Explaining how she'd found the book, that had taken the longest. She'd been questioned repeatedly about exactly where in the library she'd found the diary. Ororo had even taken Jubilee down and made her show her where – twice! An hour apart, as if wanting to make sure Jubilee went to the same spot twice even! When Ororo finally seemed to believe Jubilee about where she'd found the book, Storm just seemed to deflate a little in a sight.
"I thought Charles was going to hide this where no one would ever find it. Although I suppose no one would have thought to look in the library." Her tone was somewhat crisp, strained, as she eyed the diary with a distasteful look.
"Why would he want to hide it, Miss Munroe? You could use it to tell the future, couldn't you?" Jubilee asked with a hopeful look.
"Yes, and no child. It depends on which side of the fence you sit on, regarding precognition. The two schools of thought go something like this. One side says that what people see is the set future, and regardless of what we do or act, what a true oracle predicts will come to pass. The other side, say that oracles just see what may be, and by making a prophecy increase the chances of something happening, especially if the prophecy is believed. From what I personally have observed, I am part of the second camp. Many of Destiny's predictions came true, and others have been proven wrong."
Storm was frowning, then though.
"Although, Destiny's fellows often claimed that they deliberately spread misinformation with some of her tellings, to confuse us. Charles and the original X-men thought it best to disregard Destiny's diaries and works, so they wouldn't be biased or inadvertently make a time line Destiny saw become the true time line."
"So you don't think the part I found is important? That it doesn't mean that Magik's going to come back?"
Storm shook her head. "No, Jubilee, I don't. I wish it was that simple, that Illyana would just come back. It's not. Forget what you've read, and you are forbidden from mentioning this to your friends. I don't want you upsetting Peter or Kitty with what ifs or could have beens about Illyana, do you understand me young lady?"
Part of the reprimand there, Jubilee realized, was for bringing this to Storm as well, who sounded hurt that she had to rationalize and debate if it would be good or bad if the entry Jubilee pointed out was about Illyana or not.
"Yes Miss Munroe. I won't mention it... or the diary at all." Holding her hands up at the stern gaze of Storm, Jubes realized this was one thing she wasn't going to break the rules on. Storm looked serious enough to sick Logan on her if she broke this promise. And that was the last thing she needed, for real.
Classes were boring, as was homework. Even the latest gossip just hadn't really had her interest. It was the Tuesday after she got lectured by Miss Munroe, when she came to a realization. Namely, that she had become somewhat obsessed with learning about Illyana Rasputin.
There was only one thing to be done for it. It didn't seem like Kitty would tell her more, although in reality she just hadn't asked yet. It was time to go straight to the source.. Peter Rasputin. If anyone could tell her anything, it'd be Illyana's brother, right?
So with a good bit of trepidation, Jubilee made her way through the boys dorm, and knocked on his door. Warren answered it with a grin. "Not here to see you, Wings, Peter in? Hey Pete, could we talk for a bit? Buzz off fly boy." Jubes bumped him with her hips as she slipped in the room, then gave Warren a bit of a shove to keep on going, but at least she didn't slam the door on him.
Granted, she would have but if she wanted to be in the boys dorms, they had to leave the door open or they'd get in trouble. Stupid rules.
"Hello Jubilee. What can I do for you?" She'd almost, almost, forgotten just how big Peter Rasputin was. Like, a mountain, compared to her. His arms were thicker then her neck, she couldn't help but noticing for perhaps the first time, as she looked at him. Then she realized that he wasn't lifting weights as she kind of figured he would be. He was standing by the corner, facing a canvas and working, only looking over at her occasionally. And those looks weren't rude, but they were somewhat blank, as if he couldn't think of any reason why she should be there.
"Hiya Petey. I wanted to ask you some questions.. err.. about your sister. See, after I found out she saved the world and er well, lots of us didn't even know who she was, so I thought maybe someone should write a tribute for her for the school paper, and I totally know I normally don't do this kind of thing, but I can't quit thinking about her ever since I heard about her, and I know I'm babbling and she's your sister, pleasedon'thitme."
At the end, Jubilees words had become a rush, and she knew she was babbling, but she wanted to get it all out of there before he would throw her out. However, when she finally opened her eyes again, she found that Peter was just looking at her in surprise, a thoughtful look on his face. After several long moments, he nodded.
"You wish to write a tribute to my sister, Jubilee? A good thing, about little Illyana?" He seemed wary, but not totally paranoid. Jubilee was a gossip, but she was also Kitty's friend, and doing anything bad about Illyana seemed to be a pretty big no brainer if one wanted to make enemies of Peter and Kitty.
