A/N: First off, thank so much for the reviews that I've received! Also, thank you for letting me know your views on the whole "virginity" issue. After taking all opinions into consideration, and some contemplation on my part, I've decided…well, read on and you will probably be able to read between the lines (since I don't necessarily come right out and say if he's a virgin or not). I know, I know, I'm evil! Also, you'll probably think I'm even more evil when you get to the bottom of the page…wicked laugh
Secondly, I am sorry that this posting took me a bit to put up. I can't just write something for the sake of writing it; I have to be in the mood to do so. Hopefully I did a good job on this chapter. Remember, if you want more then don't hesitate to leave a review! Enjoy!

Hermione lay on her bed, allowing her deep breaths to calm her anger. In all honesty, Ron's words weren't the most hurtful part of the ugly incident. No, the worst part was that she allowed him the power to make her feel like nothing more than a tart right in front of Harry. She hated the fact that she didn't speak up and slam him back with witty words. She wasn't thinking with her mind, merely her emotions. She allowed her embarrassment to swallow her whole. She felt consumed with pity for herself, wondering if her well-laid plans were now bust. Her overactive imagination ignited, permitting thoughts of Ron talking about her to Harry in an unsavory manner to swirl through her mind. But Harry was her best friend. Surely he knew why she dressed that way. He had to, right? Then again, maybe he didn't. Thank goodness she had already asked Dean Thomas to do the nightly checks for her. He wasn't Head Boy, but definitely someone she could trust with the important duty. Even if her chances with Harry were blown, there was no way she was leaving the 'Head' quarters for the rest of the evening. Her head hurt, worry filling her whole being. Wait, was her head actually pounding from the pain?

"Hermione, can I come in?"

Her eyes grew wide, realizing that the banging was on her door…and Harry was on the other side. "Sure," she barely got out.

He entered her room and his heart wanted to break. She wasn't curled in a ball crying her eyes out, she wasn't pacing the room in anger, nor was she skimming through her books in order to locate the perfect hex to use on Ron. Instead, she lay on her bed, looking unbelievably poignant. "I assume it would be incredibly daft of me to ask if you're all right." He was relieved when he heard a small snort of laughter and saw the beginnings of a smile emerging across her plump lips. Whoa, when the hell did you notice what kind of lips she had?

"I'm sorry if I worried you, Harry. I'm okay, really. Go, finish your dinner." After all, wouldn't he need nourishment for the stamina? Oh Merlin, maybe he was considering backing out because of what happened!

"Nah, I seemed to have lost my appetite." He gradually made his way towards her bed, sitting on the edge. "Ron's a git, Hermione. You know how he can be sometimes." He reached down and grabbed one of her hands, tracing small circles on her warm skin with his thumb. Clearing his throat, he nervously continued to speak. "In all honesty, I think you look gorgeous."

Hermione felt herself take a pause mid breath. She looked gorgeous? No one had ever described her using that word before. She was accustomed to words like bright, genius, bookworm, and plain…never gorgeous. "Thank you." The true appreciation was evident in the two whispered words. "I did it for you, you know," she admitted quietly. A quizzical look crossed Harry's face. She took a deep breath, knowing she had already dangled one foot off the metaphorical cliff. She might as well allow the other foot to follow and fall completely into this situation. "I wanted to attract you, to please you. I wanted you to want me, desire me. I couldn't exactly see that happening while wearing my usual attire."

He was speechless. Now, more than ever, he was confused about what was going to happen. It was true, until he had seen her that morning in her unexpected choice of outfit; he never really took note of Hermione's body. He had noticed her pretty face; beautiful chocolate eyes forever twinkling while taking in the vast knowledge her mind craved. Her intelligence was definitely attractive, if not a bit intimidating at times. He dare not admit to her that her smarts, sometimes, made him feel downright inferior. Divulging that information would just upset her; for while she loved outwitting most people, she would hate knowing he felt mediocre when compared to her smarts.

"Harry, did I say something wrong?"

He slowly shook his head. "No, I just can't believe you'd do that for me," he stated quietly with amazement. "You didn't really have to, though. I…I would have said yes anyway." He smirked, causing a genuine smile to emerge on Hermione's face.

