A/N: Hello everyone! I'm sorry for the errors in my story. I'm just in a rush, I have alot of homework you know and I'm taking french classes, yes french, I'm pretty good at speaking It's going pretty much good. So you know again I'm very sorry, I'm trying to make it good as possible as I can. So please bare with me! I'm also very glad for the reviews, thank you everyone, you are all too kind!! so here the latest chapter 9 enjoy!!

Underlining: Thinking of a thought

Chapter 9

Two years later...

It was beautiful day Tenten and Itachi were out training together. It's been two years Tenten has been in the Akatsuki, she was fully trained with Itachi they've been partners helping each other train everyday.

"Kya!" Tenten grunted hitting both of the kunias on the board with hit the bulls eyes Itachi smirked.

"Your pretty good." Itachi grabbed on of his kunia and hitted the bulls eyes as well knocking Tenten's kunai off the board.

"Hey!!"Tenten screamed.

Tenten grabbed another kunia from her bag and aimed for the board but missed.

"What the heck! I never miss!"Tenten yelled.

"I guess I win." Itachi said smirking at her.Tenten glared at him.

Tenten reached for another kunia from her bag but then noticed it was empty. Man! I used my last one! suddenly she felt her arms getting pulled back.

"You need another kunia don't you?" Itachi said placing his hands into hers gripping the kunia into her hand.

"You need to focus." Itachi said pulling her closer to him until their body were touching. Tenten blushed.

"Here." Itachi pulled her hands to focuse the board keeping his hands with hers. Itachi's hands are so soft... They both kept focused.

"Ready." Itachi said.

"Yeah." Tenten replied.

They both threw the kunia at the same time and hitted the bulls eye.

"Kyaa!" Tenten screamed happily."I did it Itachi!"

"No, we did it together." Itachi said pulling her arms to him and softly kissed her on the lips. Tenten blushed and quickly pulled away.

"Um...uh... what do you want for dinner? I'm going down to the store to buy some supplies."

"I think...curry would be nice." Itachi said smiling at her.

"Ok...then I'll be off." Tenten said gathering her things and headed off to the Konoha village.

"Wait!" Tenten turned around.

"What now?" Tenten said groaning.

"Be careful."

"OK I will, I can take care of myself you know." Tenten said heading off.

"I better head home then." Itachi said to himself heading off as well.

few minutes later Tenten arrived to the Konoha she was so surprised very not changed since it was gone, she was even surprised there was alot of food to buy tonight. I guess more for me and Itachi tonight.

As Tenten was walking down the stores, she accidentally bumped into someone and realized she was falling.

"Kya!" Tenten screamed closing her eyes. Suddenly, arms caught her around the waist. Tenten opened her eyes and met the dark onyx eyes.

"Are you ok?" Tenten boy asked.

"Um...y-yeah." she replied.

"You should be more careful." the boy pulled her up onto her feet.

"I'm sorry."

"It's no problem." he said smiling at her. Tenten blushed. The boy looks for familiar his hair was so soft looking and his eyes she felt getting lost in them, they were so soft and pale his black shirt was halfly ripped down his chest. she was blushing madly at the time, keeping her eyes on the ground.

"Do you need help?"

"I'm Ok I just need to rest I have to be heading off home soon I have to make dinner for Itachi."

"Itachi?" The boy whispered underneath his breath.

"Why? what's wrong?" Tenten asked.

"Um... It's nothing." he said smiling.

"OK I'll better be off." Tenten said turning around making her way.

"Oh wait, would you like a cup of coffee before you go?"

"Um... I'm suppose to be heading off home, I have to make dinner, I'm sorry." Tenten said looking up into the sky and noticed dark clouds started to surround the sky. What The hell? it's going to rain?!

"Ok sure." Tenten said groaning. The boy smirked.

Tenten gasped,"This is were you live?!"


There it was, a huge mansion right infront of her her eyes glittering. I've remember this place before...They both entered the house.

"I'll make some coffee make yourself a home." said the boy making his way to the kitchen. Tenten walked into the living room and took her seat on the couch. I came here before... Did I? why don't I remember? Tenten noticed the rain was beginning to rain harder. Tenten sighed.

Few minutes later...

the boy came out the kitchen and sat beside her.

"So you have a boyfriend?" he asked.

"W-What no!" Tenten said looking away.

"Then what about that Itachi guy?"

"He's just my training partner." Tenten replied taking a sip of her coffee.

"Oh? really?" he said smirking.

"Oh I almost forgot, let me introduce myself My name is Tenten what's yours?"

"You really want to know my name?" he asked her.

"Yes what's your name?"

"really? you do?"

"yes! yes! really what's your name?"the boy leaned to her lips.

"The name is Sasuke Uchiha. he said pressing his lips against hers. Tenten's eyes widened as big huge plates. God... Sasuke you've changed alot...your so handsome last time I've met you... ah! your lips are so soft their lips tangled with mine... I love it... wait,what I'm I doing?Tenten pushed Sasuke away but it didn't stop Sasuke he pulled her a the floor and pinned her there.

"You can't escape...I won't lose you again." he said pressing his lips against hers once more. Tenten tried pushing him off her but it was too much his lust start taking over.

"Ah...S-Sasuke...stop." Sasuke ignored her placing soft kisses on her neck.

"S-Stop please." Tenten groaned.

"Your mine Tenten nobody can have you but me."Just like what Itachi said...to me... Tenten had no choice but slapped him.

"I love Itachi I'm sorry, I decided to leave the past behind and move on." Tenten said as tears started to drip from her brown pale eyes.

"Y-Your in love with I-Itachi?" said Sasuke in shock.

"Tenten wait!"

"I'm sorry!" Tenten yelled getting up were she was grabbing her things to leave. As she made her way to the door, opening it to leave, she gasped with surprise as she met her eyes with the red, dark, black, kohi eyes.

"I-Itachi what are you doing here?!"

A/N: Thank you very much for reading!! Please drop a review! If anyone of you have any ideas for me to put in the stories I'll be very gladly too. I mean really, just for my lovely readers! I'll be gladly to accept them. So thanks, that's all for now, stay tune for the next chapter 10 please review!!