"Yeah, that's what I wanted to do, but I don't know much about Illyana so I need to ask questions.." Jubes felt th eneed to re-emphasize her need to ask him questions, just so he didn't think she was only looking for his approval. Which she realized, would've been a horrible idea to do this without asking him – or even worse if she'd gone to someone else first. She was going to need to talk to Kitty again..
"Da. I will answer your questions about Little Snowflake."
Jubes made a relieved noise, then pulled out her notepad and pen. "Alright! First question, why'd you call her Little Snowflake?"
"It was the name all of the family used for Illyana. She has always been special, even in the family. Mother and Father have dark hair, like Mikhail and I. Illyana though, had pale skin and blond hair and blue eyes. Only member of family in last two generations to have hair that not black or brown." Peter shrugged.
"So Mikhail pointed out she was special, unique and different like snowflakes are always different." Peter nodded, smiled briefly, and went back to painting while Jubilee scribbled to get all of that down.
"How did Illyana get older?"
Peter seemed to be expecting this one. "Illyana was six, came to visit. No one has ever been sure, not even the Professor ever knew for sure. One moment Illyana was here, next gate opened and sucked her in. Kitty grabbed her ankle, and I grabbed Kitty. I grabbed tree, and pulled us against the force of the portal. Would have went in, but Doctor Grey came and helped when Professor felt our panic. Kitty, she lost hold of Illyana for a second, and all of us panicked, but a moment later she grabbed hold of Illyana's arm! With a massive tug by Doctor Grey and I, we pull Kitty and Yana free of the portal, and it closed behind her."
Peter grunted then. "Yana was still Yana, but.. older. She refused to talk to all of us about it, or what happened to her, but she aged naturally. 7 years, in a few minutes in the hell she was pulled into." Peter sounded sad, not angry.
"Little Snowflake was not so little. I failed to protect her. Illyana refused talking her past with anyone, except maybe Kitty. It did not matter though, what happened, we were all just happy to have Illyana safe and sound, older or not."
"Couldn't the Professor just peak in her head, to help her work through things?"
"The Professor would not do such a thing without permission, Jubilee." He sounded somewhat astounded she'd even suggest such a thing about Charles Xavier. Then again, Peter was one of those suckers for believing the best in people. She supposed he was a bit taken in, and didn't think the Professor wouldn't do that kind of thing if he had to. What Jubilee wondered, was did he, or was there a reason he didn't?
"So what happened?"
"Illyana went to school with us. She spent the rest of summer catching up to Kitty in classes, and had tutoring. Yana was very smart, she caught up easy." Peter smiled proudly at this, and Jubes thought she understood. A lot of people took Peter for a big dumb giant, and he was proud that his sister had been smarter. Jubes kind of wondered though, if Pete didn't just act dumb so he'd be left alone a lot. It seemed to her he had quite a few books on his side of the room, and he had to think about things to make those pretty paintings..
"Life was good. Yana brought life and cheer to the mansion, she liked to laugh and hated being bored. Made prank wars bigger than you or Drake ever get into. When her power manifested, she was the talk of the school. Able to teleport through space and time. Snowflake, she was smart, powerful, and very beautiful." Again, Peter sounded proud.
And Jubilee realized something, then. Sooner or later the story was going to take a turn for the worse, and Peter was going to have to confront the tragedy of his sisters death. It made her stomach swim, and Jubilee had to frantically think about how to stop the interview before then. At least for today.
"So she was popular, and everything was going good?" That seemed like a safe comment, while she thought of a way to get out of asking more.
"Da. Until Christmas break. Katja went home for break, while we stayed here. Two nights before Christmas, Illyana had a bad dream. Woke up screaming, came to me. Told me that Kitty had been kidnapped. That we had to go save her. I did not understand, so I tried to get her to explain to me how she knew. She said she dreamed it, and I told her she was just afraid."
Peter frowned. "I should have believed Illyana. She was not wrong, but her screaming at me aroused others and Mr Summers came to see what was wrong – a girl screaming in the boys dorm. When he saw it was Illyana, and when she explained he just told her to go back to sleep."
Peter looked down at that. "None of us knew. Illyana screamed at us, and before we knew it there were demons around us, and a scrying pool. She had not changed my room but.. brought us all to somewhere else. She cast spells, showed us Kitty in trouble. Not until Mr Summers agreed to go save her, did Illyana return us."
Peter looked at the floor. "He made Mr Summers promise to take Yana and I with to save Kitty. We managed to arrive in time, Illyana's teleportation worked well. A group called Purity had gotten ahold of Kitty, somehow they knew she was a mutant. They were going to.." Peter again looked down.
