So, here I am with my first contribution to the Yu-Gi-Oh! Fandom…a very odd poem I wrote during Poetry class (and History of Drama and Philosophy and at home)…but mostly in Poetry class. It started out as a generic thing, but then evolved into…Yu-Gi-Oh! Oh…feel free to guess what the individual sections are talking about…some of them I don't even think I know what they're saying! And enjoy!
Disclaimer: Yu-Gi-Oh! Doesn't belong to me.
The End of the Game
The puzzle which no one can solve,
And who should have the right
To raise the ancient spirits
That have slept for millennia?
The keeper of the secret
Resents his lineage, yet
Knows what others seek;
He would give it up
Without a second thought.
But when the unsolvable puzzle
Is solved, and the game
Becomes real,
What secrets have we yet to learn?
The Guardian, the Creator, the Dreamer, the Thief;
Different souls tied together by a single
Faithful, yet knowing nothing.
Rivals, yet fighting for a
Single goal.
The battle since the dawn of time:
Two souls fated
Ever to be at war,
Until one bows to the
Innumerable souls, drawn together by
Luck, some might say.
Two sides of the same coin:
Light and Darkness,
Good and Evil,
Whether by force or by choice
Come to life again.
The same game
Played for thousands of years
Until something changes,
And a winner is
Lines are blurred;
Once-enemies become
Strong allies;
Beings drift in and out
Like leaves caught on a
Wayward breeze,
Yet the Zephyr always
Brings them back
Those who believe
And those who do not,
But who can judge between them
When their steps follow the
Same path?
Opposite souls,
Yet all with something to give.
The angel with a dark secret;
The timid swan who finds her wings;
The green-eyed devil,
Throwing fate into the
Hands of a single
All shall come to an end
One way or another,
Back to where it first started
Millennia ago;
Back to the ancient tombs
That still hold untold secrets.
One way or another,
It will end there.
Either the game shall begin anew,
Or the game shall end
So, there you have it! I hope it was acceptable; I'm not a very avid poet, but when I do write I tend to like doing it in blank verse because I find rhyming very restrictive.
Anyway, perhaps I shall dabble in this fandom again!
Sayounara for now, minna!