Chapter One: Know My Name

A/N: There's like ZERO Kevin stories so I decided to write one! And I really like it so far. Anywho read & review kthanks

Summary: What happens when your mother won't allow a relationship that was bound to happen? Lots of sneaking around and lying that's what! (haha yeah crappy summary so sue me, plus it's currently 1:07 AM and I'm listening to Year 3000 :P)

Disclaimer: I don't own the boys or David Henrie, but OMFG it would be so cool if I did lol. Oh and the song Know My Name is by the amazing BShorty!

Vanessa's POV

Change. I never liked that word; it seemed so final. Or it could be the fact that in all of the seventeen years I've been breathing this polluted air, not one single change that has occurred in my life been positive. So, you know, I could be biased. You might be asking yourself what kind of changes would a person have to endure with an outlook such as this; it could be the fact that my mother decided to remarry my birth father. Or it could be the result of having the whole 'boys only want one thing' phrase reinforced by an ex best friend turned into abusive boyfriend. It could also be that one of my best friends had to move away because of his career, leaving me with my crazy mother and seven year old sister; thanks for that David (yes, David Henrie of Wizards of Waverly Place). Oh and the fact I'm moving from New York City to Palos Verdes, California.

Who said I hated change?
I want you to know my name
Take a little sip with some conversation
The last of my bags had finally been stowed away in my new room waiting to be unpacked, but instead I was being forced to do something else; take my baby sister Catharine to a Jonas Brothers concert. As I passed by my older brother David I muttered, "I hate you."

His bright eyes sparkled as he laughed, "You'll thank me later."

I rolled my eyes and teased him, "Have fun with Lucy."

Once I saw his eyes narrow I smirked and jogged down the stairs into my new kitchen, trying to avoid him coming after me. I picked up my purse and took my mom's car keys off the hook in the process.

"Honey try to be more enthusiastic, I mean we live in LA!"

"Near LA mom, their's a difference." I corrected, grabbing a seat at the kitchen counter while I waited for Catharine.

"Well at least try to act excited for this concert, for Catie's sake." She turned around and continued to unpack before she could see me roll her eyes at her. A couple of seconds later, a curly haired blonde tugged on my pant leg, causing me to turn around and to face bright pink marshmallow. I got up off of my chair and bet down to her level.

"Look what I got for you Nessie." She used her nickname for me and held out her hand which revealed a small button with the name Kevin on it and some cute guy. I looked at her with a quizzical look.

"Uh whose that?"

She rolled her eyes and smiled, "It's Kevin, the cute romantic one silly. He looks your age so I got you this when I was in Limited Too with Cousin Lizzie the other day."

I took the button and put it a couple of inches below my collarbone, grabbed her hand and smiled, "How does it look?"

Catharine grinned and gave me thumbs up. I got up out of my squatting position and put my sunglasses on, not missing my mom's thankful smile, took Catharine's hand and led her out to my mom's red convertible. She hopped into the front seat while I got into the drivers side. I stuck the keys into the ignition before I felt her poke me. I turned around to face her and groaned, seeing that she was holding the Jonas Brother's CD; I took out my Secondhand Serenade CD and flung it into the back.

Once we got onto the road I figured I might as well learn a little bit about the band I was about to waste almost three hours of my life listening to. "So tell me all you know about them Cait."

Immediately, a huge grin spread across her face, "Well their's three of them! There's Joe, the cute funny one, Kevin the cute romantic one, but I already told you about him, and then there's Nick the cute sensitive one." She sighed which led me to assume she liked this Mick guy, "And they have a little brother named Frankie who loves Webkinz as much as I do, that's why I bought this see?" She bent down for something in between her feet which ended up being a small rainforest frog. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion.

"They sound like heartbreakers but it seems like you might have a thing for this Frankford one." I turned into the stadium parking lot and cruised around for a parking spot as close to the entrance as possible. I glanced over at Catharine to see that she had her arms crossed.

"It's Frankie and I just think it's cool that we both love Webkinz."

I rolled my eyes for what seemed like the tenth time that night and parked, coincidentally right near the tour bus, which caused Catharine to spaz out. She immediately jumped out of the car, "Nessie can we please go take a picture over there please?" She gave me her puppy dog eyes.

"Fine, but only one!"

It's driving me insane
What's it gonna take for some motivation?

Catharine demanded that we went into the stadium early before 'all the good stuff from the gift shop was gone, which again I rolled my eyes at. Once we got to the table, she bought the black and gold tour shirt and the tour book, for herself and bought me the red and black tour shirt. She wanted more than that, but I reassured her that there was probably a website where you could buy even more stuff, which made her happy for a good 20 minutes.