"So Yana knew Kitty was in trouble, and when no one believed her, she teleported you all to some place with demons, and showed you all she was in trouble? Then went with to save Kitty?" Jubilee had to blink her eyes, and had a hard time believing a 14 year old girl could have brow beaten Scott Summers as easily as Colossus made it sound.
"Da." He sounded uncomfortable with continuing the story, and Jubilee just nodded.
"I think that's enough for now, Peter. I've got enough to get a good start on what I'm writing, and I can get the rest of the questions from you later?" Peter's nodded lightened her heart, and she sped for the door with a backwards wave.
How much weirdness am I going to find learning about this girl? From appearances so far? A lot.
Kitty had seemed happy about Jubilees idea of writing a tribute to Illyana, but she hadn't exactly offered to answer questions. Then again, Jubes hadn't asked yet. Besides, she figured it'd be better to try Dani again. She did not, strictly speaking, feel bad if questions she asked made Dani feel bad after all.
As last time, she found Dani Moonstar down at the stables, caring for the white stallion again. In a way, Jubes kind of took that for confirmation that the stallion was hers. Or at least her favorite.
"Heya Dani, got a minute?"
"Maybe. Depends on what you want the minute for, Jubilee." Not quite as hostile as last time, Jubes noticed. Maybe she'd heard about her talk with Sam and Peter?
"Well, I'm trying to get info on Illyana. I'm going to write a tribute for her in the school paper, I mean she saved the world and most of us don't even know who she was. I was kind of hoping you'd be willing to talk to me about her this time, Chief?" Jubes offered a grin.
"I'd heard. Sam said you were well intentioned, and Peter talked to you about her so.. I guess. But if you make this into a smear piece, you'll never have a good nights sleep again, Jubilee." Jubilee found herself taking a step back, from the look in Dani's eye, the absolute threat in her tone.
"Woah, chill. I'm not about to smeer one of my best friends 'sister', or one of my friends deceased little sister! I might like to gossip, Dani, but I'm not a horrible person." At least, Jubilee didn't think she was a bad person.
"Just so we're clear. Where did you want to start? One sec, let me grab some more grain for Brightwind." Dani slipped off to the storeroom, to return to refill the stallions trough, and began to brush his coat again, before nodding to Jubilee.
"Well, when did you first meet Illyana? Let's start there."
"I met her my first year here, the same as Sam. She was new, just like us. We didn't know about her accident for quite a while, she kept everything quiet. In fact, I think other then Kitty, I was the first one who found out that Illyana was... different." Dani brushed at her side with a distaste, as if remembering something painful.
"What do you mean?"
"Well. When I came to join the school, it was because my Grandfather thought it a good idea. My parents were archeologists, but had gone missing the year before. I thought we should be looking for them, but Grandpa had final say. What I didn't know, is he was trying to get me away from our home, and Cheyenne lands. When my parents disappeared, they woke up something ancient and evil, a demon of some kind. It was after me, and I didn't even know it until it came hunting me."
"Here." She gestured, at the outside of Xavier's. For a moment, Jubilee had to admit she was taken aback. Xavier's always seemed so peaceful to her, even with Logan there, she couldn't imagine anything or anyone being 'hunted' here. Yet, she knew she could. She just didn't want to imagine it. It made her remember the night the soldiers came...
"I detected it, and called my Grandpa. He told me not to fight it, but I thought I was strong. I would end whatever my parents had stirred. I was hurt kinda bad, and Illyana stopped it from killing me, chased the demon off. I didn't even wonder how she'd chased it off at first, I was too busy being ashamed of my failure, and being hurt. But once Doc Grey had me bandaged up in the infirmary, Yana came down to visit me."
Dani shrugged. "She offered to help me. Here was this little blond angel, who'd just saved me from a big demon bear, offering to help me fight an ancient evil spirit of my people. I was more then a little offended and surprised, until I saw her eyes. She wasn't joking, she was the most serious I'd seen her the whole year, then I remembered the sword she'd used on the demon."
Dani grinned then. "So I teamed up with her. We both almost got killed, but in the end it worked. We broke the curse, and freed my parents from the demon bear. From then on, Illyana was my friend."
Jubes just blinked a bit, more then a little confused. "I'm not sure I followed exactly. Your parents got cursed, and you two saved them from it? And Illyana had a sword?"
