
I stood on the deck my uncle's ship. The wind ripping through my hair, waves spraying salty water into my face and mouth, yes it was a perfect day at sea. Well, at least until the storm reached them; then it would be miserable. I would be stuck above deck, keeping the sails whole and other jobs, or worst, I could be below deck with my millions of cousins. Ugh! How I loathed them all, all 62 of them that is. Yes, 62 cousins, that is first cousins; don't go into how big the rest of my family is; you'll never get out.

"Tivoni! Come here!" one of my aunts yelled as she crossed the deck. "Uncle wants to see you!"

I followed obediently; I had learned long ago that it was the best thing to do with my family. Her aunt was muttering under her breath. I concentrated on what her aunt was saying.

"I don't understand why she's still here; she should have been gone when they died." I glared at my aunt; no one in my family had liked my mother and had hated my father for marrying her.

My aunt stopped in front of her husband's office. My uncle was the captain of the ship we were on now and three others that also held family.

"In," She opened the door and shoved me into the dark office where my uncle was sitting.

"Tivoni, you have one hour, pack anything along as it isn't valuable. We will give you a bag of food." He said roughly, I just stood there, not sure what to do next. "Now get out of my sight." I quickly bowed and scampered out of the room.

It was finally happening, I was getting kicked out.