Hello. I am here with another fanfic. I wrote this while I was away ^_^! Anyways, I do not own pokemon characters. I am just using them. And I only hope they do not sue. Copyright 2001 Sandact6. Enjoy the story! (I already have the second chapter of this wrote! I will write the third THEN release the second chapter).

My life as a Vaporeon
Chapter 1

Andrew's P.O.V.

WHAM!!! My teacher slammed the book down and said, "Mr. Hopkins! Are you even paying attention!?!?" "Yes I am sir!" I said trying to also sound I know about it. "Alright then Mr. Hopkins, please play bars 15-18 perfectly." he said. "O... Ok" I said nervously. And I tried it, I was WAY off! I was the laughing stock of the entire class! I felt really embarrassed. "Mr. Hopkins," he said, "if you ever wish to play our national anthem right you have to know the notes!" "Yes sir." I said in a low tone. The bell rang for the end of school. Thank God I thought. "Alright now!" he said, "Tonight's homework is to memorize bars 15-20."

Oh, forgot to introduce myself. My name is Andrew Hopkins. What? About back there? I was daydreaming I guess. About Pokemon. I wonder sometimes what it will be like if they really did exist. Sigh. Life in heaven, that's what it will be! "Hey Andrew!" called out my friend Mike. "Hey Mike! I got my copy of Pokemon stadium 2 today!" I said cheerfully. "Stop bragging!" he said, "Just because you bought the game, doesn't mean you beat it! And you still gotta beat my team!" I said, "Yeah, yeah. Anyways, wanna come over and play it??" "Can't if I want the new Neo Holo deck." "Oh, ok then." I said, "see ya later then!" Yeah, see ya!" he said as he ran towards his home. And so I continued walking until some guy in a tench coat and said, "Excuse me young man, have you seen this animal?" He reached into his pocket and pulled out a picture that looked like an Eevee. Only, it looked very lifelike. "No, I haven't seen it." The man sighed and said, "Well, thanks for your time." And left. I continued to walk back home. Until I heard a rusle behind some bushes. I thought my mind was working overtime until I heard it again. So i decided to take a look anyways to see what it was anyways. So I pulled back the bushes and what I saw made my heart skip. It was an Eevee! A real live Eevee! "Vee..." in said nervously. As I reached out my hand to touch it, it turned around to touch it, it turned around and started to run. "NO!" I said, "Please come back little Eevee! I won't hurt you!" I ran after it until it ran into a Greenish-yellow portal. I put my finger into it, than took it back out. It seemed to look ok. "Aw heck! What do I have to lose!" I said to myself. So I jumped through the portal and MAN! What a ride!

And I came to a, rather painful, stop on a tree! "Ow!" As I said as I rolled onto my back. I didn't see that Eevee anywhere, or better yet, where I was. It wasn't the park I was in earlier. It also seemed I could not stand up on my back, so I rolled onto my belly and tried it. THUD! Landed right on my back! I found this funny cause last time I was able to walk. So I rolled on my belly to try again. And what I saw in that puddle looking back at me I could not believe what I have become...