"Not just a sword. Illyana wielded the Soulsword, she always said it was part of her, that she'd made it from part of her own soul. It couldn't hurt normal things or people, just magical or supernatural things. It'd just pass right through you. But if something was magical, it was just about the nastiest weapon I could think of..." Dani trailed off, no doubt remembering seeing the weapon in use in memories.
"So what happened after you saved your parents?"
"Well, I spent a week in the infirmary... but the next month was Christmas, and that's when Kitty got kidnapped.."
"Peter told me about that."
"Good. Well, that was Illyana's 'outing'. After that, everyone knew there was something different about her. To some of us, it didn't matter. We knew Illyana before, and it didn't change who she was to us. To a lot of the students though, it was just too much. A demon sorceress. Things kept happening though, Illyana kept using her powers, and every time she did.."
Dani just sighed. "Her magic, that is. Not her teleportation. Every time she started casting spells, she started to turn more demonic. Horns, a tail, a forked tongue, fangs, cloven hooves.. It was slow though. We didn't notice it at first, but she started going a little further each time, becoming a little less like our Illyana every time she cast a spell or went to Limbo."
"She had to use her powers that much?"
"It was.. a lot more chaotic, then, Jubilee. Maybe just because Illyana was here, but we got attacked, or we snuck out to try and fight crime or solve mysteries, or she'd run away and we'd have to go after her.. The school has never been as chaotic as when Illyana was here. I guess that goes with having a teleporting time travelling demon sorceress around though?" Dani chuckled a little, at that.
"So uh. What finally happened?"
"Well.. It turned out two of her demons, S'ym and N'astirh had been plotting against her, Corrupting her ever since she'd first came back to earth. It was slow, so it wasn't obvious. By the time it was, they'd tricked her into opening a portal in Limbo to Earth, and they were marching the demon armies on New York.."
Jubilee eyed her with disbelief. "Are you serious? A demon army? Attacking New York?"
"Very. Wondering why no one remembers?"
"Uhm. Y'could say that?"
"Doctor Strange made everyone but those involved with the fight forget. It was pretty nasty business. Even Thor was there, to help fight the tide of demons. Illyana managed to break free in Limbo though, and she was talking pretty crazy but we couldn't stop her, all we could do was go with her. She took us to the center of the fighting, and we followed her."
Dani shook her head. "I'd say we helped, but she cleared a path by herself that day. It was like following the charge of a swords man in the stories. She swept demons clear with swipe after swipe of her sword, or blasts of magic from her right hand. Oh, occasionally Sam, Kitty, Peter or me got to hit one or two, but it was all we could do to keep up with Illyana. When she got to the source, she started throwing down with S'ym, and she was kicking his ass. Then she started raving about how she was going to make it all end.."
"We're not sure how she did it. Maybe it was magic, maybe she opened a portal. I don't know, but she started glowing. Brighter, and brighter, and none of us could look at her. Not even me, with my Death Sense. We guess she threw her sword up, because the light went up too, and then it just.. washed over the whole city. Demons were sucked into the same portal they'd come from, and buildings began righting themselves. Some damage remained, it looked like there'd been a fire.. Almost everyone forgot what happened that night, civilian wise. Doc Strange cast a spell to make sure it'd stick, just in case Yana's didn't.."
"And Yana?"
"Gone. Her armor was at the center of it all, beneath where the portal had been. It was charred, melted inward. She wasn't in it, but Doc Strange said last rights for her. She's something of a legend in the mystic community. The Demon Sorceress who triumphed over evil, ya know? She called herself Magik, but others called her the Darkchyld I guess. Well, after that, she was refered to as the Lightchyld sometimes too, and one of the big parts of the story according to some is that she glowed like an angel at the end. She was bright, but what she looked like... none of us know."
Jubes was confused, and needed clarification. "Err.. Mystic community?"
"Community. Of Mystics. The Asgardian Gods, the Olympians, the mages, all the people involved with things that go bump in the night.."
"Oh. I just.. kind of figured Illyana was alone in being a witch."
"Not hardly, Jubilee. What do you think Brightwind?" She asked her horse, who neighed at her, and Jubilee felt her bum hit the floor of the stable. The white stallion she'd seen so many times had wings coming out of it's flanks.
"Brightwind is a Pegasus, Jubes. He chose me for a rider during one of our little erm.. Adventures with Illyana in Asgard."
Jubilee wasn't in any rush to get off the floor. The whole world had gone insane.
"Little too much information for you to handle at once, Jubes? I know how you feel. C'mon, I'll walk with you back up to the mansion. A little caffeine will fix you up."
"Thanks Chief..."
How much had she missed, right in front of her, because she'd never considered magic might be real?