The Watcher

The man arranged himself for another boring night, the third in a row after all. He would watch the dark apartment the whole night and nothing would happen, nothing at all. He sighed deeply, feeling sorry for himself, as he adjusted the video player and the speakers and brought the brand-new porno magazine 'Hot Chicks' within reach, so he could easily see and hear without much moving.

Three days ago he had finally been able to wire her apartment. He remembered how long it had taken him to get into her apartment. The bitch - she didn't even have a regular schedule in her life like ordinary people. Sometimes she slept until noon, other times she went into the fucking office early, and if she wasn't there herself then frequently there were what seemed to be different men in her apartment, certainly B&E'ing. They brought bags, apparently with donuts, seldom flowers, and once an expensive looking black car. Stupid men! Three nights ago he had watched her as she went out, dressed up like a damned whore. He'd used the occasion and gotten the entire apartment wired. The B&E had been almost too easy, the apartment was a burglar's dream. Tiny cameras here and there, a bunch in her bedroom for no particular reason other than he felt like putting them there, along with those really tiny almost invisible mikes. Hehe, as if he really had no reason. The few people who happened to know him well enough didn't call him 'The Watcher' for nothing.

Thank God for state-of-the-art high tech solutions! She would never find the cameras and mikes he had placed in her apartment. The papers had nicknamed her the Bombshell Bounty Hunter. He didn't have a clue why but that didn't matter. She would lead him for his final target one way or another.

Bored to death, the man browsed through the magazine and suppressed a yawn, when he noticed low voices coming over the speaker. With a glimpse he saw that a dim light was switched on in the apartment. Now that could be very interesting. At least he would be distracted. He wondered who'd just come to see her at 1 a.m.

He made himself more comfortable, sitting even straighter in the chair, eyes glued to the video player. He watched a large man walk to her bed where she lay motionless, apparently sleeping peacefully. Not for long anymore bitch, he thought. The other man sat carefully down on the edge of the bed and brushed her hair away from her face.

Without even looking down the man quickly tapped a few keys on the attached keyboard and smiled wickedly when the screen rewarded him with a magnified picture of the two people.

Yep, that was it! He had finally gotten the man he wanted. He'd known the bitch would lead him to fucking Ricardo Carlos Manoso. The man groaned contentedly in anticipation, reaching for his gun and making sure it was loaded as always.

The man watched her come slowly awake, stirring to see what had awakened her. She smiled sweetly and he listened to her low voice coming through the speakers. "Ranger," she whispered. "You're late... sorry, I guess I fell asleep waiting for you."

Manoso just smiled and began to undress. He left his gun belt on the bedside table in reach then slowly peeled off his snug black sweater and unlaced his black boots, kicking them careless behind him. She lifted her upper body from her prone position and helped him unbutton his tight black pants, slowly piece by piece.

The man felt like he always did whenever he had the chance to play the voyeur. He shifted expectantly back and forth in his seat, adjusting his own hardening cock in his pants. Manoso let her help him get undressed and whispered quietly "Sorry, Babe, couldn't catch up to you earlier, was sort of tied up with a disobedient skip. But now I'm all yours." She laughed and replied "Glad to hear it, my love. I wondered if you wanted to deprive me of my daily fix of you."

The man laughed evilly and muttered quietly under his breath as if they could hear him. "You bitch, you'll be getting fucked soon and I can only watch. Now you'll have to pay too. Just wait."

He watched as Manoso stood beside the bed clad only in silky black boxers and she tugged at the waistband and dragged him to the bed. Finally, she pulled them down and the Watcher actually blushed. Bloody hell, he thought, leering at Manoso's huge cock. The fucking lucky son of a bitch. He could easily win any award around the world with that cock. He wouldn't even have any competition. Certainly not from the Watcher himself whose own erection shrivelled 'til his cock almost disappeared in his groin. Damned crap, he wondered, was he cursed?

The man moved closer to the screen and hit some keys again. The view became even larger than before and he scowled jealously at the other man's huge cock again and wondered if it would fit into the bitch's cunt. "Shit, shit, shit", he muttered again. "I should really learn to control myself. It's only a cock, it's only a cock…" the man repeated over and over.

