Aww…the last chapter. Well, this isn't really a chapter. It's the allegiances. Yeah…so here they are.



Leader: Bluestar- blue-gray she-cat, tinged with silver around her muzzle

Deputy: Tigerclaw- big dark brown tabby tom with unusually long front claws

Medicine Cat: Yellowfang- old dark gray she-cat with a broad, flattened face, formerly of ShadowClan


Whitestorm- big white tom

Apprentice, Brightpaw

Darkstripe- sleek black-and-gray tabby tom

Longtail- pale tabby tom with dark black stripes

Runningwind- swift tabby tom

Willowpelt- very pale gray she-cat with unusual blue eyes

Mousefur- small dusky brown she-cat

Apprentice, Thornpaw

Frostfur- beautiful white she-cat with blue eyes

Fireheart- flame-colored tom

Apprentice, Cloudpaw

Graystripe- longhaired solid gray tom

Dustpelt- dark brown tabby tom

Swiftstep- black-and-white tom

Brackenfur- golden-brown tabby tom


Cloudpaw- longhaired white tom

Brightpaw- white she-cat with ginger splotches

Thornpaw- golden-brown tabby tom


Cinderpool- fluffy dark gray she-cat with huge blue eyes, mother of Fireheart's unborn kits

Brindleface- pretty tabby she-cat, mother of unborn kits

Goldenflower- pale ginger she-cat, mother of Tigerclaw's kits: Bramblekit and Tawnykit

Speckletail- pale tabby, and the oldest queen in the nursery, mother of Snowkit


Halftail- big dark brown tabby tom with part of his tail missing

Smallear- gray tom with very small ears, oldest tom in ThunderClan

Patchpelt- small black-and-white tom

One-Eye- pale gray she-cat, oldest cat in ThunderClan. Virtually blind and deaf

Dappletail- once-pretty tortoiseshell she-cat with a lovely dappled coat


Leader: Nightstar- black tom

Deputy: Tigerclaw- (see ThunderClan deputy)

Medicine Cat: Runningnose- small gray-and-white tom


Stumpytail- brown tabby tom

Apprentice, Brownpaw

Wetfoot- dark gray tabby tom

Apprentice, Oakpaw

Littlecloud- very small tabby tom


Brownpaw- dusky brown tom

Oakpaw- small brown tabby tom


Dawncloud- small tabby she-cat

Darkflower- black she-cat

Tallpoppy- long-legged light brown tabby she-cat


Leader: Tallstar- black-and-white tom with a very long tail

Deputy: Deadfoot- black tom with a twisted paw

Medicine Cat: Barkface- short-tailed brown tabby tom


Mudclaw- mottled dark brown tom

Apprentice, Webpaw

Tornear- tabby tom

Apprentice, Runningpaw

Onewhisker- young brown tabby tom

Whitetail- white she-cat with green eyes


Webpaw- dark gray tabby tom

Runningpaw- pale gray she-cat


Ashfoot- gray she-cat

Morningflower- tortoiseshell she-cat


Leader: Crookedstar- huge light tabby tom with a crooked jaw

Deputy: Stonefur- gray tom with battle-scarred ears

Apprentice, Shadepaw

Medicine Cat: Mudfur- longhaired light brown tom


Blackclaw- smoky black tom

Apprentice, Heavypaw

Loudbelly- dark brown tom

Silverstream- slender silver tabby she-cat


Shadepaw- dark gray she-cat

Heavypaw- thickset tabby tom


Mistyfoot- dark gray she-cat


Graypool- thin gray she-cat with patchy fur and a scarred muzzle


Barley- black-and-white tom who lives in a barn close to the forest

Ravenpaw- sleek black tom with a white-tipped tail who lives with Barley

Princess- light brown tabby she-cat with white paws and chest, kittypet

Smudge- friendly, plump black-and-white tom who lives in a house in the edge of the forest

Blackfoot- white tom with huge jet-black paws, formerly of ShadowClan

Boulder- silver tabby tom

Well, that's the end of Heart of Fire: Pool of Cinders Book 1! If I get between 95-100 reviews, I will do a sequel. Bye, and thanks for reading and reviewing, all you readers and reviewers!
