First off, sorry this is a little late, but FanFiction's annoying glitch with the log-in system prevented me from posting until now.

Second, here's the last chapter of "Weylan's Family", the traditional recorder's epilogue. No surprises, no sudden new twists, just me wrapping up all the remaining loose ends and set the scene for the future. I worked pretty hard on this epilogue, more than I did with the epilogue for "Weylan's Treasure" and skimmed through the story to make sure I had covered everything, and I believe I have.


Extract from the diary of Tim Churchmouse, Recorder of Redwall Abbey:

This past winter, the Winter of the Glistening Plains, has been a very cold and somewhat harsh winter. The first week or so of the winter brought lots and lots of so to the point that all of Mossflower Woods is very thoroughly caked with the substance, and then the temperature outside has dropped to extreme levels, freezing the snow, and I daresay any creature that spends too much time out there, solid. But when the sun shines on the snow-laden plains neighboring our abbey, the light glistens off of it in bright flecks of sparkles. It is said it is because of the frozen water in the snow that this happens.

But enough about the weather, and more about the happenings in the abbey. The Dibbuns are all restless at being forced to stay cooped up indoors where it's warmest. Out of all of them, little Kaeth is probably the worst. Just like her father before her, she is proving to be quite a troublesome little scamp. Marigold spends most of her days chasing after her, and grows quite tiresome of it. Regardless, Kaeth is growing into a beautiful young squirrel, and we all love her in our own ways.

And of course, where there's Kaeth, there's even younger Martin the Second. The two have developed a, shall we say, interesting friendship. As Martin's a season younger than Kaeth, Kaeth usually takes it upon herself to watch over him, and as Kaeth is a season older than him, Martin looks up to her immensely. As such, whenever Kaeth gets in trouble, Martin is usually dragged in along with her. He's a smart lad, though, and tends to be very sensible when thinking for himself. He takes after his father on that. He'll grow up to be a fine young mouse one day, of that we're all sure.

It's been quite peaceful at the abbey since Toka's siege. There has been no conflict taking place within Mossflower Woods for more than three seasons now, for which we're all thankful for, of course. Creatures have come, and creatures have gone. Nothing too eventful to report, actually. But we all keep busy, regardless. Matthias, now that he was retired from the post of champion warrior of Redwall, keeps busy helping around the abbey. He's starting to show his age now, but he won't admit it.

In fact, we're all showing our age in our own right. Abbot Mordalfus's fur has turned greyer still as of late, but that hasn't slowed him down. Other creatures such as Constance, Basil, and others are also turning greyer, but like everyone else, aren't keen to admit it. Constance is probably the most willing though, as she has officially turned her duties as Badger Mother on over to young Auma, who has taken to the task very well. Both Constance and Orlando are very proud of her.

Basil and Cheek recently returned from a trip to Salamandastron just before the snow fell, in which the two went and visited Basil's sister, Violet. According to Cheek, the trip went well, and it seems the two siblings have finally bonded together as brother and sister once more (although the two still bicker with each other constantly). Cheek also reports that our other friends and allies at the fire mountain are all doing well, though it was also reported that Lord Blackpaw is starting to show his seasons as well, and it's unclear just what the future will hold for him. Cheek claims that Basil was sent back to the abbey with a message to deliver to Orlando, but neither Basil nor Orlando will confirm it, so the message and what was on it remains a mystery.

And speaking of friends from afar, it of course should be noted that Weylan has been doing well over in Southsward. Upon his arrival there, he joined the otter guard and quickly rose through the ranks to become captain, like his grandfather before him, thanks to the blessings of both Captain Trey and King Jacob. Weylan did indeed take Valia's paw to wed upon his arrival as well, and the two have been living together happily.

Which brings me to more news. True to his word, Weylan has indeed been coming to visit the abbey regularly; once late in the summer, and again in the autumn. However, in a letter we received from him by messenger, Weylan regrets to announce that he will not be coming to visit this season for two reasons. First off, Southsward unexpectedly received a layer of snow this winter, a reported first for the area in fifteen seasons. While Weylan's overjoyed at this fact, having grown up with snowy winters, the Southswarders, used to more mild winters, are quite vexed at the weather and rarely leave their homes due to the cold.

