Hey! So… It's been a while… over a year in fact, and I just felt inspired to start writing again!
As you can probably tell, I'm a little rusty, so any constructive criticism you have will be really appreciated!
The usual: I don't own Dragonball or any of it's affilates.
She stared in the mirror. She had come of age.
Midnight met midnight as she peered for imperfections. She caught sight of a fading scar on her left cheek, running down her jaw line. Her usually messy bangs; preened and tamed for the evening. Black, woven silk spilled over her shoulders, giving teasing glances of her collar bones. Porcelain skin running flawlessly down, a slight dusting of glitter giving her an ethereal glow.
She had to admit, Bra had done as good a job as she said she would.
She turned away from the glass and smoothed down the foreign material that cascaded over her hips like a waterfall – deep, luxurious blue.
"Pan-chan…? Is that really you?"
Goten peered around her bedroom door, eyes disbelieving at the sight in front of him. This couldn't be his niece. The obnoxious tomboy who wouldn't be seen dead in anything other than her baggy, black short and famed orange bandanna.
"I'm not sure myself… This is all so surreal." She turned back to the mirror to take another quick look. "Bra did a good job, huh?"
Goten could only nod in appreciation. He couldn't believe that 'little Panny-chan' was now celebrating her eighteenth birthday. It seemed like only yesterday she crashed in on the Black Star Dragonball hunt, leaving her friends and family for an entire year – at the age of only 14.
"We should probably go," he said. "They're all waiting for you downstairs."
Of course, Bulma was throwing the obligatory party at Capsule Corp., meaning that a night of decadence and extravagance was upon them. Pan had argued that all she really wanted was a quiet, family meal – but her pleas were lost amongst her mother, grandmother and Bulma excitedly planning every last detail of her special night.
Pan and Goten made their way to the top of the stairs in her small home.
"Ladies and gentlemen," boomed Goten, "I present to you, Son Pan!"
"Goten!" She screeched, punching him in the arm with almost unnecessary force as walked tentatively down the stairs – she wasn't completely used to these 'kitten heels' as Bra called them.
Chi-Chi and Videl stared up with tears in their eyes; they couldn't believe that Pan had gone through such a dramatic transformation in just a few hours. After much excitement was had over Pan's new look, the Son family made their way over to Capsule Corp.
Unknowingly to Pan, that night would be the night that would call an end to whatever normality a quarter Saiya-jin could savour at the tender age of 18.
Trunks paced up and down.
Where are they? He thought, agitated – mainly with himself for his lack of patience.
Trunks had a problem. He was 32 years old and struggling with unknown feelings about his 18 year old best friend. Ever since he had returned from the Dragonball hunt he had felt about Pan in a different way from when they first went. It seemed like she had matured overnight – transforming from an almost unbearable little girl into an elegant young woman.
Of course she still refused to change her sense of style, maintaining that she would 'wear shorts until I die' and never removing that bandanna. Hell, she probably even bathed in it! But it wasn't her appearance that was attractive – it was her. The way her smile would light up the room, her ever-so-slightly warped sense of humour that he – and only he – understood, but mainly her eyes; those piercing nightshade orbs that seemed to hold every secret and ever solution.
He felt flustered, uneasy, perhaps? He wasn't sure. All he was certain of is that he needed to make Pan his before too long or he would go crazy with desire. His father had told him stories of unfulfilled Saiyan men, who had lusted for too long over one woman and lost their sanity to their own obsession.
Lust. That's all he was sure it was… however, there were times when he wasn't so convinced. This sometimes felt like so much more, but sometimes so much less. He felt like an irrational, over-sexed teenager again – this wasn't meant to be happening to him now. He was meant to have a wife, children even. Not be chasing after his best friend's 18 year old niece.
Before his mind could go full circle again he heard a bang and some cheering come from the function room across the corridor. He rushed to his feet and flew through the doors that would lead to the back of the hall, not expecting the sight in front of him.
His heart leapt into his mouth.
She… She's a goddess…
Across the large banqueting room, stood 'little Panny-chan'. Only this time, 'little Panny-chan', was all grown up.
Unfortunately for Trunks, he wasn't the only one who noticed.
Well… what do you think?
Not sure which way this is going to go yet – I don't have a plan – I just started writing on a whim! Who else has noticed our little Panny all grown up?
Remember, constructive criticism is much appreciated!