Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Disclaimer: I don't own Yugioh

Ishizu watched silently brushing some hair from Seto's eyes, gently guiding her hand along his face. He looked so peaceful his head resting just above her nose, but she couldn't help but remember what Hikara had said…

"You've changed Ishizu, you used to be the innocent woman who worked at the museum… but now you're different." Hikara watched as she looked directly at him and for once there was no smirk on his face, "…You're not so innocent anymore."

She looked down at the brunettes bare chest smiling at the small scratch marks on his bare chest, the innocent Ishizu would never have done this. She dismissed the small voice pulling the sheets closer to her bare chest snuggling closer to Seto.

Seto smirked sleepily wrapping his arms around Ishizu's shoulders placing a kiss in her hair.

"Morning," Ishizu murmured in his neck giving him a small love bite her pointed teeth quite sharper then usual.

Seto pulled her thigh that rested over top of his waist closer, opening his eyes slightly giving a low pleasurable growl.

Ishizu felt his warm fingers slipping over onto her ass, as she bit harder millimetres away from drawing blood.

"Damn!" He groaned the sudden jolt in his gorge causing drops of blood to race down Ishizu's throat.

The sudden warmth of the rich thick liquid reached Ishizu's tongue her pupils dilating as she swallowed Seto's blood.

Seto could feel her nails digging against his neck and shoulder pulling him closer as she sunk her teeth farther into his neck.

Suddenly he grasped each of her beautiful tanned hands flipping her onto her back and with breakneck speed he was on top of her. Ishizu's head falling back violently against the sky blue pillow his lips crashing against hers tasting his blood in her mouth, the sweet taste only escalating his arousal.

Ishizu pushed against him her teeth scraping his tongue as more blood flowed into her mouth her small fingers grasped his fingers, her legs wrapping around his torso his hardened member rubbing exhilaratingly close to her entrance.

Seto thrust into her each exhilaration causing her to gasp from their blazing kisses her hips moving in rhythm to his brutal thrusts until she twisted from under his mouth, "Seto," She panted her teeth still dangerously sharp.

He couldn't help but laugh pulling his lips from hers attacking her neck hearing her hiss in his ear, each thrust grinding their bodies together he held her hands in his fingers intertwining between hers.

Ishizu groaned feeling her own hands run over her body covering over her breasts, she could feel the blood rush to her cheeks. She moaned louder Seto's teeth grasping her neck in a pleasurable sensation of pain and excitement.

Seto bit harder waiting for her to come as he thrust harder the bed moving along with their rhythm, he knew he was almost there he just needed her.

A scream rang through Seto's ear pulling his fingers down on her breasts as Ishizu came grasping him with her thighs and body.

Her grasping set Seto off, he groaned letting his teeth sink down into her flesh as he exploded into her letting a new wave of pleasure wash over them both.

Ishizu groaned lying back on the pillows as Seto gently pulled from her, leaning down gently placing a kiss on her cheek when the door was thrown open.

Marik stared stunned, watching his sister grasp the sheets that had been removed from the couple and bring them over her breasts, Seto moving off of her his bottom half covered by sheets, "…Ishizu!"

"Marik…" Ishizu pulled her head up from pillows as Bakura came into view.

"Wow," Bakura grinned, "I'm glad we got in late."

"That makes two of us," Seto grinned he had some how slipped his boxers on and stood up walking towards the door.

"What the fuck," Marik cursed loudly, "You've ruined my sister!" he shouted walking into the room.

"I didn't ruin her," Seto groaned pulling a shirt from his dresser then walked towards Ishizu giving her the long shirt.

"Marik, I can make these decisions for myself." Ishizu said gently pulling the shirt over her head before moving the covers away.

"He doesn't even like you Ishizu!" Marik shouted at her.

The room fell silent as Ishizu waited for Seto to defend himself, but he just stood there silently.

Seto looked at the two Ishtars then took a deep breath, "Marik your sister is very attractive,"

"That's it!?" they both questioned Ishizu's voice louder and angrier than Marik's.

"Come on Marik," Bakura pulled his lover from the room, "We've stirred the pot enough for one morning, I'm sure your sister can take it from here."

As the door closed Ishizu crossed her arms over her chest waiting for an explanation.

"Don't stand like that Ishizu, you know it's more than that…" Seto groaned.

Ishizu looked back at the bed, "Come to think of it Seto the only thing I've ever heard you say to me is that I'm beautiful."

All that you remember, Seto answered mentally walking towards the bathroom door, "Ishizu, you mean a lot to me…" he answered half heartedly pulling his boxers down as Ishizu followed him.

She couldn't help but blush a little at his sudden nudity, as a wave of warmth tingled through her body remembering their night and morning of passion. "But… why were you so scared to lose me last night Seto."

Seto remained speechless remembering how he couldn't get the thirst for her blood out of his head and how he felt when he finally had her in his arms as he told her his deepest feelings. He couldn't say that to her, she wouldn't understand. "Because Hikara is a pain in my ass, are you getting in?" he motioned towards the shower.

Ishizu shook her head, "I'll be in my room."

Seto steps into the shower as cold blasts of rain splash him in the face, "Great…" he groans turning up the temperature.


