Pre AN: Yup! I live. see end note for more details.

Sleepless Findings (6)

Zoro finally cornered the raven haired archeologist in a quiet spot on Merry's deck. He held out the confiscated book to her, a light tinge of red coloring his cheeks as he looked to the side, unable to meet the amused gleam in her eyes. She looked it over for a moment, never taking it into her own hands before smiling thoughtfully at him.

"I'm honored by your offer, but don't you think this present is better suited to someone else?" Robin gently pushed the book away so that Zoro was holding it against his chest now.

Zoro's head snapped around to face her and he blinked owlishly several times before finally finding his voice and responding. "You mean this isn't yours? I was sure that with all the books I've seen you carrying around that this had to belong to you."

"I'm sorry, bushido-san, but it is not. Did you ask navigator-san if this belonged to her?" Robin tapped her chin in thought as she tried to think of who might have purchased it.

"No, she ran away when she saw it. If it belonged to her, I'm sure she would have snatched it up before taking off." Zoro shook his head as he spoke, at a complete loss now as to where to return the book. The only ones left were… wait, there was only one member left on the ship that it could even possibly belong to.

"Well, cook-san would be my next guess. I believe he is in the galley still."

"I'll go check with Nami again to make sure, first." Zoro nodded to her and tucked the item back into his waist as he hurried out of the room.

Not wanting to approach either of the possible owners, Zoro kept the graphic book hidden until late that evening when he was getting ready to climb into an empty hammock and felt the hard edges press into his stomach. He took it out and glanced around the room to the already sleeping figures, knowing this would be awkward for both he and the cook if anyone saw Zoro return it. The swordsman waited for over an hour for Sanji to come down and ended up falling asleep with the book still in hand. It was like this that Sanji found him only a few minutes later.

Sanji recognized the cover immediately and hurried over to snatch it from Zoro's hands. He nervously looked around the room and sighed in relief when he saw that no one was awake to see him claim the missing object. He had been up in the galley searching for it until he remembered taking it out and putting it… somewhere. Sanji couldn't remember exactly what he had done with it, but obviously Zoro had been the one to find it. A few of the pages were dog-eared, piquing Sanji's curiosity, so the cook laid down on the couch to see which ones had caught the swordsman's attention.

Andromache, the Stem, and Indra were ones he could understand, but then there was the Lotus and the Scissors which Sanji would have found to be extremely uncomfortable for the man on the bottom. A shiver ran through him as he thought how it would feel to be bent into those impossible positions and his body began to respond to the mental images Sanji conjured in his head. He slid a hand down and rubbed at the slight bulge in his pants, wondering if he dared pleasure himself in the bunkroom, or if he should seek out the safety of the washroom again. The galley would even be a better choice than in amongst all of his sleeping nakama. A loud snort and grumble from Luffy helped him make his choice and Sanji hurried up the ladder with bare feet, trying his best to not make a sound during his escape. A pair of dark eyes followed his retreat and the swordsman climbed out of his hammock to gather up the forgotten book, certain now to whom it belonged.


He had to wait three more nights for an opportunity to appear, but Zoro watched Sanji disappear into the galley after his watch and knew that for the next three hours, the cook would be alone. Memories of salty taste of Sanji's skin on his lips had haunted him enough, and tonight Zoro planned on getting the cook out of his head completely. Zoro stood from his napping spot on deck and determinately headed for the well lit room. He didn't hesitate in pushing open the door, a bit surprised to see the weary and sleep deprived blonde slumped over his new cookbook again. Looking at the old, blurred pages of his previous cooking journal, Zoro could see that he was nearly finished, but at what cost.

"Idiot-cook. You're gonna kill yourself trying to get that thing copied at this rate." Zoro walked over to snatch the book and quill from him.

"It's not as if you'd understand, Marimo," Sanji argued as he tried to keep his precious items out of the other man's hands.

Zoro grabbed Sanji's shoulders and spun the guy around, leaning down to get in his face. "What I do understand is that you need to sleep in order to be able to cook and if you're doing this you won't get any rest."

"I can't!" Sanji yelled. He shoved Zoro aside and stood, walking over to the sink and looking out the small window to the night's sky. "Ever since that night, whenever I fucking close my eyes… all I can see is the shitty expression on your face when… when you…"

"When I came beneath my hand, and looked you straight in the eye," Zoro spoke softly, but his words echoed in Sanji's head. Sanji swallowed hard and nodded, but didn't speak. Zoro walked up behind him but kept his hands at his sides, fighting the desire to reach out and turn the man around to face him once again. "What about when you climbed into my lap that night? Do you not think it haunts my dreams?"

"You're a fucking bastard," Sanji spat out.

"And you're a shitty little bitch," Zoro offered, not refuting Sanji's harsh statement in the least. "So what do you plan on doing about it?"

In a blur of motion, Sanji had spun around and grabbed a hold of Zoro's shirt, pulling them together and brutally crushing their mouths together as they each fought to rid their clothes as quickly as possible. The sound of heavy footwear slamming into cabinets and furniture rang out over the soft hiss of seams ripping on Sanji's jacket as Zoro destroyed the cook's clothing. They stumbled away from the sink and ended up falling hard to the floor in a tangle of limbs and remnants of fabric. The only things that seemed to gain any respect were Zoro's swords as the green haired man hurried to remove them out of harm's way. The knitted haramaki joined the jacket's fate when Sanji refused to break the seal of their mouths long enough to pull it over Zoro's head.

Pants were unzipped and shoved down far enough to release their engorged members, all else forgotten when Zoro reached between them to grab both erections in his hand. They lay on their sides, Sanji's face buried in the crook of Zoro's shoulder and neck as he rode out the orgasm wrenched from his body by the panting swordsman. The larger man quickly followed and they lay there in a tangle of limbs and tattered clothes as the reality of what had just happened settled around them. Unable to take the silence, Zoro pulled back to look down at Sanji, only to find the cook fast asleep; one hand tightly gripping onto the stained white t-shirt.

End AN: I apologize for such a long time since anyone has heard from me. I have been working on fics, but due to FF's rules my latest work wasn't able to be published here without serious damage to my account. In short, the whole thing revolved around the exploration of sexual desires. Sry guys. it was an awesome fic, but too graphic for this site. I am currently working on other stuff, but i refuse to post until the entire fic is complete so that i don't risk having long gaps between chapters. Yell at me all you want, but I promise it will be worth the wait. I am going to try to put out some more drabbles and short stuff in the mean time (I hope). I got really sick and was in bed for almost 2 weeks not long ago. I am happy to say i'm well on the way to recovery and working diligently at writing. OK... now that i've rambled on (i seem to do that a lot lately), I hope you guys forgive me for my absence.