Well, well, we're getting somewhere with our two lovebirds, now, do we? As always, I hope you enjoy this chapter.

I am unbelievingly sorry, that it took me so long. This chapter had been written for soooo long, but I was very unhappy with the way things where going. I still don't know, if I like it, but I will continue :)

She would kill her if she was not halfway through packing her things. Impatiently, Professor Kate Corrigan knocked on one of the many doors lining the corridor.

"Come in.", the resident of the room yelled through the tough metal. Kate stormed in and halted just in front of a large suitcase.

"'Talk to you later.', that's what you said!", she said accusingly and folded her arms while watching Mina change into more comfortable clothes.

"We are talking and it's later.", she answered, sorting the folds on her plaid skirt.

"I actually thought you would call me back!" Kate manoeuvred around the suitcase and flopped down on the bed. "How was your talk with Abe?"

The Vampires green eyes drifted close or a moment and she sighed heavily. "It was … strange to talk about it, but …", her long fingers fondled a large moonstone hanging on a chain around her neck. "I don't know how he took it, but at least he didn't flip on me.", she smiled slightly and a faint pink blush crept to her cheeks.

The blonde Professor leaned back on her elbows and grinned. "Soooooooo …. You made up?"

"Kate, honestly!", Wilhelmina put her fists to her hips and looked sternly at her friend and co-worker, who almost doubled over laughing.

"You should see your face, Mina.", she coughed slightly and straightened herself. "So, something happened between you two, but you won't tell me …. Fine.", she got up and looked the redhead all over. "Mina, I know it still hurts and you blame yourself for Phillip's death, but that happened 12 years ago …. Don't you think you punished yourself enough?"

Wilhelmina sat down, with her hands folded in her lap. "It's not about punishment, Kate. I know I made a mistake and I paid dearly for it … I just don't want to make that mistake again."

"Then don't.", Kate said and drew her brows together. "Abe will understand."

Mina shook her head sadly. "Everyone I come close to dies or gets hurt eventually."

The blonde Professor shook her head, giving up. "Are you ready?", she looked around the room.

"Almost.", the other woman answered into the uncomfortable silence threatening to settle on the room.



I packed the rest of my things wordlessly, Kate's words bouncing around my head. I knew she was right, but still. I was not ready. Maybe I would never be, maybe I would never take that chance.

"I think I'm done.", I announced, taking a last look in my shoulder bag to ensure everything was packed.

Kate nodded and took my suitcase.

"Kate …", my voice halted her. "I know you're right … I just don't want him to get hurt."

She turned with a brilliant smile, but I felt her sadness. "I just want you to be happy, Mina, you deserve it, despite what you might think of yourself.", she gripped the heavy bag tighter. "Now come on, I'm sure, there is someone who wants to kiss you good-bye.", she darted for the door in a feeble attempt to escape, but I was quicker.

"Stop it, or I WILL kick your butt."

She giggled, shaking her head. "Alright, alright. You would be cute together, though."


She picked the suitcase back up. "Let's go, I don't want to miss the flight.", and out the door she went. I adjusted the shoulder bag and followed her. Sometimes, she was just like a child and I thought that was very refreshing.

Abe was waiting for us in the library, eyes downcast and his hands behind his back.

I felt Kate's grin more than I saw it, when she slipped past me. Wordlessly she left the room towards the exit.

"So …", he began, still not looking at me. "Are you sure you'll come back … here?", Almond-shaped, iridescent blue eyes met mine and I saw a hint of a smile on his face.

I smiled back. "Dead sure."

Abe chuckled slightly and came towards me, his hands still behind his back. "Mina …", he sighed. "Knowing what happened back then … Nothing has changed for me.", he cocked his head. "I'll miss you.", he held out his hand expectantly. Those three words echoed in my head. Something in the way he said it touched me deeply. I closed the small gap between us and threw my arms around his neck.

"I will miss you terribly.", I whispered, leaning my cheek against his. Hesitantly he closed his arms around my waist.

I don't know how long we stood like this until he pushed me away gently. "You need to catch your flight.", Abe told me quietly, pushing a strand of hair behind my ear. "But first: I have something for you."

Raising my eyebrows questioningly I stepped back a little.

"I wanted to say something like: 'so you don't forget me and come back', but …", he stopped and shrugged, which made me laugh. He looked kind of helpless, like a schoolboy.

Again he held out his hand and this time, I didn't hesitate. I pulled off my glove and placed my bare hand in his.

Smiling he opened his other hand and revealed a thin silver bracelet, set with small moonstones. A little bit clumsily he tried to fasten the jewellery around my wrist, while I watched awestruck.

"Thank you.", I breathed, when he finally succeeded. "It's beautiful.", I held my hand up to my face and examined the blue-ish shimmering stones.

"It's …", he dragged his feet a little. "It's nothing, I'm glad you like it."

"I love it.", I never would have thought, that he cared enough to think of my love for this particular stone.

"Mina … I really don't want to be a party-pooper, but we need to go.", Kate's voice sounded dull through the doors.

"She's right.", Abraham smiled slightly and touched my cheek. "Hurry, we'll see each other in a few days."

I nodded. He was right, if we missed that flight our mission would be null and void. In a sudden bold move I leaned forward, hugged him and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "See you Sunday.", I said and darted out the door, only to find a grinning Kate waiting with our luggage.

"Don't! Just don't!", I warned her with a raised hand and slipped back in my glove.

"You're no-one to kiss and tell, huh?"

"Didn't I tell you to hold your tongue, Kate?", I emphasized her name, looking at her sternly.

"I KNOW, you're wondering right now, how you are going to get through this trip without killing me.", she said, skipping on he elevator-plate.

"Good, so you know to sleep with at least one eye open!", I growled, trying to suppress a giggle. This would be fun.

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