Hey peoples this is Wishesdocometrue writing a big apology to people who have waited for me to write. I would write a "Sorry" in the biggest font I could but, that would just waist your time and the story as well. This story came up at the last minute and would help me a lot with my writer's block. This is my first fanfic for Legally Blonde: The Musical, so please play nice. Thanks.
"Three Cheers for Elle!!" Vivienne yelled. A pop whizzed through the air as the foam from the champagne came out of the bottle. "Hey, thanks guys but there was no need for a huge party." "What, are you kidding me Elle" Serena said in shock. "You totally deserve this party since you won the case." "And set me free" Brooke piped in. "And, left Callahan speechless" Enid said. Elle softly chuckled. "Yeah that too. But I have to say I do not deserve all of this credit. I would like to dedicate this toast to…Emmett Forrest." Emmett was too busy admiring Elle to hear his name called. "Mmm…what?" said a confuse Emmett. "To Emmett" Elle said while lifting her glass. "To Emmett" everyone else repeated. Emmett lifted up his glass a bit and smiled a soft smile which made Elle's heart fly. Emmett said that he needed to talk to her, but with her refusing Warner's proposal, to the news reporters and everyone mobbing her, Elle wasn't able to talk to him. Everyone clapped and cheered for Emmett and drank the champagne in their glass. All of the sudden, everyone began to talk at once to Elle and she was so busy, she didn't notice Emmett slip out of the room.
After talking with her parents, Elle saw out of the corner of her eye, Warner sitting by himself with a half empty champagne glass. Elle felt sorry for him. Getting dumped by Vivienne and then her not accepting her marriage proposal wasn't really the road Warner wanted to head to in the first place. When Warner looked up to Elle, he smiled and mouthed the words "Congratulations". With that, Warner left his glass on a nearby table and left. Realizing she had talked to everyone in the room except one, Elle walked around the room searching for Emmett. Elle saw Paulette talking to Kyle and pulled her to the side. "Hey Paulette, have you seen Emmett anywhere?" "Yeah honey, he left after the toast. He said something about not liking parties." Elle chuckled. That is so like Emmett. "Thanks Paulette. I think I might head back as well. It's getting kind of late." "Okay Elle. Drive home safely." Elle nodded and retrieved her bag and walked to the bus stop nearby. A couple of seconds after walking rain began to pour down. "Great and I didn't even bring an umbrella" Elle said aloud.
Suddenly a car honk behind her and pulled up. "Need a ride?" Emmett said in the driver's seat. "If you don't mind." Elle walked in front of Emmett's car and opened up the passenger's door and slammed it shut once when she was inside. Emmett began to drive as Elle began to wipe her hands on her dress. "I just bought this new dress and look at now, it's all wrinkled." Emmett chuckled. "What's so funny?" "It's just clothes Elle, why do you care to impress people by what you wear?" Cause you're already fine in my book. "What, people get their impressions about other people by the way they look." Emmett chuckled. "What now?" "Nnnothing." "Don't be such a butthead Emmett, tell me." Elle playfully slapped his on his shoulder. "Hey Hey, don't abuse the driver while the car is in motion." "We've stopped at a stoplight Emmett." Emmett looked to see that the car was in park while a red light was ahead of him. "Well, you know what I mean." "No I don't and can you just please tell me?" "How long will you keep bugging me?" "Until the end of time my dear friend." Emmett grunted. "What I meant was that impressing people isn't always about good looks, it's also about personality like…like…like." "You?" "Well I was going to say you, but I guess I could be an example." Suddenly a honk came from behind and Emmett realized the light turned green. He pulled the gear into drive and began to drive down the road. "What do you mean me? I've been judged because I've been blonde throughout my life. That has to count for something." "Yeah Elle, it does count. Everyone has been judged by their looks at least once but you Elle, can also make impressions by your personality. Because of what you did in the courtroom, people will think that you are strong. Because you kept your promise with Brooke, you've shown you are faithful, because you are so smart and funny and don't care what people say about you is the reason I…" Emmett SHUT UP!!!! You're going to give everything away. She only likes you as a friend, so DON'T ruin it. "What were you going to say Emmett?"
Emmett stopped the car in front of the school. "Oh my, we're here already. Well I hope you've had a nice night and congratulations on the case" Emmett said in a fast pace while rushing Elle out of his car. "Hey Emmett?" "Yeah" "What were you going to say to me at the courthouse?" I had gathered up all my courage to tell you that I love you and then kiss you passionately until we both need air to breathe. But stupid Warner got in the way and I made up my mind not to tell you. "Oh, nothing important." Elle dropped her head a bit. "Oh. Thanks for the ride Emmett and thank you for never giving up on me." Emmett smiled. Then all of the sudden, Elle grabbed Emmett by his jacket, pulled him closer and kiss him on the lips. Both their hearts began to melt together as the kiss became more passionate. When they both needed air, Emmett was the first to speak. "I love you Miss Woods Comma Elle." "I love you too Chip on My Shoulder." With that, Elle departed and began to head up to her dorm. Emmett leaned back against the car and watched Elle walk farther and farther away until he couldn't see her anymore. He smiled and got back in the car and turned on the ignition. "Tomorrow is certainly going to be a better day."
Please review and write if I should continue. Much appreciation