When we got to our seats, I noticed that we were sitting next to a little redhead, around Catharine's age and a model type girl with wavy red hair who looked about a year or two younger than me. We introduced ourselves to Savannah and Ashley, Catharine and Ashley instantly clicked, but not much time was left to talk with them, since the show started in about a minute or two.

I want you to know my name
Girl, I just ain't got no shame

Okay, I'll admit it. Most of the lyrics we're amazing, the instrumentals we're really good, and damn that curly haired kid has a set of pipes. Though I couldn't really hear as much as I wanted to since Catie and Ashley (and hell even Savannah at some points) we're screaming their lungs out. But the one thing that really got me, well two things, when that curly haired boy preformed this one song, A Little Bit Longer, it was amazing. Those lyrics touched you everywhere from your heart to your soul and it made you want to reach out and find any possible way to comfort him. Plus, that Kevin guy on my button was pretty much one of the best guitar players under twenty one I have ever seen. And that Joe guy had Savannah's attention the entire time.

Anyways, once the show ended all four of us jumped in line at the Meet and Greet table, our tickets ready for them to check.

Them other guys causing you pain?
I'll show you that I'm not the same

Joe's POV

As the line moved forward I looked over towards Kevin, whose gaze I noticed had gone elsewhere. I traced it with my eyes where it landed on a girl. She looked to be about Nick's height and had long dirty blonde curls that ended at her elbows, with chestnut eyes and a splash of freckles on and around her nose. The girl she was next to said something, which caused her crinkle her nose and let out a loud laugh. When they finally got to us, the little blonde girl with her handed Nick a Yankee's baseball hat, which caused him to come from behind the table and give her a hug. The older girl took a picture and talked to Nick for a couple of minutes, the things she said causing him to blush.

When they reached me I smiled, "Hey I'm Joe." I shook both of her hands and noticed the little girl take something's out of her bag, which ended up being iPod headphones and a Webkinz. I came around the side and gave her a hug.

"You didn't have to get us these…"

"Catie." The brunette pitched in. I nodded, thanking her

"Catie. I'm sure Frankie will love this too." She blushed which caused me to smile, "Actually, would you like give it to him yourself?" Catie nodded her head vigorously. I looked up at the older girl again and she smiled.

"It's fine, my mom's not expecting us home for another half hour."

"Oh so you have a bedtime?"

She rolled her eyes, a small smile visible on her lips, "Shut up, it's for her." She turned to follow Big Rob to where Frankie was behind the scenes when I called out to her.

"By the way, I don't think I caught your name."

She turned around with a smirk, "I don't think I ever told you what it was, but since your wondering, it's Vanessa." With that, she followed Big Rob, holding Catie's hand and was soon out of sight. When I had turned to see what Kevin's reaction was, it was the total opposite of what I thought it would have been; he was fuming. Maybe it was because you were kind of flirting with her, way to go Joe.

Vanessa's POV

After exchanging numbers with Savannah, Catie and I waited a couple of minutes in their 'Lockdown' room while Big Rob went to get Frankie. We had been sitting quietly for a total of thirty seconds before she spoke.

"Maybe you and Joe can date! I think he likes you."

I snorted, "Please Catie he was just being nice, besides I'm not really interested in the whole dating scene, you know that."

"I don't think so, I think he likes you. Plus David said they we're really nice guys."

"They seem like it but sweetie I honestly--."

Before I could finish what I was saying Frankie, along with the rest of the boys entered the room. Vanessa noticed that Joe dragged Kevin across the room to her by his shirt sleeve.

"Joe I really don't want to be near you right now."

"Vanessa, Kevin, Kevin, Vanessa." Joe had introduced them to each other, "Now would be the time where you shake hands and say 'it's nice to meet you, oh you too!'"

I giggled at Joe interaction and shook Kevin's hand. Joe soon left, leaving us alone.

"Nice button."

I looked down and sure enough pinned onto my concert shirt Catie made me buy, was the pin with his face on it. Embarrassed, I cast my gaze towards the floor for a moment and replied.

"Thanks, I only have it because my sister bought it for me."


"I wasn't a fan until tonight." Oh my God Vanessa please stop before you bury yourself in a hole you can't find a way to get out of.

"Well you sure know how to make a guy feel good." He laughed, which caused me to laugh as well. Oh Jesus his laugh was infectious; this surely means trouble lies ahead. Or maybe I'm just trying to psych myself out, who knows. The only thing I know is that he has the cutest laugh and smile I've ever heard and seen in my life. Oh boy, if we actually talked besides this one night, thing's were sure going to get interesting.

