Chapter One: Introduction.


Hello, there! I've had this idea in my head for a long time. I was thinking either Draco or Harry whom ends up in a dip of depression, but I chose Harry because it's for better story making, especially with Snape. I love when tough guys can show a soft side, but I also hate when people totally butcher character personalities. So, this story WILL be as realistic as possible, don't worry. I've seen too many fan fictions with this plot where either Snape or Harry is completely out of character, and it makes the story really unbelievable. I like to think that fan fiction, when written with taste, can fit almost perfectly into the real books or movies, and can let our imaginations ponder the "what if's" we may have.




Got it now? When I start writing this story out, it WILL contain spoilers. so if you're a fucking moron and you read this story before reading the seventh book, then flame me because you're an idiot who didn't read the introduction page, I will have NO sympathy, whatsoever. With that said, it may contain spoilers for Half-Blood Prince if you haven't read that one yet, either. Probably not huge ones, but still, be warned.

The story is set at the beginning of Harry's sixth year, which would be the Half Blood Prince book. Now, I've read all the books and seen the movies that have come out so far, but I have a horrible memory, so if I get little details wrong about things, I'm sorry. Feel free to tell me though in a review, so I can know for later. For example, I have no idea when exactly Quidditch season starts, so I may just say practices begin in the fourth week of school. I don't know that, but I'm just making an example of how I might twist up the details by accident.

I probably won't make this have an extreme amount of chapters. Twenty at the most, I would think. But of course, everything is subject to change. However, I'm a huge Snape fan, so there will probably be more stories written by me to come, after I've finished this one. See, I can't write more than one story at a time. I get overwhelmed and confused. And I don't have Word Document, I only have Word Pad so although I'd love to say that I'm good at spelling, I do have those days where the simplest word can throw me off. Not to mention I type rather fast and make a lot of typos by accident. So I hope you guys can put up with that.

I think that's about it. I love reviews, so when I start adding chapters, I'd love to see some! And be completely honest with me, and tell me when you think something doesn't sound right. I'm aiming to add a chapter at least once a week. Thanks for all who will read! First "real" chapter will be put up soon!
