Disclaimer: Don't own 'em. Wish I did.

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These Shoes Were Made For…

Sky did an average of about two nice deeds for other people per month, though the two weren't always unrelated. This month, the Blue Ranger deigned to come all the way over to her room next door to return her shoes.

"They were under Bridge's laundry pile," he explained. "I figured if I didn't rescue them now, you would never see one or either of them ever again."

Minuscule though it was, this deed counted as exceedingly benevolent behavior for Sky. It was almost sweet. The trouble was, the shoes weren't hers. Across the room, Z glanced at the gaudy gold slippers dangling from Sky's hand and raised an eyebrow.

"And what are your shoes doing under Bridge's clothes?" her roommate asked, clearly ready to give her hell. Sky turned a similar expression on her now too, as if the thought hadn't occurred to him before.

"Those are not mine," she declared, embarrassed and indignant at the same time. There was no way she'd be caught dead in those cheap ugly things, with their unflattering heels and metallic gold spray paint job that looked all of their five dollars from the local Halloween shop. Besides, did Sky really think her feet were that big?

The Blue Ranger shifted his questioning gaze to Z, who immediately shook her head.

"Nuh uh. You ever see me wearing heels?"

"One day," Syd vowed, but was ignored.

"So if they're not either of yours," Sky said, looking puzzled, "then whose are they?"

Syd and Z exchanged a wide-eyed look.


"Not Bridge."

"Wouldn't you know?" Z demanded, turning back to Sky.

"Know what?"

Wow, was the Blue Ranger really that dense?

"If Bridge has had any visitors," Z elaborated slowly, her hand moving in that circular fill-in-the-blank gesture. "You know, that might own such footwear?"

Sky's only response was the drop the shoes. Syd and Z burst into simultaneous giggles.

"Hey, what's so funny?"

The Green Ranger in question appeared beside Sky, whom had kept their door wide open by never stepping beyond the sensor's threshold. He then noticed the shoes on the floor and crouched down to examine them more closely.

"Hey, I have a pair just like these."

All laughter stopped dead in the room as three heads turned to stare at the Green Ranger.

"Those are your shoes, Bridge?" Z finally managed.

"If they're not yours—" He turned one of the slippers over in his hand. "Size 11. Yep, I guess they're mine. I wonder how they got in here." He scooped up the shoes and stood up, clacking the soles together in an idle gesture.

"Is there something you want to tell us, Bridge?" Syd asked gently.

"Huh?" It took the Green Ranger a moment to realize what she was getting at. "No! It's not what you're thinking, or at least it's not if you're thinking what I think you're thinking. These were part of my investigation, for that time we caught the Fernovian bank robber? Remember how I said it was strange that she would walk her dog downtown, and in high heels? I wanted to test my theory out, so I took RIC for a walk. And after just one block in these, my feet were already hurting, so I knew she had to be lying. I don't get how women do it, I mean—"

"Hold on, hold on," Z cut in. "You mean you actually wore those things?"

"In public?" Syd added.

"Well, yeah. I was re-enacting the scene of the crime. Er, her version of it."

Another long pause.

"Bridge," Sky said finally, shaking his head. "You are truly one of a kind."

The Green Ranger beamed. "Thanks!"

"A word of advice though?" Syd said, making Bridge look over at her. "Gold really isn't your color."

This time, even Sky cracked a smile.