He watched the other man pulling off the sheets away from her, showing in its way the most beautiful female body he'd ever seen. Holy crap, this would be an absolutely hot night. The other man cupped both full breasts of her and caressed them softly. He knelt beside her and both men watched as her eyes became dreamily glazed. The other man knowing he would be satisfied soon, the Watcher groaning loudly at this thought. Well hell, he still had two hands, didn't he?

The man noticed that no words were spoken, maybe they were already lovers for a long time and words were now unnecessary. Get a grip, buddy, he scolded with himself. It's none of your business. They both would pay anyway, that's for sure.

He watched even closer. Saw when she reached for his cock, wrapping her hands around the large shaft and slowly moving them up and down. The other man moaned contently and captured her mouth for a passionate kiss. She broke the kiss and bent her head towards his cock. The man mentally winced, still no farther reaction from his own cock.

She stuck out her tongue and licked the other man's very tip with cat-like strokes, finally taking the entire head in her mouth and sucking deeply on it. The other man moaned louder and tried to get her attention. "Babe", he panted, sounding nearly out of control, "If you won't stop soon I won't be able to give you… ahhh, that's so good… but… mmmmhh…". At his offer she stopped and asked eagerly, "Is it MY night tonight? I don't remember correctly. But if you say so…" He grinned, nodding his head, and wrapped his arms around her naked body. She moved her body from his arms and bent her head again. "If you don't mind…" she trailed off and took one last deeeeep nip from his tip, slightly squeezing his balls along the way.

Gee, the Watcher thought, wouldn't it be really great to be in the other man's shoes just now? Just at the thought his groin came to life again. He rubbed his cock firmly through his pants. Damn, was she hot, and he - being The Watcher after all - was all alone. Maybe he should add 'poor' to his nickname.

The other man now demanded softly that she lie on her back. She did and was immediately rewarded by his gentle hands caressing her whole body. He watched the other man's knowing hands roaming over her gorgeous body. When the other man nibbled on her hard peaks, his groin began to tighten once more. The familiar feeling in the pit of his stomach nearly scorched him.

Gee, holy Lord! When he heard her delighted moan loud and clear over the speakers he quickly unzipped his fly just in time to grab his own tiny but throbbing cock and pour his hot cum in the middle of the still open magazine lying on his lap. He groaned, relieved, and then muttered "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" as he noticed where he had aimed his cum. Again in the middle… of a naked Asian slut lying outstretched on a wooden bench, legs spread wide apart, so that you could see any detail of her well-shaped cunt… the wet stain precise in the centre between her legs. Great, another hot artistic poster ruined!

In such a way distracted by himself, the man shifted his gaze towards the screen again. While he had been enjoying himself a little, he hadn't heard a single word from his unsuspecting victims. Finally satisfied, he shoved his now limp cock back in his pants and watched the other man trailing soft open-mouthed kisses over her body, always followed by his hands. The damned bitch moaned wildly, her stunning body writhing underneath the other man's stroking hands. She murmured the other man's name, pleading for further final actions. The other man complied, apparently convinced his cock had to be swallowed soon in the bitch's hot cunt.

Just when the Watcher thought the other man would at last hurry to deep-six his huge cock in her, so that this whole fucking affair would be over soon, he was disappointed.

The other man reached for his pants and pulled something out of the pocket. "Poor asshole", the Watcher laughed nastily, obviously the other man had to use a fucking condom! He watched closer to get a glance at the thing the other man held in his hand.

"Raaaaanger", the Watcher heard her pleading voice. "What are you doing?" The other man smiled mischievously and shushed her. "No impatience needed here, Babe. You'll get what you deserve." The Watcher laughed his ass off. He had already done it, what was taking these stupid people so long, he wondered?

"Hm? What is that supposed to mean?" she asked, impatience still in her voice. Instead of an answer he spun around and kissed her full of her mouth, lots of tongue involved, and nudged her thighs apart, in the progress allowing the Watcher a full view of her now completely exposed cunt.

The Watcher licked his lips in anticipation and wished suddenly he was able to stuff his own cock in her hot, wet cunt. Even though he had just spattered, but now… watching this…

Amazed he watched the other man carefully unrolling something that seemed to be a bar of… hm… what? Maybe chocolate? He would just have to wait.

