This was the thing Itachi loved about Naruto. He would never say he loved the boy; he didn't. But unlike most casual fucks, where the time needed to slide out of bed, slip on clothes, and leave, was awkward, with Naruto it was anything but. It was Itachi's favorite part of the night, other than the actual sex. Naruto always insisted in getting dressed without turning the light on. The window was always pulled open, and the moonlight or star lights out that night always helped guide him to his carelessly thrown clothes. But that it always seemed to outline Naruto's body, like some sort of glowing angel in a room full of sin.

Itachi watched the naked, tattooed body. Young muscles shifted under bronze skin as he bent to pick up his ridiculous white and orange boxers. He shifted in the bed, already aroused again as he watched the boy dress.

"Awake already?" Naruto asked, able to sense eyes on him. He didn't look at his audience as he grabbed his torn and ripped jeans, (a fashion statement, not a causality of their eager and rough sex). He slid on the blue jeans that hugged his body in all the right places before searching for his shirt.

"I never fell asleep."

Naruto snorted, a cute sound that never seemed to get old. "I know that. But sometimes you like to pretend."

"I just enjoy when you come back over to say goodbye."

Naruto was buttoning his white collared shirt, cut at the elbows, sleeves connected to the shoulders by cleverly placed safety pins. "Well, you don't get one tonight. You didn't set the alarm and now I'm going to be late."

Itachi slid up into a sitting position and reached over to a night stand to grab his wallet. He pulled out a crisp hundred dollar bill and waved it.

Naruto threw his black tie around his neck and smirked. He stepped over to the bed, crawled over to Itachi, and jerked the money out of his hand. The first time Itachi had offered him money, Naruto had been offended, but he quickly learned that it wasn't Itachi paying him for sex; it was his way of telling Naruto their sex meant nothing. And Naruto answered Itachi by taking the money, his way of telling Itachi he felt the same way.

"Did you see where I took off my boots?"


Naruto stood back up and stepped over to a mirror, trying his hardest to mess up his wild blond hair, before pulling an eyeliner pencil out of his pocket and outlining his eyes.

"How many hours does it take you a day to look so sloppy?"

"Several." Naruto replied with a grin. "So, Manager Uchiha, when's our next gig?"

Itachi popped his neck, "I've told you, no business during business."

Naruto rolled his eyes, "Well then, thanks for the fuck, Itachi, and the cab money. I'll see you later." With that said, Naruto left the hotel room.

Naruto entered the club and weaved his way around liberty Mohawks and spiked bracelets as he made his way toward his friends.

Neji, as usual, was wearing all black, but his arms and forehead were wrapped in white bandages. The bandages on his hands and fingers apparently helped him play his guitar, and while it sounded like a stupid excuse to Naruto, Neji was so damn good that Naruto didn't question it. And as for the bandage on his head, Naruto assumed it was to hide the facial tattoo they had all decided to get one drunken night. Naruto had three almost cat like whiskers on each cheek from that night.

"Evening, Neji." Naruto greeted the only man at their usual table before he sat down.

"You're late." Neji replied, as he took a sip from his beer.

Naruto opened his mouth to defend his late arrival when a strong hand smacked down on his back. He turned to glare at their band's bass, and his friend, Kiba.

"Bitch, finally decided to show up, did you? We thought we weren't going to get to play."

Naruto winked in response.

Kiba snorted and set a bottle down in front of Naruto before taking a seat beside him. Kiba had the same sort of wild hair style Naruto had, wore the same torn pants, but he always kept it simple with some band shirt. He had two red triangles tattooed on each cheek, but unlike Neji, he was pleased with that drunken decision.

"So where the fuck were you?" Kiba asked, eyeing Naruto knowingly out of the corner of his eye.

"Hotel." Naruto replied. He didn't care if his friends thought he was out having random sex; he was. He just had to keep with who secret.

When Kiba quirked an eyebrow to ask the exact question Naruto wished to avoid, Naruto turned and eyed the crowd, "Where's Haku?" He said quickly.

"Flirting with the bouncer, like usual." Neji replied with a roll of his eerie colorless eyes.

"And where's our leader?" Naruto asked, looking for the familiar brown hoodie Gaara always wore.

"Bar." Kiba answered, "If you're going over there, grab some peanuts."

Naruto stood up and headed over to the bar. It wasn't hard to find Gaara, with his hoodie and his black jeans in a swarm of mesh, black, and neon colors. He sat on the stool next to Gaara, watching as the red haired man chewed on his sucker stick.

"I'm here." He said cheerfully.

