Its been fifty years and I still barley remember that day. Which is very perculier considering the walking dead's sharpest memory of their human life is usually their turning.
Don't get me wrong I know what happened. I know the whole story off by heart thanks to Aro who constantly reminds me.
You see, I can only remember certain things. Certain memories based on my extreme emotion at the time, Or so my theory goes.
I can remember being with 'him' all the time. I remember I was happy, But my strongest memory is when he left me.
When Edward left me in the middle of the forest. With no-one to turn to and me having a emotional break down I was rather vunrible.
Victoria noticed that immediately, I still remember myself lying in the dirt, tears flooding my eyes and all I could see was a blur of striking Auburn coming towards me.
She swooped to my side and gently turned my neck to face her as she slowly bit down. I still remember the words she spoke, "This is for you; James"