After exposing her most intimate flesh, the other man knelt between her legs, the mysterious thing lying beneath him in reach. He stroked with his fingertips along her well-built legs, sometimes nipping softly with his lips at the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. Then he arrived at her hot core and parted her soaked inner lips. He let his fingers slip back and forth over her folds and moved over to her clit, rubbing his thumb softly around it. She arched her back off the bed, pressing against his hand, forcing him to rub harder. Damn, the bitch was panting and gripping the sheets tightly.

The Watcher pressed his own hands to his growing erection, rubbing lightly and frustrated by being all alone again. He sighed deep and searched for a tissue in his pocket. He would not pour all over important stuff again. Not this time.

Meanwhile Manoso had lowered his head between her legs and seemed to be licking her cunt lightly before turning around grasping at the mysterious something. The Watcher quickly aimed one of the tiny cameras directly at her cunt. He zoomed the screen in once more and was instantly rewarded with an oversized view of her crotch. Good grief the bitch was horny. Rosy lips framed her wet opening… her clit hard and sticky… the man was just about to come in his pants when Manoso came back into the view.

His right hand held the mysterious thing. Looking more closely, the man recognized it as what he had once seen in a commercial for kids. Some sort of fruit rollup. What was Manoso up to? He wouldn't get just hungry now, would he?

Fascinated the man listened Manoso muttered some soothing Spanish words to her as he began to push the fruit thing slowly, millimetre by millimetre, into her pussy. Surprised she jerked her ass off the bed, swallowing involuntarily the whole thing at once in her entrance. "Slowly, Babe, slowly, you're spoiling all the fun", he heard Manoso whisper. She opened her eyes and tried to look between her legs. He nudged her gently back and withdrew his toy. She groaned in disappointment 'til he pushed it in again, slid it in and out, tormenting slowly.

The man could hardly believe what was happening before his very eyes. He panted furiously, rubbing his rock-hard cock tightly and unzipping his fly as a precaution. Flabbergasted, he watched the other mans skilful motions… in and out of her cunt. Her moans came over the speakers again, her breathing audibly shallower. The other man bent his head over her pussy and sucked at her aching clit, still pulling the erotic toy in and out of her pussy. "Oh God… Raaanger… I… holy cow… oh my God…" she screamed, clasping his head between her legs. She seemed to fly over the edge. The other man held tight to her trembling legs, stroking gently along her thighs.

When her breathing returned to normal, she tried to speak "What was that? Gee, that was unbelievable. Please, tell me!" Manoso pulled the sticky rest of the fruit rollup out of her and held it up triumphantly. She pulled him on top of her and whispered "Really sweet, isn't it? Now show me what else you have to push inside me." While poising his body over her on his elbows, he replied "Maybe I should tell you first how much I love you?"

"Yeah, tell me and then show me…" she whispered back. "I love you, Babe", he said and grabbed her ankles, lifting them over his shoulders. "I love you too, Ranger", she answered smiling. He raised her hips and inserted his huge cock inside her to the hilt with one solid thrust. He stilled his motions and fondled her breasts. She moaned in anticipation and thrust her hips against his groin.

The Watcher was lucky they had chosen a position where he could easily see everything. He touched his now painful erection, wrapping one hand around it and moving quickly up and down. These people were fucking better than anything else he had ever watched on video, much hotter. They should do it as professionals, the man thought. Not that they would have the opportunity after he got them, not at all.

Manoso began slowly thrusting in and then almost all the way out of her. She met him stroke for stroke, moving faster, urging him on. She was so close and so was he. Finally, he slammed hard into her pussy and her world came apart once again. The other man felt her inner muscles clenching his cock, milking him. He shot his hot cum as deep inside her as he could manage.

Watching this happen, the man quickly pulled out his throbbing cock and managed just in time to pour his cum out as well. This time in the tissue.

Then the other man moved her legs underneath him and collapsed on top of her. Panting heavily they both lay spent and content. He withdrew his cock carefully out of her and cuddled beside her. Still trying to regain their breathing, they both stared on the ceiling. Suddenly Manoso sat up and asked tightly "Babe," he pointed at a corner of the ceiling "What's that?"

The Watcher froze, the soaked tissue falling into his lap, once again on the magazine. Shit. Double shit.