Title: Cuffed into Love

Rated T

Summary: Edwin's new magic phase ends up getting Derek and Casey handcuffed together for the whole weekend until Edwin can "find" the key. .:Dasey:.

Disclaimer: I don't own Life with Derek

A/N: Hey there! Glad you clicked this fanfic; I hope it doesn't disappoint you! Anyway, this here is for a challenge I took on from daisy617. Here was the challenge:

I want a Dasey that doesn't start out as one, but it gets there after several chapters because the two are handcuffed together.

This fic is dedicated to daisy617 because she issued the challenge. Feel free to help me improve my writing by leaving constructive crit in your reviews, I'd really appreciate it! Well, I guess that's all for now. I hope everyone enjoys chapter one!


Chapter One


"Remind me again: Why am I here?"

Edwin scowled at his older brother and rolled his eyes impatiently. To save him from responding rudely, Nora answered for him. "Derek, Edwin has been practicing this magic show for us for weeks. Can you at least pretend that you appreciate this?"

"Pretend? So, I'm supposed to pretend that you and dad aren't delaying me from my usual Friday night ritual?"

"Just because you had plans with Sam tonight does not make them a 'ritual'. You can call him later!"

"Once you two are done "pretending" can we please start already? My assistant is becoming impatient!"

"Sorry, Edwin."

"I'm not."

"Shush, Derek!"

"Presenting Edwin Venturi's mystical magic show!" Edwin began enthusiastically. "Now, you're probably wondering 'Who is that stunningly handsome and mysterious-?'"

"Just get on with it." Lizzie groaned into her hands while Derek burst out laughing. Edwin glared at them both and George sighed impatiently. "You two, stop interrupting. Sorry Ed"

"Thanks Dad." Edwin bowed theatrically towards him, trying to ignore Derek's attempts to hold back his laughter. "Now, with the help of my lovely assistant Marti-"

"Marvelous Marti!" Marti reminded him pointedly, skipping around from behind the curtain they had set up as the stage. She was wearing her purple fairy princess costume from last Halloween, complete with tiara and plastic wand. "Marti, I thought you were going to wear your sparkly ballerina leotard!" Edwin groaned, forgetting about his audience for a second.

"But I'm not dancing and this is a magic show!" Marti protested, waving around her wand as if trying to prove something.


"Fairies are magical!"

"Um, Edwin, can you get on with the 'show' before you start boring us to death?"


"For our first trick-!" Edwin continued, loudly over his Nora's protests and his brother's complaints. "We need two volunteers from our audience-"

"I don't believe this!"

Everyone groaned simultaneously as Casey barged through the front door, clearly irritated about something or other. She didn't even notice her family until after she tossed her jacket on the couch, which landed right in between Derek and Lizzie. Her eyes lit up as soon as she realized Edwin's audience was looking at her with confusion and annoyance so she started venting. "I mean, really! One fight and then Max-!"

"…And we have our volunteer!" Edwin cried out, using his 'theater voice'. Quickly, he walked over and pulled Casey over to the center of the "stage". Casey freed herself from his grip and yanked her arm away. "Volunteer? What for?"

"It's our magic show!" Marti cried out happily. Edwin 'coughed' and her excited smile dropped slightly. "Sorry, it's Edwin the Magnificent's Super Awesomest Magic show!" Still confused, Casey glanced over at Nora for answers. Nora sighed tiredly. "Edwin has been preparing a secret magic show for the family. We were going to call you to come right after school instead of hanging out with Max but-"

"But I told them if they didn't want you sulking around the house all weekend it was a bad idea." Lizzie finished with a grin. Casey flashed her a smile in thanks but then her look turned irritated once again as she rounded on Nora and George.

"I actually wish you did call me home. If I knew the crap Max was going to put me through I would have been home in an instant." Casey declared, crossing her arms angrily against her chest while Nora winced and exchanged looks with George. "I mean, honestly!" She continued, ignoring them. "I make one tiny suggestion and he gets all frustrated with me-!"

"...And as much as all of us would love to know what this suggestion was and the end of this fantastic story-" Derek cut in, standing up from the couch to pull Casey away to the side. "Edwin's waiting for us patiently and, dare I say it, I 'want' to watch the rest of his 'fantastic' show."

Edwin blinked. "You do?" He asked incredulously.

"Yeah right, but some of us actually have plans for tonight!"

Before Casey could make an aggressive response to Derek's previous comment, Edwin made his way between them pulling out something from under his costume's cloak.

"…And we have our other volunteer!" He announced, grinning as he yanked Derek's outstretched wrist towards Casey's wrist and snapped them together with a pair of . . .

"Edwin Venturi, if you don't take these off right now-!" Casey demanded with a fierce voice as she tried to yank her wrist free of the handcuffs. Derek just glared at him so threateningly that Edwin actually took a step back.

"Relax, it's just a part of the trick!" he tried to explain, fumbling around until he found a handkerchief. Lizzie leaned over in her seat to watch with amusement while the rest of the family looked on in shock (with the exception of Casey and Derek who were busy glaring death glares at Edwin).

