Yay! I got an idea! This takes place in Twilight, after Edward stared at Bella with black eyes in biology. Remember that? Well, this time, he didn't return to school. This is very different than what actually happened. Sorry if I get a couple of details wrong. I only read Twilight once.
I do not own Twilight or the characters. Except Edward. :P lol. Please review!!!!!
Chapter One
Bella's POV
I got out of my truck and shut the door. While turning to lock the door, I saw one if the Cullens out of the corner of my eye. It was the pale blonde boy. He was four cars away from me, getting out of his car and shutting the door. He abrupty turned and looked at me, eyes wide. That's when I heard the screech. I looked in the direction of the sound. A blue van was racing towards me. Tyler Crowley was in the drivers seat. The van showed no signs of stopping soon. I knew I should move out of the way, but I couldn't. Suddenly something hit my head, but not from the direction I was expecting. I felt cold on me as the world turned into black.
I heard people shouting my name. Lots of people. I opened my eyes. Faces were all around me.
"Bella! Are you ok?"
That voice was different than the others'. Who had said that?
That's when I realized that someone was holding on to me.
His face came in front of mine. The pale blonde Cullen.
"Um. What happened?"
"Bella, are you ok?"
"Yeah, I'm fine. Who are you?"
Tons of voices swirled around me. Most of them sounding relieved.
"I'm Jasper Cullen."
That was his name.
"Hi. What happened?"
"Tyler almost hit you with his van."
Oh. Now I remember. I looked up to see Tyler's van, feet away from me with a dent in the back. The dent was shaped like a human body.
I looked at Jasper. I looked back at the van.
"Did it hit you?"
Jasper looked hesitant.
"No. I kept it from hitting you," he replied simply.
I wondered how such a skinny boy could dent a van, but my thoughts were interrupted.
"Bella! Bella, are you ok! Oh my gosh, Bella! I am so sorry!"
Tyler rushed over to where I was, still in Jasper's arms, people crowded around us.
"Bella! I'm sorry! I
hit an ice patch and I couldn't stop! Oh my gosh I am so sorry! I
could have killed you! Oh Bella!"
He was in hysterics.
I struggled to stand, but the pain in my head told me it wasn't a good idea.
Instead I looked at Tyler.
"Tyler, I'm fine! You didn't hit me."
"Yeah, but I almost did, I mean, it's good this guy was here to save you. I didn't even see you. I'm so sorry!"
"Tyler, I'm fine! But your face is bleeding."
"Some glass hit me when my window broke. I don't know how. It all happened so fast. I am so sorry!"
Sirens of ambulances pierced the air.
"I'm fine, Tyler. Don't worry about it."
Paramedics came and took Tyler on a gurney. The people that were surrounding the accident eventually evaporated, no more damage done, no more interest.
Jasper was still holding onto me, his grip tight yet soft.
I started to thank him for saving me, but paramedics rushed over to us.
"Are you hurt, young lady?"
"No, I'm fine," I tried to say, but Jasper told them that I'd hit my head.
They brought a gurney over for me. Jasper let them lift me up into it, but he didn't leave.
"I'm fine," I insisted, but to no avail.
I decided to change the subject.
"Jasper, how did you get to me in time? I mean, you were all the way over th-"
"No I wasn't." He looked at me, his golden eyes cold and hard. They were beautiful.
"I was standing next to you."
"No, you weren't."
He brought his face closer to mine.
"Bella, please," he said, his eyes pleading.
As the paramedics came over to wheel me into the ambulance, Jasper returned to the act of casualty.
"Bella!" I heard Charlie shout my name right before they closed the doors.
"I'm alright, Dad!"
When I got to the hospital, they poked and prodded me.
When the doctor said it was safe, that I was ok, Charlie came into the room.
"Bella, are you ok?"
"I'm fine, Dad. I hit my head a little, but I'm fine."
"I heard that Tyler Crowley almost hit you!"
"Yeah, but someone pulled me out of the way. Is Tyler ok?"
"Who saved you, Bella? I need to thank whoever it was."
I rolled my eyes at him.
"One of the Cullen boys. Jasper."
Just then, another doctor came into the room, followed by Jasper.
The doctor was beautiful. He looked similar to Jasper, with a pale face, golden eyes, and dark circles.
He must be Dr. Cullen.
"Hello. I'm Dr. Cullen. You may call me Carlisle. How are you doing, Bella?"
"I'm fine."
Charlie stood up to greet Dr. Cullen and Jasper.
"I hear that your boy saved my Bella."
Jasper shrugged, rolled his eyes, and came over to stand next to me.
"It was nothing."
"Well, I would like to thank you. If you hadn't been standing right there, if you hadn't acted so quickly, then my Bella might not be alive."
It was a wonder that he wasn't tearing up.
"Bella," Dr. Cullen was speaking now.
"The nurses tell me that you don't have a concussion. How's your head?"
"It's fine. I'm fine. Can I just go now?"
Jasper tried not to laugh at my impatience.
"Well, nothing's wrong, so I guess you can."
Charlie and Carlisle were the first out of the room.
Jasper stayed behind in case I needed help.
Since we were alone, I decided to thank him and ask how he got to me so quickly.
"Alright, Jasper. I pretended that you were standing next to me, but we both know you weren't. I saw you standing like 20 feet away before the van almost hit me. What is going on?"
His face showed no emotion.
"I'm just fast."
I searched his eyes for anything that might give him away, but it looked like he was sticking to that short answer. I sighed and gave up.
After all the offical hospital stuff was taken care of, Carlisle assured Charlie that I was safe to go back to school. Charlie had his mind set on my going home, but reluctantly agreed when Carlisle arrnaged for Jasper to walk me there and stay with me as much as possible during school. So Charlie kissed me goodbye and Jasper and I headed back to school. Our walk was pretty silent. There were so many things I wanted to ask him, but I knee he would just reply like he had in the hospital, so I just walked.
When we got there, it was almost lunch and I saw no reason to head into a class that had 10 minutes left.
So we decided to hand around and wait for lunch.
"So, tell me about your family." I asked him.
"There's not much to tell. Carlisle is a doctor and he and his wife, Esme, adopted me and my siblings. Alice, Rosalie, Emmett, and Edward."
"Edward's the one with bronze hair, right?"
Jasper nodded.
"He's in my biology class. But he acted really weird on my first day. At lunch, my friend said he kept looking at me, but in biology, he avoided me as much as possible. Except for a scary glare."
The way Jasper said it was so offhanded, like he didn't even care that his brother was a freak.
"So, what's his problem?" I felt anger, but it surprised me. I tried to suppress it. Waves of calm washed over me.
"He's just not that good with people."
"Nothing personal?"
"How would I know?"
"Your his brother."
I was getting sort of frustrated with his evasivenes, but all I felt was calm. It was starting to creep me out.
"Yeah, well, you still live with him don't you?"
He shrugged.
"Well, he didn't talk about you. So I'm sorry if that hurt your feelings. Maybe he's just not interested. Not everyone will be, you know."
The lunch bell rang and he got up, walking away as people crowded the hallway.
I sat there for a minute, stunned by his words.
That's not what I was getting at, was it?
Ok. That's chapter one. Please tell me if you like it or not. What about the title? Does it suck? I'm sorry.
This is for Michael Buble's Lover's contest, 'cause the first one I did was sort of diqualified. Sorry!
Please review!
Makes chapter two come a lot faster!