A/N: For the last time, a huge thank you goes to Inday, PsYcHoRoAcH, XxMAKExXitorbreakitXx, The Niki Reid, PurplePolkaDots93, MissBubblyJayy, cheryl24, xHeavensOnFirex, Jewelgirl04, Mrs.Cena87, techwiz, Alkira Sonoma, lindseyredfield, xtobelovedx, xAttitudex, Mrs. Kennedy, foolishangel87, xxxxcrazychickxxxx, AshMattXoXo and Queen Chaos-Hardy for reviewing the last chapter. Wow, 20 of you left feedback, you have no idea how much that means to me!

So, because you've all been the greatest readers ever, here is the last chapter. I hope you've enjoyed reading this story as much as I have writing it. I must say, this has been my favourite fic up to date.

For those of you who have asked, yes, there will be a sequel! So make sure you look out for it, hopefully it'll be coming sooner rather than later.

One last thing, I would love it if you guys would check out my two other stories being written at the moment, Everything Changes and But I Do Love You.

With that, here we go. The final chapter. Enjoy and thank you all so much for your support! x

Chapter 31 – I Love You, Too

Every single minute that passed by seemed like it was lasting a life time. All Kayleigh wanted to do was find Ken, to end her worrying and make sure he was safe, but most of all . . . to confess her true feelings for him.

Not only that, she just wanted to get off this damn plane! Not once had she flown by herself and she was absolutely terrified. All she could do to keep herself from having a nervous breakdown was to think of what was going to be at the other end . .

Although the next hour went by extremely slowly, the plane eventually hit the runway. The moment the passengers were told they could leave the plane, Kayleigh was up on her feet and making a quick exit. Making her way through the airport and checking out in record time, the young blonde was soon entering the outdoors, into all too familiar surroundings.

Minnesota. She was home. If it were under any other circumstances, Kayleigh would have been in heaven right now. For so long she had been dying to visit her parents, to spend just a few days back at home in her huge comfy bed. But now that she was finally on home turf, that's exactly the opposite as to what she would be doing. She had so much more to do before she could even think of going back home.

Waving down the first taxi that drove past, the young Diva stopped for a few moments to contemplate where Ken would be. Looking up at the sky and watching as it slowly began to grow dark, a small smile grew on her face as she knew exactly where he was going to be. After taking a seat in the back of the taxi and giving the driver the directions, Kayleigh sat back and thought over what she was going to tell the man that she loved. It was extremely important that she said nothing wrong, because after all . . her whole future depended on it.

As the sky finally reached blackness, Ken climbed from his car which he had now been sat in for hours on end, and walked over to the cliff side to look out at the extremely familiar view. He had missed being able to just visit here and unwind, to think about everything that was happening in his life. He could have done with this view so many times as of late.

Taking a seat on the hood of his car, the young blonde man gazed up at the familiar star constellations which he had seen so many times before. He had never been able to work out what it was, but staring up at the night sky in this particular spot had always brought Kayleigh to his thought's, no matter what. But for once in his life, he just wished that he could forget all about her. He knew that none of this was her fault, he knew that she hadn't made him fall in love with her, but he just couldn't take the fact that she didn't love him in return. It was killing him to think that he'd finally managed to tell her how he truly felt, yet she didn't feel the same way. .

Taking his phone from his pocket, the young man let out a saddened smile as he opened it to reveal a picture that he and Kayleigh had taken on one of the days which he had been cheering her up about Randy. Opening up his contacts, Ken quickly found the number he was looking for and stared at it for what seemed like forever. He wanted to just call her and apologize, tell her to forget about everything he had told her and hope that they'd just be able to go back to being best friends, but he just knew that was never going to happen.

Closing up his phone and placing it back in his pocket, Ken let out a sigh as he yet again looked up at the night sky. Things were never going to be the same between he and Kayleigh, they would never be able to go back to just being friends. So the best thing to do, would be to just stay away from her . . . forever.

Half an hour later, Kayleigh's taxi finally came to a halt as they reached the main road that led off to the cliff side. Jumping from the car and paying the driver, the young woman quickly made her way through the rather eerie trees, before finally coming out into the all too familiar clearing.

Taking in the sight before her, the young woman couldn't help but grin as she realized she was right about where she was going to find him, as sat before her on the hood of his car, was Ken.

The young blonde woman stayed put for a few moments as she took everything in. Although she was full with relief that her best friend was okay, her stomach had slowly began to churn as she realized what she was about to do. She had no idea whether Ken was going to want her after everything she'd put him through, regardless of whether he loved her or not. After running a hand through her blonde locks, Kayleigh finally built up the courage to say something. After all, she was never going to find out what was going to happen if she was just going to stand there.

