Chapter 20

The sound of a constant tapping foot filled the waiting room.

"Calm down sonic" Knuckles said, but sonic continued to tap his foot impatiently

"I hate all this waiting, when is that doctor going to get here?" Sonic said as the tapping went on and on. After about ten minuets of constant waiting, a man in a white overall walked in to the room. All the heads in the room looked up in his direction.

"They have all come to, you can go see them now, but remember their all still very weak" he said in a professional tone. Everyone stood up and followed the doctor down the halls. Knuckles had Sonic by the scruff so he would not speed ahead of everyone. There were five members in the group. Sonic and Knuckles walked on one side of the hall while Amy, Mitchell and Vanilla walked on the other. The walked of about five minuets, going round corners, up and down stairs and down halls. It would seen like the doctor didn't know where he was going but they soon arrived outside of a room marked 'E-5 recovery and intensive care'

"Here we are" the doctor said as he pushed open the door. In the room were four beds, two on each opposite wall. Tails and Cosmo were sitting up in there beds on one side of the room talking to each other. On the other side of the room Cream was lying awake in bed with Cheese sitting on the table next to her. Brimstone was also sitting up in bed reading his book.

"How you doing buddy?" Sonic asked Tails.

"Just fine" Tails replied. The doctor began to speak

"All of you are set to make a full recovery and should be able to leave the hospital later today."

"What about the demons" Sonic asked.

"They won't be bothering us anymore" Brimstone said as he put his book down "I managed to close up the portal before it was too late. It's all thanks to Greg that we made it out alive."

"I'm Sorry Brimstone" Tails said "about Greg that is I know how hard it is to lose a friend."

"Can't you just revive him" Cosmo said.

"No, he wouldn't want that, he would want to be left to rest."

"Well if you all feel up to it you can leave the hospital when ever you whish" the doctor said. Everyone stayed there talking about what had just happened and what they were going to do now it was over. They all agreed to leave the hospital and head over to the park to relax. Everyone pulled themselves out of bed and walked over to the door.

After they left the hospital they walked over to the park. It was 12:00 and a clear sunny day. Everyone walked over to the hill in the park and sat down on the grass.

"So, what now?" Sonic asked.

"I guess its back to guarding the master emerald for me" Knuckles said.

"We're just going to head home and relax" Vanilla said.

"I guess we'll just head home for today, the past couple of weeks have been a bit to much for me And Cosmo" Tails said.

"First thing first for me, I am quitting the half life organisation" Brimstone said.

"Why?" Mitchell asked.

"Well it's just to up tight, and besides before I met Tails and Cosmo I was Just an emotionless agent who did what he was told. But now I remember who I was before I joined the half life. So I am quitting the agency and going out on my own. I'm going to pay my respects to Greg. And I'm going to find her, I am going to find Aleerea" Brimstone explained.

"I guess I will be off now, places to be things to do" Mitchell.

"I guess this is goodbye for now, maybe we will see each other again, I really hope so" Brimstone said as he stood up.

"Goodbye Brimstone and good luck" Tails said.

"Goodbye Brimstone I hope to see you soon" Cosmo added.

"Goodbye everyone I will never forget all of you and I will see you again some day" Brimstone said as he looked over at everyone then looked up to the sky. There was a large gust of wind. And in a flash he was gone. Everyone else stood up and said there goodbyes before going there separate ways all know they would see there new friend again.