Disclaimer: All things Harry Potter belong to JKR. I make no money from this.
A/N: Many thanks go to my awesome beta, SouthernWitch69.
This is my response to LOTM's YLC challenge. For rules see the end of chapter one.
Chapter Sixteen
Hermione looked around the chapel excitedly. It was tastefully decorated with white teacup roses and lilies. Nothing too overdone, but enough to look elegant and charming.
She was still too shocked to believe this was really going to happen—that there was actually going to be a binding today. The chapel was slowly but surely filling.
Looking around at all the people, she spotted Ginny and Draco, still smiling lovingly at each other after five years of marriage. Every so often, Draco would lightly touch Ginny's slightly bulging belly. She was finally giving Molly and Narcissa the grandchild they had been longing for.
Luna and Greg were sitting with their two boys, happy and content. Both boys had Greg's bulk but Luna's brains—or her odd sense of reality that seemed to work for her and her family.
Suddenly, the music started, and everyone rose to watch the bride nervously walk herself down the aisle. Hermione looked up into her scowling husband's face. "Really, Severus, this is a happy day! And just think, your cure had a major part in making all this happen."
"Please," he said disdainfully, "don't remind me. Narcissa and the werewolf? What on earth is that woman thinking?"
Rubbing his arm consolingly, Hermione told her husband, "Right. And just four years ago, all of my friends were asking me what I was thinking." She grinned at his dark look. "I am only teasing you, love. Remus will—is already—making her happy."
Severus watched Narcissa walk down the aisle. She did look radiant in her pale blue gown. Her eyes were fixed on Lupin, and she never looked at anything else.
Remus and Narcissa had bumped into each other at St. Mungo's six months before. They were both helping other werewolves who had come from other countries and were just learning of the cure available in England. They went to lunch together and started seeing one another after that.
At first, Draco had been very upset, but to Narcissa's surprise and with the help of his wife, he began to accept the relationship. And with Draco accepting it, Severus didn't have any choice except to follow suit. However, that didn't stop him from keeping his true thoughts to himself or confiding them to Hermione.
"I would imagine Lucius is rolling in his grave," Severus told his wife. "Serves him right, but I hate to see Narcissa suffer."
"Oh, she's hardly suffering," Hermione whispered to her husband. "Now, be quiet! The ceremony is starting."
Watching the binding made Hermione think of her mother, who had wed the previous year. It was hard on Hermione at first, but she soon realized that her mother had to live her life, and Muggles didn't have nearly the time to live theirs as wizards had.
At Narcissa's insistence, the reception was a lavish affair. Along with friends and family, a few heads from the Ministry of Magic attended as well. Thankfully, Hermione thought, she and Severus were seated with the Malfoys and the Goyles.
"How are you feeling, Ginny?" Hermione inquired. "Can you feel the baby much?"
"Oh, yes, more than ever now! Only three months to go. I can't believe I actually waited this long."
"That was stubbornness," Luna commented. "You just wanted to make both your mothers wait and have a baby in your own time frame."
"True enough," Ginny agreed. "But I think we timed it perfectly. Don't you, love?" Ginny asked as she turned to look adoringly at her husband.
"Yes, I do. I must confess, however, that I am quite anxious to meet my son!"
"Or daughter…" Hermione teased. She knew Draco really wanted a son.
"Doubtful," Draco told her. "Malfoys generally have sons first. But don't worry, my fiery temptress," he said, turning back towards his wife, "I would love a daughter as much as a son."
Smirking, she told him, "I have no doubt of that."
"How about you two?" Greg asked Severus. "Any plans for kids in the near future?"
Hermione blushed. She had a suspicion that she was with child, but until she was sure, she didn't want to say anything. They had been trying for nearly a year, but had chosen to keep it from everyone until they conceived.
Severus noticed the blush, but didn't say anything. "We shall see," was all that he would admit to.
When the music started and the bride and groom had their first dance, all three couples went to the dance floor. Luna was happy that childcare was provided. Otherwise, she and Greg would have had to leave right after the binding.
As soon as they were on the dance floor and in relative quiet, Severus asked Hermione, "Is there something you want to tell me?"
Hermione sighed. She had really wanted to be sure before she said anything. "Well, I am not sure or anything, but I may be pregnant—"
"Yes, I thought as much."
"How? I haven't said a word!"
"Hermione, my dear, we have been married for four years. I know when you've missed a cycle… or two." He smirked when she narrowed her eyes.
"Why haven't you asked me?"
"Because I knew you would tell me when you were certain. I have a feeling, however, as I can see the subtle changes in you."
Hermione smiled lovingly at her husband. "I feel it, too." She held him close and looked over to where Ginny and Draco were dancing and whispering softly to each other. Luna and Greg, dancing to their right, looked just as happy.
so hard to believe that eight years ago Ginny, Luna, and I thought
that our lives were over. I did love Ronald, but that love was
nothing compared to this… Nothing. When I thought that my life had
ended, it actually was just beginning. And who would have
thought that this man would be the man to make it all happen? I never
thought I would be attracted to, much less in love with, all that
snarkiness, but I wouldn't trade Severus Snape for anything in this
world. And to think, the girls and I have Fred and George to
thank—which they remind us constantly.
She turned her head to look at Remus and Narcissa. She was practically glowing. Hermione noticed that even when not dancing, the Lupins couldn't keep their hands off of each other. It made her smile.
After they returned to their table, Minerva and Moody approached them. After everyone had said hello, Ginny teased her former Transfiguration professor. "Are you two next, then?"
Minerva looked scandalized. "Oh, no! I am not about getting married, now or ever. Alastor is a great companion, but we are too old for marriage nonsense."
"Too right," Alastor agreed. "I never have been married and don't care to be now."
Just then, Remus announced that he and his bride would be taking their leave, and everyone rose to wish them well.
Looking around the room once more at her family and friends, then finally at her husband, Hermione had never felt more content and blessed.
Life was good.
Christy's Note's: And so ends my YLC story! I hope you all enjoyed it! I appreciate every review and comment! See you next time!
Southern's Note's Hehe! Don't worry, folks! I'm already talking to her about what she'll do next!