Gaara nodded, his bright green eyes accented by thick eyeliner taking in Naruto's appearance, before taking the well chewed stick and putting it in his empty shot glass, "How's Itachi?"

Naruto shrugged. Gaara had figured it out the moment he had slept with their manager, though Naruto still couldn't understand how.

Gaara nodded, digging into the pocket of his hoodie and pulling out a new sucker. He expertly peeled off the wrapper and stuck it in his mouth.

Naruto was tempted to comment on their singer's obvious oral fixation, but restrained himself. "What songs we playing tonight?"

Gaara looked around, "Open mic, we only get three songs, so just some covers. How's your song coming?"

Naruto gave his friend a cheeky smirk, "Well, it's…uhh…"

Gaara nodded. "You can't write about love." He pulled the sucker out of his mouth with a pop.

Naruto scowled. It was true that Naruto never had a real boyfriend. He was the type that did fuck buddies and one night stands. It wasn't that he was afraid of commitment, Naruto was a loyal type of person, and he made friends for life. He just hadn't found anyone worth the effort.

"Says the man with 'love' tattooed on his forehead."

Gaara raised a shaved eyebrow, "But I'm great about writing songs about being unloved." He was quiet for a moment, "Come on." Gaara muttered, "We're up next."

A pink haired girl, wearing a small plaid shirt, and an even smaller black shirt, dragged an angry raven, dressed in black slacks and a polo shirt through the loud crowd at Warehouse. "Come on, Sasuke. I want to introduce you to my band."

Sasuke rolled his eyes. He hated punk music. He hated bands. He hated anything that reminded him of his stupid brother and his stupid brother's awesome job. "I don't care about meeting your friends, Sakura."

"Oh, but you'll love them. Temari, our vocalist, she's amazing. Sometimes she even sings the female vocals in her brother's band, Broken Zipper. Your brother manages them."

"I. Don't. Care." Sasuke growled out.

Sakura sighed and spun around to glare at Sasuke, "We had a deal."

Sasuke nodded, "I said I'd come listen to your all girl punk band, Leaking Tampons or whatever it's called. And if I like it, I'll force Itachi to come see it."

Sakura huffed, "It's called Dead Mary-Sues. Asshole." Sakura muttered as she continued walking.

Sasuke snickered, "Why not just go through your singer's brother instead of me?"

"Because you're Itachi Uchiha's little brother. If anyone has any sway over his decisions it'd be you."

Sasuke didn't say anything else, but that assumption was far from true.

They stopped at a table with four other girls, at which point, Sakura decided to introduce each member and what they played, and Sasuke nodded accordingly, not really paying her any mind. He glanced around the club, snorting at the mass of 'unique' people, before cheering brought his attention toward the stage.

A group of boys took the stage, and a blond boy stepped up to the microphone. He tapped on it before bringing it up to his mouth. The actual words he shouted into it were lost to Sasuke. Instead he was staring at bright blue eyes, made only more intense by the thick eyeliner around them. His heart seemed to drop into his stomach at the familiar sight and he gasped quietly.

Sakura stopped in her introductions when she noticed the obvious change that had come over Sasuke. She looked over at the stage and rolled her eyes, "That's the drummer for Broken Zipper."

"Why's he at the mic?" Sasuke's eyes darted down to the orange painted nails, remembering all too well what those drummer hands could do.

"Gaara's a little antisocial and doesn't do a good job of pumping up the crowd. Naruto does it for him."

Sasuke turned back to the stage and watched as the blond boy walked away, taking his place at the drum set and a red haired boy took the microphone.

Sakura stepped up behind Sasuke and wrapped her arms around his waist. She put her chin up on Sasuke's shoulder, "Would you like to meet him?"

Sasuke shook his head. He couldn't face Naruto again. It had been years since Sasuke had broken up their relationship in order to go to college a few states away. At the end of high school, Naruto had been a cute flirtatious boy with dreams that Sasuke had figured would never go further than his garage. Obviously, he had underestimated Naruto Uzumaki.

'I'm on the edge,
Get against the wall,
I'm so distracted,
I love to strike you,
Here's my confession,
You learned your lesson,
Stop me before I do it again.'

The sound of well played instruments and the deep pleasant voice filled the room. And Sasuke's eyes were glued on the energetic blond banging on the drums.

"Okay." He said to Sakura. It was only the polite thing to do; it wasn't that he was interested in the drummer. He had outgrown that part of his life, and that included Naruto.

'You and me have a disease,
You affect me, you infect me,
I'm afflicted, you're addicted,
You and me, you and me.'

