Disclaimer: Blah, blah, blah. 'Tis a bit pointless to state the obvious by now when I've mentioned it oh so many times before. I don'town the characters, but the plot, or lack thereof was, however, all me.

Set after DH minus the last chapter… just because that's not how I wanted it to end. So there.

Chapter 6: Take my Love

Hermione couldn't believe herself. She had ditched him, Draco Malfoy, only so she could rendezvous with her ex-fiance? She covered her face in shame as the read head bounced back to their booth with two Butterbeers.

"Thank you so much for agreeing to this," Ron smiled gently and rubbed her hand affectionately.

Hermione thought about pulling her hand back, as to not get his hopes up, but she reveled in the sensation his touch brought her. It brought back so many memories that she was so very fond of. So, she let her hand grasp his steadily and equally as affectionate.

"I don't really know why I have agreed, Ronald, but I just feel like our chapter isn't over yet," Hermione replied distantly.

"It never has to be over, 'Mione," Ron urged and pulled her hand closer to his chest. He laid her hand over his heart. "Do you feel that?"

Ron's heartbeat throbbed through her fingertips as a steady lub-dub. It felt like a lullaby. "Yes," Hermione breathed faintly.

"It's yours, Hermione." Ron took her hand away and set it back on the table. "My heart has always been yours."

"Oh, Ronald!" Hermione couldn't help herself as she threw her arms around his neck. She was awkwardly on the table, bending over, planting kisses all over him.

He pulled away and got up, taking her hand and pulling her into a broom closet.

"I want you," Ron growled in a tone she'd never heard escape his lips.

"Ronald… here? Now?" Hermione stepped back against the wall, only to be caged in by Ron's semi-masculine arms.

"Right here. Right now." Ron ripped her blouse open, the buttons flying everywhere.

"No, Ronald!" Hermione grabbed the flaps of her shirt and covered herself up. "I can't do this with you right now."

"Why?" he nearly shouted in anger.

Hermione was flustered. This was not Ron, or was it? "Because it doesn't feel right…"

Ron slapped her across the face. "I don't give a damn if it feels right or not. You tease too much, 'Mione."

Yes, it definitely was still Ron. He was the only one that used that stupid pet name with her.

"Get off of me, Ronald. I mean it. I'll scream!" Hermione shouted and shoved him off.

He slammed her back against the wall and punched her in the gut. "You will do as I say."

Hermione held her abdomen and looked at Ron, scared. "Wh—what are you going to do?"

Ron just smiled evilly and threw her on the ground in the limited space they had. He ran his hand up her thigh and just under her panties. She didn't feel anything but disgust and fear.

"Please… stop it," Hermione whimpered. "Please…"

And soon her clothes were off and he was thrusting into her, wildly and aggressively. And all she could do was take it and cry. "Stop! Please, stop…

"STOP!" Hermione screamed and sat up. She was in a bed, engulfed in green satin, very naked, with a throbbing headache and a feeling of confusion creeping up on her. The door bust open and Draco stood there, grasping his wand, with a determined and malicious look on his face.

"It was all just a dream," Hermione whispered to herself.

"You had a dream, did you?" Draco sat on the edge of the bed. "What about?"

"Ron," Hermione admitted.

Draco tensed a bit and then forced a smile. "At least it was a bad dream. I could hear the screams from downstairs."

"Yes, it was a very bad dream… where am I?" Hermione couldn't help but ask.

"You're at my manor," Draco replied lazily and lay back next to her. "In my bed."

Hermione blushed slightly. "May I ask why I am here?"

Draco frowned slightly and turned on his side to have a better view of her face. "You don't remember?" Hermione shook her head. "Well, when I got back to my office, you were sitting on my desk, turning me on and… well, we began to undress each other and once we were about to… you know… you suddenly just fainted on me."

Hermione frowned slightly as well. "I don't remember…" Hermione sighed. "I faint sometimes if I'm under pressure."

"You're under pressure?" Draco asked and stroked the side of her head.

"Well, yes. I'm a virgin and you… well, you're not at all and I felt like I wouldn't be able to please you… You know what my dream was about?" Hermione quickly changed the subject.

Draco allowed the subject change for now. "No, tell me."

"Ron and I got back together and then he raped me," Hermione turned on her side to face him. "It was so real."

Draco ran his fingertips up her arm and kissed her shoulder. "I would never let something like that happen to you."

"I know," Hermione replied. "Draco?" Hermione kissed his brow.

"Mmm?" He closed his eyes and moaned.

"I—I think I've fallen in love with you," Hermione breathed gently.

He opened his eyes and blinked a few times. Hermione held her breath, waiting for his reply. "And I've fallen deeply and madly in love with you too."

Hermione let out her breath. "Good." She kissed him. They lay there for a few minutes, kissing and touching, whispering their 'I love yous'. Then Hermione spoke finally. "I want to have me some sex."

