Happy Birthday to you

Kabuto walked around the base with a depressed look on his face. 'My real birthday only comes around every four years and no one remembers, not even Orochimaru-sama.'Kabuto thought as he walked into his room and flopped down on the bed. Be fore he knew it Kabuto had fallen asleep.

" I got it, now I can finally Kabuto his birthday gift!"Orochimaru cried happily as he sat at his piano. He had been trying to learn to play a song for Kabuto's birthday all day and he had finally gotten the hang of playing it. 'Now to find Kabuto.' Orochimaru thought as he left his room.

Orochimaru walked into Kabuto's room and found him asleep on the bed. Orochimaru smiled and gently shook Kabuto's shoulder, Kabuto opened his eyes, they widened at seeing Orochimaru standing there with a happy smile on his face. " O..Orochimaru-sama?!"Kabuto said in shock. "Kabuto come with me."Orochimaru said softly, Kabuto nodded and got up and followed Orochimaru to his room.

"Kabuto sit there." Orochimaru said as he sat at his piano. " Orochimaru-sama what are you going to do? Kabuto asked a bit unnerved by Orochimaru's uncharacteristic behavior. "Just listen, I learned how to play this just for you." Orochimaru replied with another soft smile.

With out wasting another minute Orochimaru began to play a song Kabuto recognized as Yui's Happy Birthday to you you. A happy smile lit up Kabuto's face as Orochimaru played,'Orochimaru-sama truly is a excellent pianist.' Kabuto thought as Orochimaru finished the song.

Orochimaru looked up and smiled "Happy Birthday Kabuto."Orochimaru said as he stood. Kabuto unable to contain his emotions ran forward and hugged Orochimaru. Orochimaru stood there shocked before hugging Kabuto back. "Thank you Orochimaru-sama."Kabuto replied letting Orochimaru go. Orochimaru just smiled at him.'Orochimaru-sama truly is a good friend."Kabuto thought happily as they walked to the village to spend the day having fun to celebrate Kabuto's birthday.