Do not own Twilight!

With Alice handling the wedding and everything involved with that, Edward and Bella went to their meadow. It was the day before their wedding and that night would be their bachelor and bachelorette parties. They wanted to discuss their rules for each other, for the night.

"Just have fun, my love. You deserve this night. This will, hopefully, be a human experience you will never forget." Edward said, with a kiss on her cheek.

We sat cross-legged, facing each other with our hands liked together. They were looking and analyzing every inch of there soon to be married faces.

"You are absolutely stunning Isabella Swan. If I was a human, I would have dropped dead awhile back. You have stolen my breath from my lips on countless occasions. I'm very glad that we came back to Forks. You are the completion of my existence, without you in my life; it would be a movie with no sound or pictures. Like a song with no music or lyrics, a book with no words. I love you, you and only you. No other being has crossed my mind like you have, no one has ever crossed my mind."

Bella was speechless, stunned and startled by the intensity of how their 'Have Fun' conversation went to "how our life is nothing without each other'. She didn't know what to say do. He sensed her stutter in what to do; he was staring into her eyes with such passion and lust. She became more incoherent then ever before, she didn't even know where she was or what was going on.

He gave her and impish smile and pulled her on top of him. He took her arms and wrapped them around his neck. He took his hands and put them on her hips. He kissed her without leaving her eyes, and she was still trying to understand what was going on.

Within a flash she was laying on the ground, with Edward on top of her, and her hand on the small of her back and the back of her head. He kissed her with more passion and desire then she could ever think possible.

She responded when Edward pushed his tongue into her mouth. She opened her eyes and was shocked even more when Edward gave her a mischievous look.

They locked into each; Bella's hands in his hair, Edwards arms around her waist. They kissed with more desire then ever before. Bella began to feel light headed, and Edward could tell. He pulled away, but started kissing her neck and began nibbling on her ear. Bella couldn't believe what he was doing, but she couldn't pull her self away from how good it felt.

Then all of a sudden Edward's phone rang," GET BELLA TO THIS HOUSE, OR YOU WILL PAY!!" Oh Alice.

First FanFic, i want to know the truth so please be as gentle as possible. Thank you!