(the parking lot)
"UGH" The whole PC sighed at once. "Do we really have to go back to lake placid?" Claire begged Mr.Myner
"Oh come on girls it will be fun... and since the water park trip got counseled for the eighth grade field trip you will just have to join the seventh graders."
"Oh come on guys this will be awesome plus my mother or should I say Mrs.Myner wont be there." Dylan smiled with joy, until she looked over and realized they still were not worming up to the Idea. "Okay you first Mass, Don't you want to sneak behind the girls cabin with Dempsey And do what you do. And you Kris you know Duke is going to be there. Whose next? Oh yes Claire you are the one who wants to get back with Cam, and how many times did you guys make up last trip. And last but not least Leesh I know you like Derrick you should go for it."
"WHAT! YOU LIKE HARRINGTON?" Kristen ,Massie , and Claire cracked up and every body stared
"Shh! Lower your voices. I don't want anyone to know." Leesh looked panicked especially when Derrick walked by but instead of looking at leesh he checked out Dylan.
"Wow Leesh I think you have a little competition." Kristen pointed out and giggled into her palm.
"Did he just check you out?" Leesh asked Dylan nodded and winked. "Ow your going down Marvil. He is going to be mine." Leesh said pretending to honestly be mad at her but every one new she new she wasent.
"EVERY ONE COME TO THE BUS DOORS! NOW AND DON'T TALK!" Mr.Myner yeld at the students. Once every one was there he continued. "Okay I don't It to get too loud on the buses so we have made some asighened seating. First I'll read the eighth grade list. Massie Block you're with Dempsey seat 28, Claire Lyons you're with Josh Hots seat 27, Dylan Marvil you're with Alicea Rivers seat 26, Kristen Gregory you're with Duke seat 25, Cameron Fisher you're with Strawberry seat 24 Derrick Harrington you're with Dylan Marvil seat 2-wait Miss.Marvil didn't I already call your name? Um... oh I guess You will be with Derrick, and Miss.Rivers will be with Kempt..."
"Yes!" All the girls said except Claire, and Leesh who weren't with their crushes. Massie went and sat next to Dempsey with confident's this was not going be like her last
bus ride to lake Placid. She greeted Dempsey with a kiss which surprised him, but not as much as it surprised Derrick who sat next to Dylan as fast as he could and kissed her.
Ow Cliffy you better review if you want more!