My life as a Vaporeon
Chapter 9 – "A mysterious foe appears!"

Yes I am not dead! I've been gone all summer with no access to a computer, explains why no new stories are up hu? That, and I've been playing side-scrolling shooters a lot lately :P. Copyright Sandact6 2001. This fic any not be copied, Xeroxed, or changed in any way. If you wish to add this to your site, contact the author. There must be no changes to the fic whatsoever. Also. You do not have permission to sell my fics. If you violate any of the above rules, at least give me your address so I can get my double barreled shotgun and turn you into confetti. Enjoy!

Relena's POV

Before I went to bed I do what I usually do. Put my pokemon back in their pokeballs (Expect Umbreon of course), set up camp and put out the fire for the night. I then turned on my flashlight, and gave my Umbreon a good night pat on the head before I started my very tough choices. I have four Eevee's to my count, and four evolutions to go with. Meaning if I play my cards the right way, I will be able to get all the Eevee evolutions! Easier said than done however… I have to be careful to make sure they don't get to happy with me or else I'll end up with Espeon's and Umbreon's instead. And I don't want that to happen. So I'd better plan out who is going to be which pokemon when they evolve, first up, the female Eevee.

I must admit, she does have a nice bit of spunk in her. When I was fighting for my first badge she refused to be called back until she finished the pokemon off! And what's even more amazing that she actually succeeded! She always fights to the bitter end, and when I mean that I mean she doesn't quite until she gets fully KO'ed! I watched her over and over again, and without a doubt, a true fighter soul she has. She is also quite proficient at using her hidden power move. By now I figured it out as a fire type one. It seems much more powerful than Valkner's, though he's not far behind. So the female Eevee has high stamina and good use with special attacks. No more questions asked, she's becoming a Vaproeon.

For the next pokemon is the male Eevee that appears to... act rather strange compared to the others… He is calm, quiet, and rarely speaks to any of the others. He is very strong however, in both terms of mental and physical strength. Even though he never listens to my commands in battle, he always manages to win. Heck! The only fight I'd ever seen him lose was with the fight with my Umbreon when I was trying to capture him! And even if he doesn't listen to me, he seems a genius in battles. Usually predicting the opponent's moves before I even have a chance! Bugsy in the second gym never knew what hit him! He just cleaned out his pokemon as if they were cheap toys. Now, evenly balanced in all the 6 main sections of a pokemon's stats, he appears to be well balanced. And since he's smart in battle, I'll make him an Espeon. Then with his psychic powers he'll be next to unstoppable in battles! It's settled there, he's becoming an Espeon.

Hm… And come to think about it… That Eevee I caught yesterday seems… rather odd. He does talk to the others a lot and more than the others usually do. And he did appear as if he didn't know what on Earth he was doing when I first caught him. Ever since however Umbreon taught him he's been catching on a lot faster than I have thought. And he already knows both Reflect and Double-edge! Both of those moves are rare as they are valuable! And to think he actually has them! And let's not forget the fact he's blazingly fast in battle. And let's think, if Jolteon is the fastest evolution for Eevee's, and he's THAT fast out of battle… I can't even begin to imagine the speed! And Reflect will cover its low defensive power! Alright, choice made and done, he's becoming a Jolteon!

And as for the Eevee I caught today. I haven't seen him perform in battle yet, so I don't know about how strong or durable he is. As he does seem rather calm, expect around females. Ba who am I kidding!? Any male pokemon's gets distracted by Umbreon's attract move!

Why am I even thinking what he's going to become!?!? I already know this answer! The process of default means he's the Flareon! No complaining over the stats there, I'm sure he'll do fine as one.

Alright! All settled! I've picked out their evolutions, now let's hope they'll adapt to their new bodies well. With done out of the way, it's time to settle into bed, better tell my pokemon first. "Alright guys and gals," I said while poking my head outside the tent. "I'm goin to bed now! You can sleep and get used to your new friends, alright Umbreon?"

My Umbreon smiled and happily nodded in agreement.

I yawned; this is already way past my normal bedtime. "Okay, see y'all in the morning!" I zipped up the tent and climbed into my sleeping bag. What was last night's dream again? Ah, beating the Elite Four… Zzz…

Andrew's POV
"Ooohhh…" moaned Trowa. "I wanted to sleep with her…"

"Keep dreamin Magicarp…" Melissa uttered to him.

Trowa seemed a bit sleepy at the time, so I kinda figured it out when he just let out a low growl and went to sleep.

Sleep THAT seemed like a good idea after the hectic day I've been through. Let's see… How do I lay down again… Ah! Let your front paws slide forward slowly… And that's it! I sure hope I'll get used to this stuff soon.

"Hey Andrew." Spoke a familiar voice from behind me. "Mind if I lay next to you?"

"Sure Umbreon. But why do you want this spot?" I questioned.

She smiled and replied, "Look up."

As I looked up I became awestruck, the moon looked magnificent! It's bright orange color glowed a dim soothing, white light in the spot through the trees where me and Umbreon laid. "Wow… That's so cool…"

Umbreon nodded in agreement. "Yea it is. I don't know why, but I always sleep better under a full moon…"

"Umbreon, may I ask a personal question?"


I hope Umbreon wouldn't mind answering this. "Would you please tell me how you evolved into an Umbreon?"

"Sure." Was her response, "It was about… 7 years ago I believe. I was an Eevee at the time, sleeping at my best friend's bed near the end. Until I heard something late that night, I went downstairs to see what was going on, and to my surprise, we were being robbed! I tried to stop them by jumping for his arm but he swat me away like a fly. I didn't want my owner's family to be robbed! As I got up, I was in the moonlight at the time, and I became an Umbreon! He stood no chance then. And that, is how I evolved."