"Okay!" Edwin announced nervously, trying to ignore the look his 'volunteers' were still giving him. "Since we now have our two amazingly, wonderful volunteers . . ."


"…Yeah, this trick is called the "Disappearing Handcuff" trick" Edwin finished quickly as he placed the handkerchief over the handcuffs. He froze for a second as though a thought just came to him. "Uh oh."

"Uh oh?" Casey echoed with an edge in her voice.

"Uh . . . alakazam!" As Edwin lifted the kerchief his face turned pale. "Tell me that isn't the end of your little trick." Derek groaned while Casey winced.

"Alright, Edwin! You used your incredible magical ability to handcuff Casey and Derek together! Go you!"

"Lizzie, you're not helping." Casey and Nora declared at the same time. Casey looked at her mother desperately. Nora tried to avoid the look. "Edwin, please," She began, her tone somewhat desperate as well. "Don't you have a key or anything that will get Casey and Derek separated?" George said nothing. He knew exactly what Nora was thinking and he knew that if Derek and Casey were stuck like this for the entire weekend it wouldn't be pleasant at all on their part. Dumbstruck, Edwin glanced over at Marti. "Do you know where I put the magic kit?"

"I threw it out." Marti shrugged, completely unaware of how serious everyone was taking the situation.

"You threw it out!?" Edwin cried, his face turning even paler if it were possible as Derek and Casey rounded on him again with even more glares.

"Yeah, you said that you had mastered it all so I thought you didn't want the box anymore." Marti continued, now confused as she looked up at George and Nora who both closed their eyes nervously.

"Edwin, please don't tell me what I think you're going to tell me." Casey pleaded as Derek tried to yank his handcuffed wrist away in desperate attempt for escape.

"Uh . . . the key was sort of, kind of, still in the box." He winced, closing his eyes as he waited for the explosion.



"I didn't throw out the key, Marti did!"

"Don't blame this on Smarti, Ed. You are so dead when I get a hold of you!"

"Der-ek! Quit yanking!"

"I'm sorry! I didn't know! Usually the kits come with fake handcuffs, not real ones! I guess I didn't realize that they were authentic when I paid an extra ten bucks instead of what they usually cost." Edwin cried, trying to get out of Derek's reach. Marti squealed and stepped out of the way quickly as he ran behind the stage blanket while Casey grabbed Derek's wrist with her handcuffed hand, jerking him back as he tried to chase his younger brother.

"Great, so now what?" She demanded, as she rubbed her wrist with her other hand.

"There has to be some way out of these things." Derek protested, holding the cuffs higher so he can examine them better.

Nora and George exchanged another look. "Well, you could always go to the magic shop and ask the store manager for an extra key."

"But the magic shop closed at four today and it won't open until Sunday morning!" Edwin informed them, peeking behind the curtain and disappearing again when he caught glimpse of Derek's look.

"I am NOT spending an entire weekend cuffed together with him!" Casey declared, trying to cross her arms angrily but instead she pulled Derek off balance so he stumbled into her clumsily. Nora paled. This wasn't good.

"Sunday. I have to be stuck with her all weekend just because the stupid magic shop won't open until Sunday!?"

"I've got plans with Emily tomorrow!"

"I've got plans with Sam tonight!"

"Okay guys, enough." George intervened, placing his head in his hands. "Look," He sighed finally. "I don't like the situation as much as you do but there's nothing we can do right now to help it-"

"Oh yes there is." Casey said firmly, spinning on her heal so she could face the curtain. "Edwin Venturi, we're going to go upstairs to search the internet so you can find a key to the handcuffs and order it, speed delivery, so Derek and I can forget this whole thing every happened."

For a second, Casey found herself pleased at her idea until she noticed that Derek was looking at her like she was out of her mind.

"What? It's a good idea!" She scoffed.

"Case, even though I want to actually agree with your idea for once, I feel obligated to say this: get real!"

"Derek's right Casey," Lizzie pitched in, clearly trying not to burst out laughing. "Where are you going to find a website that sells keys to particular handcuffs and delivers them in a day?"

"Google? EBay?"

"Okay, well I think it's safe to say that nothing else can be done with this situation until Sunday morning when Edwin can get the key. Derek, Casey, it looks like you two are going to be handcuffed together for a little bit? Alright? Okay! Who wants pizza for dinner!?" Nora finished, standing up from the couch clapping her hands. Lizzie couldn't hold back her laughter any longer as Derek and Casey looked at the handcuffs first and then at each other with a mixture of shock, confusion and anger. It was going to be a long weekend.


A/N: Heehee, this fic is going to be amusing to write. I'm not entirely sure how many chapters it'll be but I know for a fact that there will be more than five. Also, I just want to warn everyone I'm not the fastest updater around so please bear with me. Plus, this is my second attempt at a LwD fic so if anyone is OOC feel free to let me know. Thanks for reading everyone! Until next time!

-Never let go of the one you truly love