Without another thought, she sat up and engulfed him in an enthusiastic hug. "That's why I wanted it to be you, Harry. No one else sees me like you do." She drew out of the embrace, looking him in the eyes. "No one knows me like you do."

It was in that second that he realized just how perfect this all was. Nothing else in the world made more sense to him, and he was going to reach out and capture the metaphorical snitch. Their eyes were locked, a comfortable silence falling between the two of them. He reached up and moved a stray lock of hair behind her ear, followed by resting his hand on her warm cheek.

She closed her eyes and let out a content sigh. Never before had someone made her feel so special. She could tell he was leaning closer and willed her eyes to open. A small, sweet smile played on his lips. Her eyes drifted shut again and she closed the remaining space between them.

A tender first kiss opened the flood gate on unspoken emotions. Each continued with their sweet assault on the other's lips, their hands becoming lost in equally messy, wild hair. Hermione pulled back and began to carefully removed Harry's glasses when he suddenly stopped her.

"I want to see everything; every expression you make, every inch of your skin, every curve of your body. I want to see it all."

She felt her heart swell at his words. Grabbing his hand, she began to lean back onto the bed and pulled him with her. Limbs became awkwardly tangled as their lips crashed together. Her arms wrapped around his neck while his elbows rested against the bed in an attempt to keep himself propped up; a feat not easily met since she pulled him as close to her as possible. They rested comfortably on their sides, facing one another while exchanging soft touches. "I'm scared, Harry. I want this more than anything, but I'm afraid; afraid I won't please you, afraid it will hurt."

He leaned in for a soft kiss, his left hand gently gripping the back of her neck. "Hermione, no matter what, you could never disappoint me. Simply being here and knowing you chose me…I can't even describe how that makes me feel."

"You don't have to explain it," she whispered, "because it's what I felt when you said yes to me." She sat up and kneeled on the bed, pulling him up as well. "I'm ready now, Harry. I don't want to wait," she urged quietly. She picked up her wand and cast a silencing charm. Before giving him a chance to reply she grasped the hem of her shirt and pulled it off, leaving only a white, lacy bra to cover her chest.

Instinctively, his mouth began to water and his heart rate increased. Before now, Hermione Granger and lacy delicates wouldn't have gone together in his mind. But, at this moment, he couldn't imagine her in boring unmentionables. He continued to stare, watching as she climbed off the bed and allowed her skirt to fall to the floor, revealing a pair of knickers that matched the bra. He licked his lips in anticipation, knowing his tongue would soon be exploring the flesh that was being exposed for his eyes only. Seeing her make her way back onto the bed, he got to work on his own clothing, first removing his jumper, followed by his tie. While unbuttoning his shirt, he saw Hermione tentatively reach forward and begin working on his belt and pants. Promptly ridding himself of everything but his boxer shorts, he joined her on the bed once again so their exploration could begin.

She made the first move, her hands caressing his biceps and chest. "Lay down, Harry." Her request was sweet, her eyes holding the look of absolute curiosity. He did as she asked, knowing she was about to study him like a book. He didn't mind, really. Her touches were surprisingly electrifying. He'd gladly give aid in her discovery of the male form. Her fingertips lightly brushed against his nipples, causing an intake in his breath. Who would've thought that would feel so good? He took notice of the pleased look on her face, repeating her actions with mild delight. He allowed a growl to escape this time, Hermione's smile only growing bigger. She went for a third try and noticed a very slight movement out of the corner of her right eye. She turned her attention towards the area in question; his boxer shorts. The bulge was apparent and the sight of it made her body tingle. Not moving her gaze, she repeated her actions for a fourth time and watched as his erection slightly twitched. This, he realized, was something that fascinated her. For him, it was simply sweet, pleasurable torture.

