Konbanwa! My apologies for it being so long since I updated!!

I just remembered that I had written this a while ago. Fruits Basket has officially ended now, I'm rather sad, cause it was my first manga.

Disclaimer: Still don't own

045. Cold

She felt as cold as marble, lying on the ground.

My blood fast turned to ice.

Would she live, or would she die?

Would they hold me to blame?

I would be the prime suspect.

Akito; autumn tainted by the kiss of frost.

046. Soft

Her skin beneath my fingers; is soft like velvet cloth.

I love her, yet I fear her.

My ever changing autumn.

For now, she is frozen, but I shall lie in wait

For the day that her heart will thaw

and once more beat soft and true.

Whoever guesses whose perspective 46 was written from gets a special prize!!

Reviews are also greatly appreciated~