But more importantly is the second reason Weylan is unable to visit. In his letter, he was quite pleased to announce that Valia had recently given birth to their first child, and as such would not be coming to visit until the babe grew to be a little older. It is a son, and was named Ardra Jude Mokeet Riverstryke by his father, better known as just Ardra. According to Tess, however, Mattimeo teased the name and sent a letter in reply asking what kind of name Ardra Jude Mokeet Riverstryke was. Weylan's answer was reportedly brief and to the point:

"If ye don't like th' name, then explain Matthias Methuselah Mortimer."

Mattimeo promptly dropped the subject after that.

As for me, I've been keeping busy myself as recorder and the tasks it presents, as well as my constant need to learn more about our history. As the past few seasons have been one of peace, I've spent a great deal of time sorting through chest containing the treasure of Martin the Warrior that was found during Toka's siege. There is quite a plethora of information and artifacts in there to be found that have given several insights into Martin himself and what life in Redwall Abbey during those early days was like. And there's still plenty more for me to sort through. It's become quite clear that we've all learned a great deal more about that period in our history, plus some. We've even learned more about Redwall itself now that we have all of Abbess Germaine's original blueprints available.

Speaking of which, I have taken the book and placed it away on my shelf. Preserved as well as it was for all those seasons, I fear that the book won't hold together forever, especially if everyone is constantly looking in it. Furthermore, I feel prompted to not examine the book in full like I have with everything else in Martin's treasure, as if there is some secret in there I'm not supposed to find in there. As such, the book is to stay on my bookshelf except for emergencies, when it could be of use again, such as it was during Toka's siege.

Which also leads me to another matter that I feel should be addressed. Everyone is still at a loss over the mystery of the drainage pipe that adjoins Great Hall with the gatehouse. It is unnaturally large for something of it's purpose, and it doesn't explain why it connects with Great Hall, nor why it wasn't sealed up along with the other drainage pipes that were built once the abbey was completed and were no longer needed. The popular belief is that somebeast somehow knew the pipe would be needed someday in the future and took steps to make sure it could be used, and I suppose that will just have to be explanation enough.

Despite the pipe's usefulness though, Abbot Mordalfus feared that should we ever get in such a situation again that the pipe could be used to the abbey's disadvantage next time, should it be discovered, and a party of moles examined the pipe in full and saw it's integrity was weakening and could someday collapse if something wasn't done about it. As such, Father Abbot ordered the pipe be filled in, and filled in it has, the task having been completed earlier this season (which I am thankful for, because I had to vacate the gatehouse for the duration of the chore, and missed having access to all the records stored there. Although, it was warmer in the main body of the abbey than it is out here in the gate house).

Father Abbot also brought up the same question regarding the tunnels that were dug during the even earlier siege of General Ironbeak, and were used against us inhabitants of Redwall by Toka. However, many vouch that was merely because Toka knew to look for them, and that the tunnels are structurally sound and therefore should be left open. And they have, but their use has been restricted, and they typically remain closed. A party of moles are to check up on the tunnels every summer from here on out. So while they are open now, they may not always stay that way. Only time will tell.

All in all, we have done well at Redwall. Currently, as we are merely working our way through a particularly cold winter, nothing eventful is planned to happen anytime soon. However, I did get a rumor from Friar Ben about a possible midwinter feast, which would probably add some luster to this dull winter. I've made note to inquire further on the matter, but it will wait for another day. My writing paw is growing sore and is already stained enough with ink. I believe it is time to draw this entry to a close, wash the ink off my claws, and as it is too cold to venture back to the main building and it will be some time still before the next meal of the day, I believe I will retire to my bed and curl up under the warm covers for an afternoon nap.

But before I do, I would like to, the reader, a happy day, and may your lives be as successful as ours. And remember that Redwall is open to any passing creature, hot or cold, day or night, rain or shine. We would welcome any visits from you or your friends. Until next time, then.

Tim Churchmouse (Recorder of Redwall Abbey in Mossflower country)

And so it ends. To answer the popular question if I intend to write more, it's yes. I would like to come back to Weylan and the gang in another fanfic (which will mostly like be aptly titled "Weylan's Return") but it will not be happening just yet, because I have a couple other Redwall fanfics I would like to write first.

First off is a interlude-like one-shot I'm working on titled "Zaran" and is showing signs of going well already. Hopefully it'll go as well as my last Redwall one-shot, "I Am That Is". Once that's done, I'll be starting a new multi-chapter fanfic titled "Warrior of Redwall" and will be a significant change from past Redwall fanfiction I've written. I'm very excited for it, and I think it'll come out very, very, well.

Until we meet again, then. :)