Drying off her body from her refreshing shower Ishizu pulled out her pale cream sundress looking out the window at the clear blue skies.

The skinny straps of the dress snugly fitting against her shoulder as the dress cut off at her knees a pale yellow sash resting across her waist.

She felt refreshed, but nothing could make her wash away her conscience, I mean nothing to him, she groaned, I gave up everything to man who feels nothing for me…

Suddenly her phone rang, chills crept up her spine as she moved towards the metal death trap, she looked hesitantly to the caller id and sighed when she saw Kanto Hikara's number on the screen.

"Hello?" she answered calmly.

"How's my most beautiful girl in the world?" Kanto asked as Ishizu sighed sitting down on the bed.

"She's frustrated." She answered enjoying the company of a man who flattered her.

"It's cause your around that Kaiba Corp snob," she could almost hear him grinning as he disregarded Seto, "so how about coffee."

Ishizu looked at the phone with a surprised glance, "Umm…I don't know if that's such a good idea Kanto… Seto wouldn't…." she stopped in her tracks, maybe it would do her some good… "Ok," She replied smiling.

"Perfect," He explained boastfully, "Oh and Ishizu…"

"…Yes." Ishizu asked holding her phone against her ear.

"For the sake of my health…" she could hear him grinning, "I wouldn't tell Kaiba where you're heading, and I'll meet you outside when ever you're ready darling."

Ishizu could hear the phone click, she smiled her slipping her phone into her hand bag, then straitened the non existent wrinkles in her dress in front of the mirror opening the door to her room and slipping out.

She reached the door undetected, she bent down to grab her small white heals. Ishizu turned around grabbing a piece of note paper, writing 'Out for a walk' on the sticky note then attached it to the door.

She slipped out the door seeing Kanto's luxurious sports car waiting outside the gates, she smiled to the gate man who let her out then opened the door and got in.


"Here you go…" Hikara handed her a green tea cup, his fingers brushing against hers as she took the cup from him.

"Thank you," she smiled her face turning red as she looked away and at the small coffee shop.

It was perfect, a warm place they sat at the back table Kanto's chair sitting next to Ishizu barely visible to the two other customers in the shop, and she turned back to Kanto surprised to see him staring at her.

"What are you looking at?" Ishizu grinned pushing her hair from her face as it kept slipping in front of her eyes.

"You," he grinned pulling the strands of hair from her eyes putting his hand against her cheek, "you're so beautiful."

"Thank you," She smiled then moved away from his hand, "it's good to get out with a friend."

"Ouch," Kanto smirked, "Darling I want you more than just a friend, and I know you want me too."

Ishizu looked up sharply, "Umm...Listen I didn't mean to send you that message by meeting you here," she tried to move herself away from him as he moved closer.

"Don't be so up tight baby," his hand landed on her lap grasping her thigh.

Ishizu looked down at his hand trying to gently remove his hand, but his iron tight grip made it hard for her to move it. "Please let go…"

"Chill Ishizu," Hikara grabbed the side of her face pulling her into a kiss.

Ishizu felt his lips rub violently against hers, his lips rough and demanding, she tried to get from his grasp pushing against his chest. She finally bit down on his lips causing him to let go. "I'm going home." She gasped standing up.

Hikara followed her out the door grabbing her wrist, "Let me take you home," he pulled her to the car opening the door to the red Mercedes.

"I think it would be better if I walked." Ishizu replied but Hikara's sturdy hand on her shoulder made her look back at him. He had a dangerous look in his eyes, the kind that made Ishizu shudder as he escorted her into the car.

She sat down in the cushion sets as Hikara closed the door, the doors instantly locking. She opened her purse talking out her cell phone and shoved it between her cleavage, as Kanto got into the car.

"Seat belt," Hikara smiled, "I wouldn't want anything happening to you, especially after your frightening episodes." He sped off at a speed only the inhuman could stand.

"The house…" Ishizu tried to point towards Seto's home but she could tell by the speed of the car that he was not about to slow down.

"You should come to my house, I have some people that are dying to meet you." He smiled at her moving his hand from the wheel to Ishizu's lap.

Ishizu grabbed his hand, "Seto will get worried…"

"Why should he be?" Kanto asked innocently grasping her thighs his fingers running between her legs.

Ishizu grabbed his fingers putting all her strength into holding him off, "Because you said episodes…"

Hikara smiled they were on a gravel road heading no where when Hikara turned into a barely noticeable driveway, "Home sweet home,"

Ishizu looked up at the old styled mansion, that looked more like a castle, "Kanto…I want to go home…"

"We are home," he leaned over taking her chin in his hand pulling her ear to his lips, with a muffled groan he whispered, "Darling."

Authors Note

Wow I feel ashamed that took all too long I'm sorry very very sorry but we're nearing the climax of this tale so lets get lots of reviews in! I'm going to finish this week so next chappie will be soon!

What will happen?? Who knows, (suggestions are always nice since I haven't planned past 2 chapters ago)

Thanks everyone for the reviews I got especially ruby-knight, The Token, anna0405 and follow-the-light-review. Thanks!