Scorp hitched leapt onto the brooms and attached his trunk and Grin's cage. He steadied himself, wondering where he would go. Far way, so far away he would never have to hear the name Rose Weasley ever again. It was impossible of course. The Weasley's were known throughout the entire magical communities. He smiled to himself. All the magical communities. Not the muggle ones.

He took off from the ground, flying straight ahead, in no particular direction. Freedom was just over the horizon, except that the horizon never ends.


It was hours later, how many Scorp wasn't sure. Nor was he sure when he had last seen land. It had been yonks since he had past the main land. He'd turned a couple of times, just to mix things up but that had resulted in nothing.

He was tired and hungry and he needed to land. Hovering in mid air he unlatched Grin's cages.

"Go on Grin. Go find land, then come back to me." The owl looked at him with total understanding and flew off.

Scorp continued on after him, praying that he would find some land.

What felt like hours later Grin returned, flapping his wings violently in Scorp's face.

He flew off again and Scorp followed, it was dusk now. It had been night when he had left Hogwarts, he had been flying for a little under a day.

Finally he saw land on the horizon. With a last burst of energy he sped forward and came crashing down on the beach.

He cough up some sand in disgust and lay back down on the sand in total exhaustion. He closed his eyes, trying to sleep. Something tapped him in the head.

He opened one eye and a brown-tanned boy was standing above him.

"Are you english?" asked the boy.

"Yeah. Where am I?" asked Scorp.

"," said the boy.

America. Scorp had made it to America. Brilliant.

Scorp smiled, "You got food?"

The boy nodded and walked away.

"Hey wait!" yelled Scorp.

The boy turned, "Follow me."

So he did. He pulled him self up and followed.

Suddenly he stopped, how had the boy seen him? He looked down and saw his body. He swore under his breath, his invisibility charm had worn off while he had been flying and he hadn't noticed it. Had the boy seen Scorp flying? Had Scorp just broken the most important rule?

He gulped and followed the boy once again. They walked in silence for a few minutes before the boy came to a beach hut and knocked on the door.

"Hey let me in!" he yelled and the door swung open.

A woman stared down at him, "Ryan! Where have you been?"

"Swimming. I found him lying on the beach. Clutching a broom."

The woman's eyes flew open and she gasped. She looked to Scorp.

"Get in inside," she hissed, "Now!"

The boys hurriedly entered the house.

"What's wrong?" asked Scorp.

The boy… Ryan looked at him, "A month ago magic was exposed to the muggles here. If any wizards are found, they'll be killed!"

Scorp gapped and asked the first question that popped into his head, "How come the news hasn't spread?"

"Just before he died our Minister of Magic obliterated everyone's memories."

Scorp frowned, "Then how come we're still being killed? How come the Minister died?"

Ryan's eyes were watery now, "There were some who it didn't affect. There were some muggles with a born resistance to magic. They haven't told anyone else about wizards, no one would believe them. Instead they hunt us in secret. The Minister was the first to go and they've killed another ten people. The muggle police think it's a serial killer."

Scorp clutched his broom tightly. He wondered if he should leave and find somewhere safer, but his inner Gryffindor roared inside him. He couldn't leave them here to perish at muggle hands.

He swallowed down all fear and stared Ryan squarely in the eyes, "Would it be possible for me to stay here?"

A/N: OK I know it's really short and for that I apologise but it's only the start.

These are Scorp's lost days, the things he hasn't told Rose and Al about. Please Review and let me know what you think.

Next Chapter: The hunted become the hunters.