helped save Beast Boy from Soto," Kori Grayson, formerly known as Starfire, said while getting into bed.

That night, the whole household had a dream about the Titans. Richard and Kori dreamt of past memories, while their daughter Mari dreamt about people who, now, she felt like she completely knew but knew nothing about.

So how is it? Yes, I kown it's short but I Promise the other chapters will be longer. R&R please.