Kiss, Kiss, Fall in Love

Chapter 13



"Oh great. Now we're locked in a closet. Could this situation get any worse?" At that moment, the light flickers out.

"I'm sitting down." Toph announces after a few minutes of awkward standing. My eyes slowly adjust to the dark, Toph pale features stand out particularly strongly, skin glowing and eyes shining. "Okay, I do believe it your turn to talk. I just called you a complete and utter ass, your response?"

"Toph the truth is…" I say, it's now or never.

"Spit it out!" I can see her teeth gleam in the dark. Shes raring for a fight.

"I want you back."

Her face doesn't betray her surprise but her incredulous tone does, "What?"

"I want the girl who made me into a man. I want the girl who makes me laugh. I want the girl who finally let me be myself. I want the girl who punches me in the arm when I something stupid. You know, that girl who just called me an ass, I'm pretty sure you know her."

The closet is silent. Suddenly, from behind the door, I hear the adoring sigh of a girl. It sounds like she's watching a romantic comedy and the guy just confessed his feelings for a girl he shunned before but now wants to be with her.


"Who's there?" I ask, rapping a knuckle on the oak door.

One voice says, "No one!"

"Aang, you idiot!" Another person reprimands. From the low, gravely tone I can tell it's Zuko.

"Open this door right now!" I ram my fist on the door.

"Not until Toph says her part." A new person has joined the conversation. "C'mon Toph, you know what to say!"

"Katara…" My words are cut short as I feel a small hand on my arm. Toph looks up at me, her face swimming in the semi-darkness of the closet.

"Play along." She whispers in my ear. Okay, play along…I can do that. "Is that really how you feel Sokka?"

"Of course it is."

Suddenly Toph presses her lips against mine, I don't kiss back and she asks, "What are you doing? This is the only way we're going to get out of here."

So this wasn't a kiss of love? Well, if she's really not feeling anything for me the least I can do is get a free kiss out of it.

"Okay, okay, we want you to keep your pants on. I'm opening the door." The key clicks in the lock and we tumble out. Zuko smirks above us while Katara is squeezing Aang tightly, presumably out of happiness that Toph fulfilled her "Real-Life Chick Flick".

Toph stands up, brushing herself off. "Anybody up for ice-cream?"

Aang cheers and starts towards the doors. Katara follows after him, still sighing happily. Zuko, however, stays behind, eying us, arms folded neatly across his chest. Toph stares right back at him. A silent conversation seems to take place between them while I stand off to the side, an outsider. Zuko finally speaks a smile play across his lips. "Fine. It's nice to have you back Toph." She nods and slowly he walks out, hands now stuffed in his pockets.

I sigh. Well, at least she knows I like her. Maybe we can still be friends... I start to follow Zuko but a hand closes around my wrist. I get yanked back into the closet. "Toph what are you..." She kisses me, cutting my words short.

One eyebrow is raised higher than the other. "Kissing you, what does it looks like?"


She punches me in the arm. "Because I like you Snoozles. What do you think that other kiss was for?"

The cogs start to turn. "You mean you weren't just doing it to get out of the closet?"

"My dear, dear Sokka. If you've ever watched a chick flick you'd know that the girl always pretends to not like the guy, then uses opportunities like this one to confess her feelings. Man, you and I are going to have to watch some classics. But don't worry, we'll filter the utter girlyness of romantic comedies with some wicked sweet horror."

Toph Beifong. Beset friend. Arm bruiser. Sarcastic shorty. Apparently my new girlfriend.

"Now c'mon. I want icecream."

For Yuna and Zelda and Chi I'd do anything

For yui I'd do anything

Yuri the only one for me

Try so hard to make you see

Yuri the only one for me

Priceless like a PS3

Yuri the only one for me…

The world is good :D

So this story was a complete and utter blast to write, I got to be really ridiculous and the piano scene and the ball scenes…a writer's true dream XD

The ending was hard to write because it was really cheesy. Then I looked back on the rest of it and realized the whole this was cheesy, so it fits!

Those lyrics come from a song called "Yuri the Only One: Leet Street Boys" which is the geekiest song known to mankind and you should check it out.


Thanks for the constant support! Catch you on the fly.

Twilight Rose2