Solitary Innocence

Summary:After his parents die, Jérémie is adopted when he has no where else to go. Along with the death, Yumi is attempting to teach him how to shed the innocent life and become sinful

Chapter 1: The Afternoon Out

It had only been a three months since the funeral of what would have been a horrible death if a human eye had seen it. Four months ago they had died in a car crash…but it wasn't the car crash that had killed him, for they were murdered…it wasn't accidental…it wasn't on purpose either for they didn't die until there unconscious bodies were dragged out of the scene-found exsanguinated what seemed to be two, maybe three days later. Murder was one things, but seeing the pictures, and the bodies, and having no one else to turn to was another.

Only a month after that, he was taken by several police saying that his only living relative(who was a great aunt, and quite rich) was sick, and couldn't have him stay there and live with her(so the only option was adoption in his case…but his aunt was the reason he was in school…and Yumi…was the reason he was still alive himself).

Yumi persuade her parents…no one was truly sure how the hell she did it…but they adopted him(since they now had the money after Hiroki drowned almost a year ago). She was all that he really had…and not to mention his girlfriend, Aelita.

Death wasn't the main theme here. It was more of a chaotic twist of fate, murder that had brought the entire friendship together…that had gotten Aelita closer to Jérémie(since he never talked about anything going on his life…almost like Ulrich…but it was oh, so different this time).

Jérémie spent most of his days in the dark of his room, typing effortlessly on his computer, Yumi was always there…even if she was, now-a-days, together with Ulrich-he understood how much he needed someone like Yumi to understand his daily(strange) events. He knew it's not like they'd stay in the room and fuck right there and then…he knew Yumi was a virgin in the first place and Jérémie was too innocent for that.

Yet, innocence was the key.

It was a Saturday, a Saturday where they actually didn't have school and Jérémie wasn't locked in his room for once in his life. Aelita had forced him and the two love birds(Ulrich and Yumi) to come to the park and have a picnic(which was the reason Yumi hadn't been at the school in what felt like a month to Jérémie, was actually a week).

Jérémie hated the outside life after that mourning, and vile memory he had…he wasn't even there but he could see it so clearly in his head, mocking at him like it was a funny situation.

"…Maybe we should go back to the dorms…"He said with much discomfort in his voice.

Aelita looked at him. "No way. You haven't been out of your room in such a long time…well besides classes. You barely eat as it is(and you're as skinny as a guitar strand)." She pulled him towards the tree where Yumi and Ulrich were, sitting and watching the scenery in it's beautiful blue and cloudiness.

"It's really nice out today…" Yumi said, speaking to Ulrich who was nervous about the situation(having a date, yet Jérémie and Aelita being around.

"Oh, er…yeah." His face turned red and her turned from the others, Yumi giving a soft laugh.

"Aelita?" Yumi turned to the pink haired girl, who was sitting in her pink skirt on the cloth(forcing Jeremie down). She only turned in reply. "What do you want for your birthday?"

"For Jérémie to stop being a closed in potato…"

Yumi and Ulrich laughed…Jérémie ignored it.

"And something else…but I know Jérémie won't go to lengths for me."

Now he was interested.

"I saved you from another world…from dying…I don't think there is anything I wouldn't do for you."

"Yeah, there is." Was her only reply as she noticed Ulrich opening a picnic basket and hand out plates.

"...what do you mean?" Jérémie's voice softened so the others couldn't hear him(only Aelita).

"You'll find out…trust me, it'll ruin the surprise if I tell you now...Or even ask you…You'll freak out about it." She sighed. "you pretty much make a big deal out of everything possible."

"Well…yeah, but that's because it's normally a big deal. Like the time you tried to save Yumi, over waiting for me to figure out a solution; you could of died."

"Face the facts Jérémie; all you're really worried about is losing someone you love or care for again."

It was true...and it was the fact that only she and Yumi had understood. Jérémie hated the thought of losing anyone like he had almost done several times, and had done only twice-the other person still remained a mystery to Aelita.

She was handed a plate by Yumi, filled with different vegetables and croissants; it was mainly a salad but a good one that Yumi had made herself. The other thing she had was potato salad(which was one of her favorites) and there were a few other foods that Jérémie had eaten in his own, slow and saddened manner. The only thing left was soda and fruits that were still in the basket.

"Yumi…how are you two doing?" Jérémie asked...trying to get in some conversation.

"Alright, Ulrich is a lot different then what I expected him to be as a boyfriend…nothing like William for sure." Yumi always failed to mention to some people she use to go out with William. As a boyfriend he was over protective most of the time, and failed to be responsible and remember important dates.

"But…come on, we all knew you'd end up together…you guys are so shy." Aelita said in an attempt to make them blush, which worked.

"…So!" Ulrich started. "You two are too innocent!"

Yumi snickered. "I could change that…"

Ulrich seemed to have blushed again.

"Oh, what have you two been doing behind closed doors?"

"Nothing…" Ulrich went back to eating when he heard Yumi whisper a yet which made him choke.

Aelita laughed. "So…who started this little party?"

"Yumi seduced me." Ulrich said, quickly getting up(plate on the blanket) so Yumi couldn't hit him, she knew it was her fault.

"This discussion is officially over." Yumi said while eating a piece of celery.

"No, it's not." Ulrich told her.

"Yeah." Aelita agreed. "How far you two get?"

"Aelita…" Jérémie spoke. "It's not of our business.." He was chewing on a carrot. "Can I go back now? I can finish up my project."

"It's not due until May." Yumi butted in.

"So…that's the good thing, I'll finish it, then you can bother me." He only put his plate down and got up to wonder off, back to the school. Aelita didn't try to stop him this time, Yumi went, she'd follow him back to the building and make sure he was okay.

-Jere's Dorm-

Jeremies dorm wasn't as messy as it use to be. It was clean, organized, and everything seemed to be covered with a plastic material(only because it was stuff that he would never look or touch again). His windows were shaded with blackout curtains as well. It wasn't like he was this suicidal little boy who hated life for a stupid reason, his reason wasn't stupid in anyway what so ever.

"Hey…are you alright?" Yumi shut the door behind her, Jérémie sitting on his bed.

"No, I haven't been alright in such a long time!"

Yumi sat on his bed right next to him, pulling him into a hug which he didn't accept but turn down either. He didn't cry either, Yumi only moved and pulled his glasses off of him, leaving them by his clock. "Go to sleep…and when you wake up…maybe life will be better."

"Life will never be better…" His body collapsed on hers, she put her arms around him again.

"If you weren't as innocent as you were…then life would be different…"

"And you're somehow going to make me that way?"

"Just close your eyes and you'll see…"