Before he knew it, her lips were caressing the skin of his stomach; followed by her tongue. He shuddered due to the sensitivity and delight it caused. Her attention seemed to return to his boxer shorts. She looked in his direction and saw he had one eyebrow quirked, as if he was questioning what her next move would be. "I want to do something, to try something. Will you let me?" He didn't trust his voice, so simply nodded his head in approval. Her fingers gripped the waistband of his shorts and she pulled them down at an excruciatingly slow rate. All good things come to those who wait. All good things come to those who wait. As long as he kept repeating those words in his head, he wouldn't push her hands out of the way and rip the damn things off. Once the offending piece of fabric was divested, her interest was fully on his throbbing erection.

Never before had she seen something that was so unusual yet so beautiful. One hand grasped his cock, applying comfortable pressure, while the fingers on her other hand softly touched the head. Her ears were greeted with the wonderful sound of Harry's animalistic moans. She wondered what other noises she could cause him to make. She watched his cock as she continued to stroke it, seeing that pre-cum had oozed out the slit. Her thirsty curiosity needed to be quenched. She positioned herself on her knees and leaned down. Her eyes darted up, wanting to catch Harry's reaction, and she slowly licked the head. She saw his eyes widen as he released a feral grunt. Pleased with this initial response, she took the next step and produced a sufficient amount of saliva in her mouth before wrapping her lips around the head. She was almost positive that Harry wasn't even trying to form proper words, merely allowing noises ranging from 'nuh' to 'ung' as she worked her mouth to take more and more of his cock in. She wanted to do this; needed to do this. It was as much for him as it was for her, wanting to give him undivided pleasure. Keeping this in mind, she prepared herself not to gag and didn't stop her assault until his tip reached her throat.

Harry's noises were now completely incoherent as she continued the sweet torture. Never before had he experienced anything remotely compared to this pleasure. The feel of her warm mouth engulfing the most intimate, sensitive part of his body was absolutely indescribable. Every time the tip of his cock hit the back of her throat, an extra shot of electricity jolted throughout his entire body. He began to feel the fluttering sensation in his stomach, alerting him that Hermione definitely had a natural talent for performing oral sex. "Hermione," he gasped, his breath becoming more ragged as she continued working at a fixed pace, "I'm gonna…I'm…"

She readied herself for the result of her sexual assault, relaxing her gag reflexes completely. If she was doing this, she was going to do it all the way. Having shared a room with various girls the year before, she had heard plenty of sexual escapade stories. She always pretended not to listen but in the end, curiosity got the best of her. One of the comments she remembered hearing was that guys loved it when a girl swallowed. She honestly didn't understand it but right now, in that moment, she wanted nothing more than to do that for Harry. She sensed his thighs tightening, heard his groans and grunts, and then felt his warm seed spurt into her waiting mouth. She had mixed emotions when it came to the taste. While it wasn't delightful, it was far from being sickening. As she felt him go limp, a sense of accomplishment and adoration swelled within her. Here she had a man, someone considered to be one of the most powerful young wizards of their time, and she had just had him in the palm of her hand…literally!

Harry stared at her, not believing what had just taken place. This girl who was burgeoning on the brink of womanhood had just made his emotions soar to a place he thought was unreachable. He, Harry Potter, had just experienced utopia. He now understood what the other guys in his dorm had talked about. A man could never appreciate the gesture of a girl swallowing what he had to offer until it happened to them. Knowing Hermione was completely new to this, it came as quite a shock when she didn't pull away in horror. Then again, this was Hermione and she never did things half-arsed. He watched her, shyly smiling at the act that had just occurred, and was in awe. Without a moment's thought, he sat up and their lips connected. His tongue teasing her lips, asking permission for entry, which she quickly granted.

Hermione learned the techniques of French kissing quickly, simply mimicking Harry's actions. As much as she was enjoying herself, a questioned loomed in her mind amid the passion. "Did I do okay?" she asked in an almost timid voice.

He stared at her with an incredulous expression. She can't be serious! "You did better than okay. The words bloody fantastic spring to mind," he lightly laughed. And there it was; that damn shy, innocent smile gracing her now experienced lips. His heart sped up as he thought about the fact that he wanted her to know of the euphoria she had just caused him. He rubbed noses with her, causing a small giggle to escape her lips. "Lay down," he commanded softly, "it's your turn now."