That And Nothing More

Chapter 2

FeatherWings: I haven't updated anything in so long. Too long.

Wanda ran down the hallway which stayed silently cast in shadow. Doors opened all around her as heads peeked out from behind. They whispered "What's going on?" and their voices filled the silence. The hallway stretched out before her and echoed her every thought. 'Pietro!' she cried, 'Pietro!'

She threw the door to his room open and her eyes rested on the sleeping figure, then to the little white pills scattered on the floor. 'Pietro!' she tried to step forward but found herself nearly paralyzed, all she could do was walk at a snail's pace.

Upon reaching the bed, she touched his forehead feeling that it was ice-cold. His lips were tinted blue. Wanda's face was streaked with tears and she was almost unable to speak. All she could manage to whisper was, "Pietro."

Wanda woke in a cold sweat. She felt as if she were still in the nightmare. She could not move, she could not speak; all she could do was stare up at the ceiling and hope that reality would spare her the heartache.

There was a knock at her door and she turned her head to welcome the visitor. Todd, the unwelcome visitor.

"Hey, Honey! You alright? It's lunchtime, you know." he hopped to her bedside.

"It's what?" she asked.

"Lunchtime." he repeated as she put a hand to her forehead.

"How's Pietro?" she asked, still thinking of her dream.

"What? Oh, he's fine. I guess. Why?"

"Nothing." she swung her feet over the side of the bed and cradled her head in her hands feeling a wave of dizziness take over. "It's nothing..." She was tired, so tired. Everything seemed distant and she felt detached from the world. Was this how Pietro felt all the time?

"You alright, Wanda? You don't look so good yo..."

"I'm fine. It's nothing really..."

"Can't you give me something?" Pietro asked Hank. "I haven't slept in six days!" Hank continued his work even while listening to the white haired mutant. He was grinning, thinking that Pietro seemed very different than he had when he first arrived. Though many people would not be able to tell, he seemed more open and relaxed. But perhaps it was just the sleep deprivation.

"Like what? Sleeping pills?" Pietro nodded. "You don't need sleeping pills, Pietro. This doesn't count as insomnia. Six days does not make you an insomniac." Hank tried to make it very clear.

"Then what does?" Pietro followed the blue mutant as he walked around the room. He was starting to get in the way but Hank didn't say anything. He always seemed to stay calm and collected.

"Pietro, what's really going on? Why can't you sleep?" he looked him square in the eyes but Pietro shrugged his shoulders. "Think."

"Okay, maybe I feel guilty?"

"About your friend, right?"

"How did you-?"

Hank walked out of the room. "You don't need sleeping pills, Pietro." he called to him. Pietro sighed and leaned on the table behind him unknowingly knocking a pile of papers over. Pietro jumped and reached for them as they fluttered to the ground and just like that they slowed and stopped mid-air.

"What...the...?" A few seconds later they moved again and continued their descent. He stood up slowly and gazed at the papers in confusion. He looked down at his hands, peeking out from the sleeves of his navy blue hoody which he now wore often because he usually felt cold. Countless thoughts raced through his head and he found himself unable to stop them.

"Okay. I'm not fine." Wanda muttered as she dragged herself out of her room. She was still in her pajamas and not thinking straight.

"Wanda! Let me get someone!" Todd hopped out after her and reached for her. She pulled away.

"No!" She turned her face in the opposite direction.

"Why not?" she didn't answer him. "That's it. I'm getting Dr. McCoy..." Todd hopped away down the hall. Wanda leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. Her face was flustered and even though she had slept all morning, she was still tired.

"Pietro!" she called out, still shaking him. "Why won't you wake up, you idiot!?"

Pietro's mouth moved and she brought her ear closer to hear. But all he did was repeat her name over and over.

"Why'd you do it? Why? I need you! You're my brother, god damnit!" she brushed away stray strands of hair from his face. "Now wake up!" she buried her face in his chest. "Wake...up!"

"Wanda..."Pietro said as he sat by her bedside in the infirmary. "You sure she's alright?" he asked Hank who was picking up the papers Pietro had knocked over. Hank looked up at him.

"She'll be fine with a few days rest." he answered calmly. "Shouldn't you get some rest as well?"

"I'm not tired." Pietro looked at Wanda's sleeping form. "What's wrong with her?"

"I told you. It's just that virus that's been going around. A few of the others had it too." Pietro's eyes fell to the ground. Hank smiled then frowned. "How did you knock these over again?" he said trying to change the subject. Pietro was silent a moment. "I was clumsy. Sorry about that."

"Pietro?" Wanda's voice was cracking and tears filled her eyes ready to flow down her flushed cheeks.

"Wanda!" Pietro stood up quickly. Dr. McCoy rushed over as well.

"Pietro, why don't you go get her a glass of water?" Pietro nodded and hurried off. "How are you feeling, Wanda?" her tears were flowing freely now as she struggled to sit up. Dr. McCoy helped her.

"Was I...?"

"Dreaming? Probably. Fevers do tend to give people strange dreams. Were they very bad?"

"They were just dreams...nightmares..." her eyes wandered around the room. She felt unable to rest.

Pietro entered the dark kitchen. He thought it was unusually small for a mansion. He thought this every time he entered and by now he knew where everything was even if it had only been about a week since he came to the mansion. He had learned that many of the other mutants had gone away for spring break which he had completely forgotten about.

He filled a glass full of tap water. It was cold against his skin. It made him realize just how cold the whole mansion was and he began to shiver. 'Something doesn't feel right..." he thought, staring into his reflection in the water. It felt as if the whole room was shaking with him until he was.

"Pietro." a stern voice said from behind him, startling him and making his whole body tense. He dropped the glass of water and it went shattering to the floor as he turned to meet the gaze of his father. "Where have you been, Pietro? I was...concerned." Pietro's eyes widened. He remained silent and unable to do a thing. "Well?" Magneto's voice was filled with annoyance and that's what set him off.

Pietro reached behind him and pulled out a knife from a wooden knife holder. Then, before Magneto could register what his son was doing, Pietro dug the knife deep into Magneto's side.

He stepped back, stunned at what he had just done.

To be continued...

FeatherWings: Don't worry I already started the next chapter. I'll try to get it up soon!

Erikstrulove: Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

When love and death embrace: I'm sorry you had to wait so long!

Ac-chan: Please forgive me for being so slow with updating!

MINX loves sequels!: Thank you for reading this story too!

Zukosgal21: Please keep reading!

ragni mithrim: I'm sorry you had to wait!