"So, this is where you've been hiding all this time . . " She finally let herself say, a little shocked at herself at how confident she had managed to say it.

Ken shot up from where he was lay and spun around, not knowing quite what to say or do as he took in the person stood before him. Never in a million years had he expected her to come after him.

"Wha . . what are you doing here, Kayleigh?" He asked quietly, turning himself back around to look out to the sea.

"Well I thought I'd just fly all the way over here by myself for no reason at all . . . what the hell do you think I'm doing here, Ken?" The young blonde woman asked, finally building up the courage to walk over to the side of the car.

"I don't know, you tell me." He replied with a shrug as he took a quick glance at his best friend, before yet again looking back at the view.

"I was worried about you." Kayleigh whispered.

Ken let out a snort which caused the young woman to raise an eyebrow in confusion at her best friend. She knew that this was going to be hard, but she never knew how much it was going to hurt.

"Worried about me? Since when did you worry about me, Kayleigh?" Ken asked, finally turning to look at her, tears clearly visible in his bright green orbs.

"Please Kennedy, don't be like this . . " Kayleigh whispered yet again, tears threatening to fall from her own eyes at this point.

"Well I'm sorry but I don't know how else to be." The young man shouted, but as soon as he noticed that his best friend was upset he quickly lowered his voice. "I, I can't do this. I can't be around you anymore Kiwi . . . I just can't be around you, when I'll never be able to be yours . . " He finished, now barely above a whisper as a stray tear fell down his cheek.

"Ken . . " Kayleigh quietly replied, trying to take hold of his hand.

"No, please . . " Ken replied, pushing her away lightly as he looked back to the sea. "Please Kiwi, just go. Go back to your boyfriend . . "

"Actually, I was kinda hoping I could stay here with him . . " The young blonde quietly said, a small smile growing on her face as she finally added in to their conversation the one thing that could change everything.

"What?" Ken asked, raising an eyebrow as he turned back to her yet again. "You brought John with you?"

Kayleigh couldn't help but laugh at her best friend's last comment, which caused him to raise another eyebrow at the fact that she found it funny.

"You really are a dork, Ken . . you know that?" She asked with a smirk, this time successfully taking hold of his hand and slowly leading him from the hood of the car, over to the cliff side.

"Wait, does that mean . . " The young man began with wide eyes as they stopped and turned to look at each other, Kayleigh still holding onto his hand tightly.

Kayleigh looked up into her best friend's eyes and let out a small smirk as she nodded, answering his question.

"It's taken me 20 years to realize this Ken, but . . . I love you." She replied sincerely, looking deep into Ken's orbs.

"You . . you love me?" Ken stuttered slightly as a grin began to grow on his face.

"No, stupid . . I'm just saying it for the fun of it." Kayleigh rolled her eyes laughing.

"I don't know what to say, Kiwi . . " Ken replied, smirking a little himself, although still not believing what he had heard.

"How about . . " The young blonde began, stopping to contemplate what to say. " . . You love me too?" She asked, a grin growing on her face.

Ken couldn't hold in his happiness any longer and broke into an extremely wide grin. Half an hour ago he decided that the best thing to do would be to never see Kayleigh again, because he couldn't stand knowing that she didn't love him . . but she did. She loved him.

"I love you too." Ken whispered, still with a huge grin on his face, before finally sweeping her off of her feet and placing a passionate kiss on her lips.

As the pair pulled away from their long awaited embrace, Ken wrapped his arms around the young blonde tightly, not quite believing that he finally had the girl that he had loved for so long.

"Hmm, maybe we should go see the parents." Ken sighed after finally breaking the comfortable silence that seemed to have lasted a life time.

"Okay, but not yet . . " Kayleigh whispered, lifting her head from his shoulder and looking up into his bright green orbs. "I just want to spend as much time with you as possible . . I've already wasted way too much." She finished, becoming serious.

Nodding slightly, the young man placed another sweet kiss on his girlfriend's lips before he allowed her to lead him over to the hood of his car, where the pair climbed onto it and lay down entwined in each others arms, staring up at the beautiful night sky above them.

"Kennedy?" Kayleigh whispered.

"Hmm?" He asked, playing with her hair softly.

"What would I do without you?" She asked, turning to look at him with a grin on her face as she replayed the exact same moment they had the last time they were there.

"You'll never be without me, Kiwi." Ken smiled back, knowing full well that this time he wouldn't be leaving her, this time he'd be able to keep his promise.

After giving Kayleigh one last kiss, the young man turned his attention back up to the night sky and gazed at the bright stars before them. Letting out a small smile, he finally realized that everything had turned out perfectly for him. It had been stressful, eventful and sometimes even unbearable, but he knew that all of it had been worth it, because right now, the girl of his dreams was drifting off to sleep lay in his arms. . . and she loved him.