Naruto took one of the offered suckers from Gaara as they made their way off stage and back toward their table. Naruto stuck the candy in his mouth as he lifted his arm up to wipe the sweat off of his brow. But as he lowered his arm, he froze at the image in front of him.


Naruto's brain seemed to shut down. He was bombarded with images, some of sexy pale skin and gasping mouth, others of pillow fights and tattoo parlors. But those were all swept away with the memory of the last day he saw Sasuke.

Sakura greeted the boys as they came their seats, before hooking her arm in Sasuke's and introducing her friend from college.

The entire group was quiet for a moment before Gaara snickered around his sucker and had a seat. Kiba smiled and shook Sasuke's hand, "Little Uchiha, it's been a while."

Sasuke nodded in return before exchanging glances with Neji and getting a cold shoulder from Haku.

"You already know each other?" Sakura asked, surprised.

Sasuke ignored her question and stared at Naruto. He didn't know what to say, wasn't sure why he had decided to come over anyway. He held out his hand, deciding a hand shake was the best approach, but Naruto obviously felt differently.

Naruto's blood boiled as he glared down at Sasuke's outstretched hand. His own squeezed into a tight ball, and before he could even think about what he was doing, he had punched Sasuke in the face.

"Sasuke!" Sakura called in alarm, immediately as his side.

Naruto huffed and glanced at his friends, all of who looked fairly shocked at his greeting, except Gaara.

"Damn it, Naruto." Sasuke growled, putting his hand against his face just long enough to make sure there was no blood.

"A fucking handshake?" Naruto hissed, "Like I'd want to touch any part of your body ever again."

Sasuke blushed slightly, out of anger and embarrassment. "I see you haven't grown up any." He said coldly. He should have walked away right then, but he knew he deserved the punch. He deserved quite a bit more.

"How do you know each other?" Sakura nearly yelled impatiently.

"We went to high school together." Neji answered her.

"Oh." She replied, not sure what else to say.

"I'm going home." Naruto said toward his band, considering his conversation with Sasuke over. He turned before any of them could respond and began pushing his way through the crowd to get home.

Sasuke watched the spiky blond hair disappear into the crowd, debating with himself whether he should let Naruto go or chase after him. He glanced over at Naruto's friends, who were all looking at him like he just kicked a puppy, and began his hunt for the angry drummer.

Naruto shoved the back door to the club open, enjoying the painful sound it made as it slammed into the wall, the metal reverberating angrily. He leaned up against the cold brick wall and took a deep breath. His heart was beating painfully in his chest as he thought back to Sasuke. "He's an asshole." He said aloud to himself.

"Naruto." Sasuke called as he stepped outside the club and shut the door softly.

"Why are you here?" Naruto glared at the man angrily.

"I'm working at my father's law firm for the moment."

"So you really became a lawyer, huh?" Naruto said in disbelief as his eyes scanned Sasuke's body, remembering well the position of all of his covered tattoos.

"I chose to grow up."

Naruto snorted, "Good for you." He pushed away from the wall, prepared to walk away from Sasuke the second time that night, realizing he should have learned to do that years ago.

"You hate me." Sasuke called. When Naruto didn't stop walking he continued, "And you have reason to."

Naruto paused at that response and turned partially so Sasuke could get the full affect of his glare. "Damn straight I do. I spent my senior year ashamed of who I was because of you."

Sasuke nodded, "I don't want to do this in an alley, Naruto. Let me apologize to you properly. Will you come out to dinner with me?"

"Are we going to have to eat in your car? You going to make me duck in my seat anytime someone drives by?" Naruto said bitterly.

Sasuke let out an exasperated sigh, Naruto could really hold a grudge, "Mario's. Tomorrow night?"

"I don't have to fucking accept your date so you'll feel better about being a prick. I've got shit to do tomorrow."

"Fine." Sasuke nearly snarled. He wouldn't force an apology on Naruto. He wasn't even that fond of giving them. He'd just keep Naruto in the past, where he belonged. He turned around, regretting his decision to even approach the blond in the first place.

"I've got an hour free." Naruto replied, hesitantly. "I'll meet you at seven. Just dessert though."

Sasuke nodded, not bothering to turn around, and made his way back inside the club. He still had to listen to Sakura's band.

Blue eyes focused in on Sasuke's well toned ass as he walked back inside, and Naruto growled in frustration. He was over Sasuke. So why the hell was he meeting him tomorrow? And more importantly, why was he thinking about how much fun it'd be to fuck him again?