One year had passed since Link and his family were revealed to the world. Thanks to Zelda, they were able to freely roam anywhere they desired.

Link rode Epona through Ordon Village, the town of his past. Sadly, no one lived within Ordon Village anymore. It was now abandoned and silent . He visited this memory-filled place every month or so because even though every trip made him sad, he felt he had to remember this place. This was where he had grown up, where he had made infinite friends, and even lived for a long amount of time with his true love, Midna.

"I would not be the man I am today without this place," Link muttered as he stared up at the burnt tree-house he had at one time lived in. The leaves were now only ashes on the floor, and only a few branches remained intact. The house itself had completely collapsed.

After a long sigh, Link continued to ride his horse to the central part of the town. The silence pierced Link's heart like an arrow, for this village was once noisy and full of life. Up ahead he could see two graves. It was hard to see the faded writing on them, but he was able to distinguish the names 'Rusl' and 'Link' after dismounting Epona. "He didn't deserve this end." Link thought as he knelt down for a minute or so in respect. Link then stood up and took a long gaze around. "The village didn't deserve this end either." Link whispered. This was once a happy place with cheerful people; it tore Link apart that it was now barren and morbid. Link could even remember why everyone left their home, the memorable Ordon Village.

Hanch couldn't stand the thought of him living around people who knew he'd committed murder. How could he have neighbors that not only judged him, but his family as well? He hastily took his family and left to find some other place to live, which was far better than Jaggle's decision.

Jaggle felt similar to Hanch, but being his uncaring self, left his family behind. He took off before the villagers even returned from Kakariko to Ordon. Instead of following everyone back to the village, Jaggle's family took off on a search to find him. Link to this day still doesn't know what happened to them after that.

Fado announced that he was leaving, unlike most. Apparently, he had been recruited to work with Hyrule's biggest source of farm products. Link couldn't believe this at first for Fado always seemed more lazy than most.

Colin had changed ever since experiencing the loss of his father. He became silent and fairly mature. He no longer played with the other children, even though they still asked him to once in awhile. He chose not to talk to anyone from then on, not even Link or his mother. One day, Colin just left without informing anyone. Uli came to Kakariko in hopes that Link would help her search for her son, but Link declined for he knew that Colin needed this pilgrimage. As did most of the world.

Link could no longer defend Hyrule now that he had retired from his life as a hero so that he could raise a family. Colin was to be the new hero, and in order for that to happen, he needed to learn how to survive in the wild as Link did.

As for Ilia, she became highly bitter and depressed. One day, just like Colin, Ilia left without notice. She probably traveled to Castle town, but no one knew for sure. Link thought about going out to look for her but realized that she wouldn't listen to anything he had to say. He had broken her heart, and she hated him for it.

Uli finally accepted the fate of her son, and she settled down in Kakariko with her six-year old daughter, Lilly. Now being a neighbor to Link's family, Uli became close friends with Midna, and Azarael gained Lily as his first friend.

Mayor Bo moved to Kakariko as well, but he only lived there for a short amount of time. On one of the days when he still lived there, Link asked him how he liked it, but Bo responded in a voice of self-embitterment.

"How could I enjoy living in a town where I killed my best friend?" After only a few days in Kakariko, Bo explained that he couldn't live here, and that he would be moving back to Ordon. Surprisingly, on Link's first trip to visit Ordon, he found Bo's house empty. He couldn't blame him though, how could he live in a town with no inhabitants?

After these memories died away, Link figured it was now time to head back to Kakariko. Epona didn't want to go at first, for they had not visited the ranch this time. "There's always next time, girl." Link commented as he manipulated the reigns, finally getting her to leave the forgotten town.

The sun was beginning to set as Link rode into Kakariko. Outside of his new house, Azarael and Lily were playing tag. Link found it very cute how Lily and his son got along together. Who knew, maybe an imp and human would mix again.

Midna and Uli were outside also, keeping an eye on their kids. They were having a nice long conversation about their children, and their overall family life. Link and Midna decided to take a vactaion soon for just the two of them and Uli had offered to watch Azarael and Linda. Midna knew Azarael would be alright with it because he would get more time to play with Lily, but she was worried about Linda, she didn't like to be seperated form either Link or Midna for a long time. Midna was holding Linda, who was the first to notice Link approaching.

"Daddy!" Linda exclaimed joyfully, raising her little arms into the air in excitement. Everyone turned to see Link coming towards them on his trusted horse.

"Dad!" Azarael shouted, as he ran towards his him ecstatically. Link wanted to impress his kids so he dismounted Epona with a back-flip. "You're so cool, dad!" Azarael yelled, jumping onto Link's shoulders. Midna looked down, to see Linda struggling for release.

"Well would you look at that?" Midna laughed, putting Linda down on her feet. Linda wobbled at first but began making her way towards Link. Halfway Linda paused and nearly fell. This caused Midna to run towards her just in case, but Link winked at her, signaling her to let Linda do it on her own. When only a foot away, Linda lost her balance and leaped into her father's open arms.

"She did it!" Lily exclaimed.

"I'm so proud of you!" Link whispered into her ear. He then looked over at Midna, her eyes were filled with tears, and her heart with pride. Link grinned as he walked over to his lovely wife, carrying Linda in his arms and with Azarael sitting upon his shoulders.

"Welcome home, Link." Midna giggled, giving Link a kiss on the cheek. Azarael made a disgusted sound.

"Good to be home." Link replied, putting his hand on her face. Uli could see that Midna wanted to have some privacy with her family, so she took Lily by the hand, and led her home. "Hey Azarael, do you think you can carry your sister home?" Link inquired.

"Really? You'll let me try?!" Azarael remarked ecstatically, dropping off of Link's back.

"Yep, just be careful." Link reasoned, putting Linda into Azarael's arms. Azarael stared into her sister's eyes, and it seemed Linda didn't like it. She grabbed his hair and began pulling on it strongly, causing Azarael to shout in pain the whole walk home.

"She reminds me of you, Midna." Link laughed, putting his arm around her.

"They're certainly an ambitious duo." Midna giggled. Link smiled, and suddenly picked her up, and held her in his arms.

"We should have another!" Midna said as she rested her head on Link's chest and wrapped her arms around his neck.

"Well………Er……….I………..You………" Link started off at a loss for words. Midna giggled at his stuttering, until Link finally put his words together.

"How about we wait till Linda's a little older?" He didn't think Zelda'd want to baby-sit for them again with the last event so fresh in mind.

"Alright Link." Midna said as she laughed a little. Their vaction was coming up soon, maybe she could get another child a few months after their vaction.

The End.

A/N: I hope you enjoyed this fic, I have atleast one more planned to follow this fic. I'm just curious, any suggestions as to what the next fic should be.