Draco laughed sweetly and kissed her nose. "You know, it will be my first time too."

Hermione's jaw dropped. "But—but you were married for three years."

"Yes and we had lots of sex," he replied with a nod and a smirk. "But I've never made love to a woman I've loved before… and that puts a lot of pressure on me."

"If you faint on me, I would swear to the gods that we aren't meant to do it," Hermione joked and then got serious. "But I'm glad I will be your first."

"Ditto." Draco winked and climbed on top of her naked body with only a silk sheet separating him from it. "You know," he pondered. "I debated whether or not to put your clothes back on you when you fainted on me… but now I think I made the right decision."

Hermione slapped his arm playfully and then tugged at the hem of his shirt, pulling it off until his chest was bare. "Well, now you'll just have to get equally naked."

Draco smirked. "And I'm okay with that." He rolled off her, kicked off his pants and boxers and then lowered himself back onto her, tugging irritably at the sheet between them.

Hermione let it go and gasped when she felt their skin finally create friction. He kissed her hungrily on her lips, tongue clashing with tongue. Then he whispered in her ear, "I just want to be inside you…"

Hermione wiggled underneath him and lifted her head to whisper back. "So do it."

Draco looked her in the eye. "I want to take it slow… get you all hot and bothered…"

Hermione moaned as he sucked on her neck. She felt herself getting wet at his touch. "I am so hot and bothered. Don't take your time just…"

"Just what?" Draco purred.

Hermione looked at him shyly. "You know…"

"No, Hermione… Say it. What do you want me to do to you?" he asked her sensuously.

"I want you to make love to me. I want you to not take your time on me and I want you to show no mercy," Hermione growled. "Do you think you can to that?"

Draco closed his eyes and nodded, his member fully erected and ready. "And you are sure you want this?"

"More than anything," Hermione moaned as she felt his tip touch between her legs just barely.

"All right, here goes," Draco breathed.

"Wait," Hermione blushed suddenly.

"What is it, love?" Draco asked, trying to not let the sexual irritation he was feeling show.

Hermione was beet red. "Can I—can I touch it?"

The little boy in Draco was bouncing off the walls in excitement. "God, yes, Hermione…"

Hermione dipped her hand down and lightly stroked his member. Draco's eyes rolled back in pure satisfaction. "Mmm," he moaned and bit his lower lip. She grabbed it, feeling a bit more confident in the way that she made him feel and began a steady up and down motion. Draco was grunting and moaning and Hermione was going faster and faster. Soon, Draco reached his climax and Hermione fell back into a flustered mess. She didn't know what to do now. Was it over? Draco tipped her chin up and made her look at him. His eyes were dark, full of desire. Hermione's hopes grew again.

"Can I—can I touch you?" he asked.

Hermione nodded fervently.

He began to massage her clit and she instantly felt herself moan and grip the sheets on either side of her. "Oh god…" she breathed. She suddenly felt his finger plunge into her, making her gasp. Soon two fingers were pumping in and out of her as her clit was being constantly massaged by his thumb. "Draco…" she moaned. "Yes… yes… YES!" she screamed as she felt herself climax with a wave of fulfillment rushed over her. She felt good, but she still wanted more. She wanted him inside her. All of him.

Draco lay back down on top of her and kissed her lips passionately.

"That's not it, is it?" she asked.

Draco chuckled. "Definitely not." He kissed her forehead.

"I want you in me," Hermione whined. "Now!"

"Okay, okay," Draco smiled. "I really love you."

"I really love you too… if only you would do as you're—Oh god!" Hermione was interrupted by his member being plunged all the way into her.

All she felt was pain for a few moments and then the pain morphed into a pleasurable high. Hermione's tight grip that she had on Draco's arms lessened and he took that as a go ahead. He began to thrust slowly and sensually, making sure to hit her g-spot every time. He loved having her moan and buck her hips under him. It made him feel good and accomplished. He also loved how tight and irresistible she was. She was making him feel better than she knew.

"Faster, faster," Hermione urged, her hips matching each thrust.

Draco quickened the pace and could hear more satisfied moans under him. He smiled and he pumped harder and harder, faster and faster, loving the feel and sound of her.

He could feel that she was close, so he reached his hand down and massaged her clit. Her hips bucked against him, making his thrust deeper and harder, sending Hermione to her climax. Her orgasm created a ripple effect and soon, Draco found himself releasing too. Both of them moaning together in pure ecstasy. He fell back beside her and took her hand.

"I am so yours, forever," he whispered, breathing heavily.

"And I am so yours, forever too," Hermione whispered back, breathing just as heavily.

They lay in silence, just loving being together, for a few minutes. When their heavy breathing subsided, Hermione rolled over to straddle him. "Wanna do it again?"

Draco smirked at her and rolled them over so she was under him again. "Hell yes."

The End!