"Cool…" I murmured, "Do you have any regrets?"

Umbreon paused for a second, "Nope, not really." She yawned and put her head on her front paws. "It's getting late and I'm bushed… We can talk in the morning alright Andrew?"

I responded with a yawn as well. "Me too… Goodnight Umbreon…" I mumbled before I drifted to sleep.

"Night Andrew." Was her response to me.

Valkner's POV

"NO!" I gasped as I woke up. Was… Was that a dream again? I still have paws, so yes. Argh, I've been plagued with these nightmares ever since I've gotten with my "Trainer". Great, what else can go wrong: I'm forced to listen to a rookie with little or no battle experience, I'm as weak as a newborn kitten and this body I'm is not suitable for anything! How do these quadrupeds live? Sighing, I went off to get a drink for myself and clear my head, no need to wake up the rest of the group. I traced a route to a nearby stream, and bent down over to taste it's cool, refreshing water. Why am I like this? Was I that bad last time that I had to deserve this? Most likely because I neglected her… If I had another chance, I would change; I'd be nice to her and go out on those silly dates she wants. But in the end, my ultimate destruction came upon when I finally met a worthy opponent, and lost. Well, what's done is done. All I can do is hope she comes here I hope to notice her.

I slowly walked back to the campsite, pouting along the way doing more pondering. Until I heard a muffled yelping noise, followed by some other human voices.

"Three Eevee's and an Umbreon… This was a great night's work…"

"Right boss!"

What's going on? I sneaked into some bushes behind them, and to find out they were stealing my friends! And by the scent coming out of his pocket, I think he used chloroform on our trainer… That lowlife scum! I hopped out of the bush and yelled at him, "Don't you have any honor at all!?!? Stealing a knocked out girl's pokemon!?!?"

"What's this?" asked the man as he turned around. He appeared to be wearing a white mask, with black circles for eyes and a red, smiling mouth that was open on it. We also wore a black cape and a tux. "Another Eevee? Hm… The bag cannot carry anymore… Doesn't matter, three is enough for the time being."

I growled at him, baring my teeth and took a pose ready to pounce. "You let go of my friends now!"

The coward chuckled. "Ha ha. It appears we care for your little friends here no?" He held up the bag, I could hear the others inside yelling to be let out. "Well I'm sorry, these pokemon are quite hard to come by. You being an Eevee yourself must understand, but to make sure you don't interfere with me." He snapped his fingers.

Upon hearing that, the Machoke leaped with no warning and pinned me to the ground. A struggled to try to get out of his grasps, but failed.

The stranger laughed up a storm, when I turned to see him, he was already floating up on a giant balloon. "Time flies when you stealing! Ta ta!"

No! My friends! I can't let them get stolen, I will not live a repeat of my past, I will get my friends back! I MUST get them back!!!

Upon then, the morning sun rose spreading it's light across the land, and when the rays hit me, I began to glow a white light. The Machoke jumped off of me in fright, I felt my bones growing larger as well as my body. When it stopped, I noticed I was a psychic type, Espeon.

The coward riding the balloon was not to pleased upon seeing my new form. "What? Crap! I always steal to late…"

I quickly used my psychic power to grab the bag out of the coward's hands, and lowered it to the ground safely. "You'll pay for trying to take away my friends!" I screamed as a multi-colored beam shot out of my forehead, and made the balloon explode savagely.

Unluckily, the coward packed a hang-glider as well. "You haven't seen the last of the poke-renegade!" He yelled as he glided away.

"And I'll be-" MY HEAD! Oh my god! The throbbing pain! I think… I used to much power at once. I fainted on the ground, breathing, trying to get the headache down.

"Well well…" said the Machoke as he cracked his knuckles, "Looks like the hunter becomes the hunted…" He yelled in fury as he made a lunge towards me.

Then out of the blue, Umbreon appeared and tackled the Machoke caused him to fall down again. "No way your messin with us buster! Because if you mess with one of us…"

"You mess with all of us!" Trowa finished off. They all started to growl for my defense and safety.

The Machoke was intimidated, and slowly started back off. "I'll be back! I make that a promise!" With that, he disappeared into the bushes.

"And we'll be waiting and ready anytime!" yelled out Melissa in response to him.

After he was gone, Andrew rushed to my side. "Valkner! Are you alright!?!?"

I tried to move but the pain in my head caused me to lying down, whimpering in pain. "I need some aspirin…" I managed to moan.

"It's just a overuse of his Psychic powers." Trowa explained to us. "Right now his brain is recovering from the shock; he'll be fine later this morning."

"Then I'm staying here with him." Announced Andrew. "Valkner is weak, and can be attack easily with no condition to fight back. I'll stay next to him to protect him."

"Count me in." said Trowa and he walked over and laid next to me.

Umbreon spoke up. "You guys do that; Melissa and I will try to wake up our trainer." She walked off into the tent with Melissa trailing close behind her.

What… They are actually volunteering to stay behind and protect me? No one ever used to do that to me ever before… Apart from her though. Who knows, maybe I'll actually have a conversation with them for more than five minutes.

Na! Not in my lifetime! Right now though, I need some sleep… My head feels like it's been cracked open like a coconut, god I wish I had aspirin at times like these.

I hope you enjoyed that, because right now I'm executing, "Mission not get a bath." I just need to get out of the house past Nicole…

*Nicole is sleeping in armchair with 3 blue "Z" s above her head.*

Just get past her… *Slowly walks by and steps on TV remote, turning on TV* Oh no!

*The "Z" s disappear and a red box saying "Alert" appears with 99 seconds in it and Metal gear Alert music plays while Nicole starts to look around.*

*Dives into a paper bag.* Now's not the best time… I'll see you later chu!