You have no friends or even family that love you.
Everybody has turned thier back on you,...well thats what the Voices say. After all they are the only ones who are there for you.
The Voices have convinced you that they are your only friends.
The only ones that understand you. When you had no one else to depend on, the Voices were there..they are always there. They tell you that nobody else loves you.
They tell you that nobody ever did love you, or ever will. They say that you are worthless and you will never amount to anything. And you believe every single word.
Everyday the Voices tell you, ask you, beg you, demand you to just leave it all behind. Nobody will miss you.
The Voices have complete control.
They tell you when to smile, laugh, cry, giggle, and even speak.
You are the puppet and they are the Puppet Masters. Together, you have put on the perfect act. An act so perfect that you have memorized everything to the smallest detail. With this act, you don't even need the Voices to tell you what to do next. You even know how to laugh so hard, that you start crying. When inside you are not crying tears of happiness, nor sadness..but crying tears of despair.
You have cried so hard, that you have nothing left. You're just a empty shell, a puppet. The Voices were slowly eating away at your mind, your body, your soul. You can no longer tell what is reality and what isn't. The Voices have not broken, but shattered your mind into millions of pieces. So many pieces that it is nearly impossible to put it back together.
You have worn that mask for so long that you can't even take it off, you don't even know that you are wearing it. The mask is so deep that people can't see past it, and you can't see out of it. So deep that you don't see the worried glances the people who actually love you give you. You can't see that people are trying to help you, to reach out to you, to bring you back into reality.
Maybe one day you will see, but of course by then, it will be too late.
It will be too late to reach you, for you've already fallen too far to catch.
And one day you'll realize that the Voices weren't voices to help put you back together, But they were there to break you. They weren't there because they love you, they were there because they hated you. They weren't there to help you up, they were there to push you further down.
One day you will realize that the Voices weren't the voices of your only friends. But the Voices..were The Voices of Insanity.
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Please go easy on me, this is my first story I have posted on this website.
And I just wanted to see what the people besides my family thought about it.
People that I don't know and will be 100 truthful.
Please Review!