When I was about to reply, I felt someone come up behind me and hug one of my legs. I looked down to see Catie with a huge grin on her face.

"Nessie can Frankie come over Wednesday to play?" I bent down to her level.

"If Frankie's parents say its okay, I'm sure Mommy and Daddy won't mind." Catie smiled, satisfied with my answer and bolted towards Frankie.


I blushed and explained the story, "She couldn't exactly pronounce my name when she was little, so we came up with pet names for each other, she's Tee."

Kevin smiled, "You don't have to defend it, I think it's cute. We call Frankie Frank the Tank since he's such a ladies man."

I tried to cover up my laugh but it was no use, "He's seven years old, how many girls could he have been with?"

He laughed as well, "More than a seven year old should."

"So who was that girl who preformed before you? She's amazing." I changed the subject with a huge grin on my face. I had a feeling that smiling and laughing is the only option you have around Kevin Jonas.

"That's Reilly Hartford. She's been a family friend for awhile, and in love with Joe for almost as long." I looked behind him and focused on Joe and Reilly who I noticed were joking around. She had really nice, long brown hair that I assumed had been straightened for this concert, and bright blue eyes; Joe would have to be crazy to let her go.

"He let her go for the longest time; I swear I thought Nick and I were actually going to have to hook them up." He added; it was almost as if he had read my thoughts.

"You thought?" I inquired.

A huge grin spread across Kevin's face when I had asked, "Let's just say he's got a plan."

I nodded my head in approval before turning back towards him, "And what about you?"

To this he shrugged, "What about me? We're always on the move; girls don't exactly want a boyfriend who's never around."

"Are you kidding me? Kevin, girls from Antarctica are probably head over heels for you and would drop anything and everything just to meet you."

Kevin chuckled and blushed slightly, "That number's smaller than you think." There was something about Kevin that intrigued me. I feel like there's something more to him, something that the millions of pictures and video don't quite know how to capture, something that you couldn't quite see with just your eyes, and no matter what, I'm determined to find out just what that might be. Just as I was about to sat something, Mrs. Jonas bustled over towards us and poked her head next to Kevin's shoulder, which caused me to smile; I told you that smiling and laughing we're the only possible thing to do around him.

"I'm sorry to butt in dear, but Kevin we've got to head out now. You'll see Miss. Vanessa here soon, no doubt." She shot me a smile and winked at me. I replied with a smile before she turned around and went in Frankie and Catie's direction.

The once happy smile that had been on his face was replaced with a seemingly sad one, at least that's what I wanted to believe, you know that he might miss me or some corny thing like that, "Well hopefully my mom's right and I'll see you sooner than I think."

I mirrored his (hopefully, you know so that it shows he's missing me) sad smile and wished the same, to see him again. He sent me another smile before turning around and walking out the back door. I noticed Joe whisper something to Reilly who nodded, which resulted in him jogging over to me.

"My mom said it would be great if you could have Frankie over since we have a concert that night in Vegas, and she doesn't exactly want to expose Frankie to Vegas just yet." He winked at me, "So if you wouldn't mind him staying way late, like midnightish, we could pick him up then."

"That's fine, someone's bound to be home if he get's dropped off before I get home from work."

Joe grinned and dug into his almost miniscule black skinny jean pocket, "Great, well if anything changes or something we should have each other's number." He handed me what looked like a brand new iPhone while I handed him my light blue envy and added each other as contacts. We both made each other pose for pictures and edited the contact ID. Once both the phones were back with their rightful owners and Joe was halfway across the room after a quick hug, I spoke up.

"Kiss the girl Jonas." He laughed and turned around with a smirk.

"Don't forget about the boy Henrie." I blushed and before I could reply he was gone. I turned around and looked down at Catie who was beaming.

"I told you he likes you!" I rolled my eyes at her, took her hand in mine, and led her out of the room.

I swear to you I'm not the same, oooh

A/N: WHOO THAT'S CHAPTER ONE! Sheesh you don't know how long it took to type six pages of this up! It wasn't even that long in my notebook :P. Anyways, I've got the basic idea for Chapter two, MAJOR FLUFF TOWARDS THE END! And some cutesy 7 year old flirting haha and an appearance by Selena Gomez! Love that girl! So if you want that chapter by this weekend then motivate me and leave a review! I've got as far as like chapter four or five in my head. So yeah REVIEW PLEASE AND I'LL GIVE YOU A SHOUTOUT OR PART IN THE STORY!