Summary: Bella is finally prepared to tell Charlie about her marriage with Edward. After an intense thought, Charlie decides to have Bella live with Edward before the actual wedding. How will the two live?
Love Life
"I can't believe you're making me do this Edward." I sighed, leaning my head onto the window facing the gorgeous face.
"Don't be ridiculous Bella, he's your own father. He has to know." Edward let out a crooked smile, not moving his eyes from the road. I sighed once more at the very thought of letting Charlie know that Edward Cullen proposed to me at the age of 18. I tried to think of Charlie's reaction. How embarrassing they would be- or hell, the things he would say that would make me regret that I'm living.
"Stop the car!"
Immediately I felt the Volvo's breaks screech and make a sharp turn. Edward's body gently rocked as the car managed to pull a stop and he stared into my eyes with confusion.
"What's wrong Bella?" He questioned as if he really didn't know what I was feeling.
"I can't do this- I can't tell Charlie, Edward."
He looked at me with his topaz eyes, then blinked once, and began to chuckle.
"Oh Bella." He whispered with his velvet voice, then pushing his seatbelt to release his upper body to come closer to me. His cold hands reached for my shoulder and drew me into his grasp for a gentle hug. I gently gasped at his cold chest on my collarbones, letting this cool atmosphere calm me.
"It's only fair Charlie knows. What's so wrong about him finally realizing how much I love you, care for you?" His voice rang in my eyes slowly. "Let him know Bella."
Edward's spell was cast, and I couldn't look away from his eyes. I nodded giving him a funny smile. He knew how easy it was to manipulate me.
"Fine." I growled with the small leftover pride.
He chuckled and kissed me lightly on my forehead and let go, putting his seat belt on once more and started to drive. As the familiar road guided us to my house, my heart began to beat faster and louder. I gave myself a nervous gulp and placed my hard fisted hands in my jacket's pocket. Finally the engine grew lower, then off to tell me that we have arrived to our destination- hell.
The living room lights were on, meaning Charlie was home after his shift. I managed to get out of the car safely and Edward was soon next to me, holding my waist.
"Any thoughts?" I whispered as we started to walk toward the door.
"He's watching the game right now, he just started to wonder when you'll be coming home."
Well that was a stupid question. Poor Charlie won't know what would hit him tonight, so peeking through his thoughts for precaution was stupid.
At the door step, I pulled out my keys and forced it to fit the lock and gently turned it. I sighed before opening the door and I felt Edward's hand tighten around my waist before he let go.
"I'm home, dad."
I spoke as Edward followed behind me. Charlie looked at me and nodded and then looked at Edward.
"Good evening Charlie." Edward greeted with his crooked smile.
"Sorry for making you skip dinner." I spoke after.
"It's alright Bells, you need a break from that anyway. I have some leftover pizza if you want." Charlie replied, moving from his seat as he watched both Edward and I come closer to sit with him.
I can't believe this is about to happen.
"What brings you here Edward?"
Usually, Edward drops me off and he goes, so by having Edward actually come in our house was unexpected. Like the news I was about to bring.
"Well, Bella and I have something to share with you." Edward sat straight in an elegant manner.
Charlie then tensed, even I could see in his posture. He lowered the volume with the remote and faced us again while clearing his throat.
"What is it?"
"It's not anything bad, dad. It won't be rushed either, right Edward?" I was hoping Edward granted as I emphasized the agreement.
He nodded and I let out a gentle sigh. I looked at Charlie's eyes, and he looked right at me. It's coming, dad.
"Well- what is it, then? You're killing me Bells."
"Edward and I'm getting married."
I blurted.
I never experienced the quietest five minutes of my life.
Nothing moved, nothing made noise it seemed- and I was just locked up in this 'dad losing his daughter' moment. I felt like crying.
I looked at Edward in the corner of my mind since he could obviously hear what Charlie was thinking, but Edward had this strange smile on his face. As if he was in content.
"I'm alive Bella," Charlie replied. "You- Edward Cullen."
"Yes sir."
"Are you sure about this? Do you swear to me that you will take care of Bella more than yourself?"
Oh no. Charlie was panicking.
"Yes, I swear." The godlike face never lost his composure and answered obediently.
"You will love Bella till the day you die?"
Then I saw Edward gently smile. "Forever, Charlie."
It was then Charlie let out a sigh and gave me such look I would never forget. Living most of my life with Renee almost blinded me to Charlie's love for me and I was only recently I began to live with him again. But just this look through his eyes, his expression that came from his tough, old heart- made me realize everything and anything of his love.
"Yes, dad." I almost choked on my words and gently I felt Edward's hand climb onto mine.
"You love him?"
I nodded, afraid that I would actually choke this time. But I kept my eye contact with Charlie to show my sincerity and Charlie nodded. He let out a small sigh and turned his posture to face the television.
"Come back tomorrow, Edward."
"I will."
And it was it. That was that.
Edward stood up and I followed him out the door. The air was cold and it seemed darker than usual.
"Stay inside Bella."
"Will you be coming tonight?"
Edward nodded and looked at me with comforting eyes.
"You did fine. Everything's going to be okay," I allowed myself to be held in his grasp.
"I love you." He spoke into my ear.
"I love you too."
He walked off and I saw his car leave onto the street.
A slow chapter? I'll get to the action soon enough. I hope you enjoyed and please let me know. Read and Review!